la poesía dominicana frente a los avatares…” – Repeating Islands


    As part of its 35th cycle of Caribbean Conferences—Conferencias Caribeñas 35—the Institute of Caribbean Studies at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras (UPR-RP) invites the academic community and the general public to the second lecture of this series, “Norberto James Rawlings: la poesía dominicana frente a los avatares de la ciudad democrática” [Norberto James Rawlings: Dominican poetry facing the vicissitudes of the democratic city] by Dr. Néstor E. Rodríguez (University of Toronto). The commentator will be Dr. Melanie Pérez Ortiz (UPR-RP).

    This event will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 1:00pm (AST), in Room 238 of the Ramón Emeterio Betances Building (REB 238), School of Social Sciences, UPR-RP. 

    Description: This lecture examines the poetry of Norberto James Rawlings in search of clues to reflect on a subject in conflict with the project of political modernity after the civil war of 1965 and the consolidation of the neoliberal order in the Dominican Republic.

    The talk will be broadcast via YouTube

    For more information, please write to or to the director, Dr. Don E. Walicek, at or call 787-763-2943 ext. 87737.

    [For upcoming lectures, also see our previous post Conferencias Caribeñas 35 (2024). Photo above from]

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