Do Not Fear


I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears”

(Psalm 34:4)

The most frequent command in the Bible is “do not fear.” Yet it rarely seems that simple. Learn how – with God’s help – you can overcome your fears and move forward in faith.

Are you often overwhelmed with feelings of foreboding . . . even when things are going well? Do you frequently find the muscles in your neck tightening and your stomach churning when in unfamiliar situations or places? Fear is like a chain around your heart—it paralyzes, entraps, and enslaves. Discover how to move from fear to faith—from panic to peace. Understand the love and power of Christ in your life as you depend on Him for strength and help in every fearful situation you face.

A moderate sense of fear may be considered normal, even healthy. It may be simply an awareness of impending danger—a defense mechanism. It may be just the pounding heart, flushed face, and sweaty palms in anticipation of being called on in class or being asked to make a speech at a meeting. Fears may be in reaction to imagined or real circumstances. They can be acute or chronic. Many fearful people tend to infect others with their anxieties and tensions.

What role does this emotion play in your life?

Immobilizer or energizer … foe or friend? What you do in the face of fear identifies its role in your life. Instead of being paralyzed, allow your fear to move you to entrust your life to the Lord. Come to see the Lord as your only place of safety. He promises that He will not only be with you and He will also lead you through your frightening worries. Whether fleeting or chronic, God will be with us through His Holy Spirit as our Great Comforter every step of the way.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Isaiah 43:1-2

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