America, Ship Wrecked or Ship Shape? — You Choose! ~by Veronika West



So friends, on Friday the 14th of September 2024, I suddenly heard The Spirit say these Words, “I say to America — Ship Wrecked or Ship Shape? — You Choose!”

As my day progressed, those Words kept echoing loudly in my Spirit again and again — ”America, Ship Wrecked or Ship Shape? — You Choose!”

As I sat down to write a few emails, suddenly my phone pinged and the following Prophetic Word popped up that I submitted on the 14th September 2021.

Suddenly God had all my attention! God was speaking!

Please, please read and heed the warnings within!

“God is calling a battle-worn Nation to nail their colours to the mast.

A battle-cry of “No Surrender! No Retreat!”

Trump will be driven like a sharp peg into a firm place!”

I quote: This resonated powerfully.

  1. What is God calling The Nation of America to throw over board?
    That which had weighed it down in the midst of the storm.
  2. What is God calling the nation to relinquish and let go of?
  3. What cargo must go that will lighten the load and prevent the ship from sinking?

See that related Prophetic Word:

“America, Set as a Signet Ring Nation (Part 2)“


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West Veronika West

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