Live From Home [Saturday, December 12, 2020]


Welcome to “Live From Home” with Rabbi David Levine and Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue in Jacksonville, FL.

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V’shamroo v’nay Yisrael
et ha Shabbat
La’ahsote et ha shabbat
l’dorotam breet ohlahm

Baynee oo’vain b’nay Yisrael
Ote he ot he l’olahm

Key shayshet yameem ahsa Adonai
Et hashamayeem v’et haahretz

Oo’vayom hahshvee
Oo’vayom hahshv-e-e ah
Shavath vayeenafahsh



Verse 1
Lefanecha ani mishtachave al birkai
Noten lecha samchut… al kol yamai
Ahalel otcha lanetsach ki ata Adonai
Ata levadcha Yeshua…simchat chayai.
Chorus 1
Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh a – tah!
Kadosh, kadosh a – tah!
Verse 2
I worship before you, Lord. I’m down on my knees.
Giving You all my days, my God, my King.
I will praise You forever, Lord, for You are Adonai.
You alone, Yeshua, are the joy of my life!
Chorus 2
Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord!
Holy, holy are You, Lord!



I recall the endless grace of Adonai
and the countless words of praise He deserves
because of all He has granted us.
Because of His great good – ness,
He saves us! He saves us! (chorus)
Ever true to the greatness of Your grace
The Angel of Your Presence came to save
For the sake of Your people, You became:
Our Savior!
Our Savior, our Salvation!
Raise a banner, raise it high for all to see!
Sing, “Return, O Yisrael, be redeemed!
In all your trials, he has suffered with you,
And in His love, he rewards Himself with you—
Salvation comes! Salvation comes!
You save us!
We worship You!



Verse 1 (Hebrew)
Mi ye-ma-lel g’vu-rot yis-ra-el?
O-tan mi yim-neh?
Hen be-khol dor ya-kum ha-gi-bor go-el ha-am. (repeat)

Sh’ma! Ba-yo-mim ha-hem ba-z’man ha-zeh,
Ma-ka-bi mo-shi-a u-fo-deh,
u-v’ya-me-nu kol am Yis-ra-el,
yit-a-bed ya-kum le-hi-ga-el.

Verse 2
Who can retell the things that befell us?
Who can count them?
In ev’ry age, a hero or sage came to our aid! (repeat)

Hear! In those days in Israel at this time,
Maccabeus saved and freed all tribes.
In our days united we arise,
To stand with God and serve Him with our lives.

Verse 3
Who can retell the ways Adonai has
blessed His people?
For ev’ry age, Messiah He gave for all mankind! (repeat)

Hear! Messiah came to Israel at this time,
Revealed to be the light for all mankind.
In our days His light still brightly shines;
He saves us through his blood and sacrifice.

Who can retell the ways Adonai has
blessed His people?
For ev’ry age, Messiah He gave for all mankind! (repeat)
