Tea Time and Tee Time — 2 to 4 ~by Guest Author



Guest Author : N.L.
Name withheld on request.

Confirmation of Veronika West’s Golf Course Dream:

I’ve been praying into President Trump’s protection on a daily basis as we all have. But most especially since my dream:

I was dozing off when I heard this in a Dream around 1:00 am, August 1, 2024:

“Tea Time and Tee Time — 2 to 4”

I sensed in my spirit danger was lurking for President Donald John Trump.

I had been including him and his family along with a long list of names, cities, states, the Nation, nations, along with family, friends, waterways, refineries, highways, etc. prior to declaring Psalm 91 and other scriptures.

I then began to intercede daily for 45/46 days with greater urgency as of today, September 15.

I also sent it out to prayer warrior Intercessors for The President’s prayer coverage.

The number of days, 45-46, I believe represents President Trump being elected the 45th and 46th president.

Thank God he was spared yet another time.


My Daily Decree & Prayer:

I speak the Blood of Jesus, Psalm 91 protection over Pres. Donald John the Beloved Trump on the Golf Course Greens especially when he is teeing off — but at all times!

No danger, No harm, No weapon formed against him shall prosper! And every tongue that rises against him will be refuted and returned to the sender!

He will not take another bullet nor even have to dodge a bullet or arrow, poisoning, nor any other form of attack. In Jesus’ Name!

His airplane will fly freely, untouched by enemy’s hand, in the Name of Jesus!

No jail time! Tea Time 2-4 Melania, Baron, DonJr/Lara, Eric, Ivanka/Jared K, Tiffany/family.

~ N.L.


Materials used by kind permission of the original author.

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