Why Am I Level 1 in MW3?


MW3 has been acting up today, leaving many players unable to play. Apparently, the servers are down, and the devs are working on a fix, so there’s no need to try out and reset your routers and PCs or consoles.

Additionally, some players had noticed that when they entered the game, it showed them that they were level 1. Naturally, everyone would be concerned if they had their rank reduced overnight, but did that really happen here? Keep reading to learn more about the latest error in MW3.

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MW3 Level 1 Error

You don’t need to worry if you hopped into MW3 only to see your level is reduced to 1. This is part of a wider server problem that is being fixed. Call of Duty Updates account on X (former Twitter) acknowledged the problem and announced that they were working on a solution.

When all is settled, the progress on your challenges and unlocked items should be back where it was. With the upcoming weekend and the double XP active right now, this is the worst time for an error like this one. I can say that the server gods weren’t on COD’s side today.

This Happened Before

An MW3 error like today’s, which hinted to players that their data might be corrupted or lost, has already occurred in December 2023, as you can see in this tweet. Both December and current February errors happened at the start of a new season. This might give us an insight into what we can expect in the future, but hopefully, the team behind MW3 can fix it before season 3, and everybody can just sit back and shoot without having to worry too much!

We hope you get back to your game ASAP! For more MW3 content, see Is Golden Enigma Bugged in MW3? and Is EOD Padding Gear Bugged in MW3.

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