Physicals: A Life-Saving Act of Love for Your Marriage


The last couple of weeks, Lori and I have both done what we affectionately call “The Butt Cam”. Also called a colonoscopy by some.

Not my favourite way to spend a few hours, but it’s really an amazing thing that they can remove precancerous polyps and keep you from getting one of the most common, and deadliest cancers we face.

A lot of men ignore doctors. When we’re young, we can more or less get away with that, but as we get older, an annual physical can save your life. Or keep you from pain or disability. In addition to finding problems, an annual physical sets a baseline for your body that could be helpful later.

The current guidelines call for a man to have a physical every five years under the age of fifty, and yearly after that. I’ve mentioned before that an annual physical when I was 58 found a condition that would have done significant harm to me before I had any symptoms.

This is a marriage issue because it’s rude to die on your wife when you could easily have avoided it. So man up and do it!

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with
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