Discover Renewal and Restoration in the Arms of the Father


One evening, I sat down with my family to read the second
chapter of the Book of Joel from the NLT translation. As we made our way
through the verses, we paused at verse 25, where we found ourselves caught up
by the play on words: 

“The Lord
says, “I will give you back what you lost
to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts. It was I who sent this
great destroying army against you.”

The reason we got stuck on this verse was, admittedly,
because of a cheeky question from one of my kids: “Just how many locusts are
there?” We laughed at the detailed descriptions: swarming, hopping, stripping,
and cutting locusts. Each type seemed to add to the gravity of the destruction
described. But beyond the humor, the verse resonated with me on a deeper level.
It reminded me of how challenges can come at us relentlessly, often in
different forms but with the same destructive intent.


After our brief sidetrack, we returned to our reading and
were refreshed by what came next in verse 26:

“Once again you will have all the food
you want,
 and you will praise the Lord your
who does these miracles for you. Never again will my people
be disgraced.”

What a relief. The promise of restoration, of abundance, and
of dignity restored.


If you’ve had a “locust-like” experience this
year—if life has thrown challenge after challenge at you—take heart. God’s
promise to restore is not just a hopeful sentiment; it’s a certainty. Even
before God lists the types of locusts, He assures us in verse 25 that He will
restore what was lost.

But this promise comes with a call to action. Let’s take a
step back to verse 12:

“That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while
there is time.
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.”

God’s promises of restoration start with a heartfelt return
to Him. It’s an invitation to reflect on our relationship with God. Are our
priorities aligned with His? Are we fully turning to Him in our times of need,
or are we holding back? Today is an excellent opportunity to begin again, to
realign our hearts with God’s will.


Our loving God is eager to transform our hearts and revive
our spirits. He understands our fragility and how easily we can be overwhelmed
by the trials of life. Despite what we may have done to deserve His wrath, His
mercy is always there, waiting for us to turn back to Him.


Remember, God’s promise of restoration is more than just a
hope—it’s a guarantee. When we turn to Him with all our hearts, we will find
restoration in his loving arms.




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