We Explore Different Visualization TechniquesIn Meditation


In this article and video we look at the different visualization techniques used in meditation.

3 Different Visualization Techniques

There are three main types of visualization. The first, which I’m sure you’re familiar with, is simply visualizing something relaxing. For instance, visualizing yourself sitting by the sea or in a calm, peaceful setting.

The benefit of this type of visualization is that it is highly effective for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Indeed, it is one of the best meditations for relaxation.

The second type of visualization is memory-based visualization, where we bring to mind memories of times when we displayed specific character strengths. For instance, we will remember times in life when we were very confident. This type of visualization helps in recalling those positive emotions and reproducing the feeling of those strengths.

The third type is visualizing the future, where we see ourselves doing something positive in the future, which helps with goal setting and creating a sense of motivation. We’ll be doing all three types of visualization in this session.

1) Visualization for Relaxation

One of the most popular visualization techniques for stress relief is to imagine yourself in a peaceful, serene environment, such as a park, by the sea, or on a mountaintop. Studies show that by visualizing ourselves in these peaceful natural environments, we experience many of the same psychological benefits as if we were physically there.

Try this visualization exercise.

Visualize yourself sitting in the sunlight. There is a warm, yellow sun above you, and you see that sphere of yellow light beaming down, warming your body. You are sitting or lying on fresh green grass, feeling the little blades tickling your body. You can smell the fragrance of the clean, crisp grass in the air around you. You hear birdsong, and there is a gentle breeze on the air, rustling the leaves in the trees. In the distance, you hear the faint trickle of water flowing downstream.

When we practice relaxation meditation using guided imagery, we want to involve all of our senses as vividly as we can. That’s why we feel the grass on our skin, the sunlight warming us, hear the birdsong and the water, and smell the fresh air mixed with the scent of grass. By engaging all our senses, we make the visualization more effective for relaxation and mental well-being.

2) Visualizations Based On Memories

Let’s move to our second visualization technique. One of the most powerful visualization methods is using memory-based visualization to recall times when we demonstrated particular character strengths, such as confidence, resilience, or kindness. If we want to feel confident, we visualize memories of times when we felt particularly confident. This process recreates that feeling in the present moment and helps us tap into those strengths.

Try the following visualization exercise.

Choose one character strength you’d like to feel—confidence, love, motivation, or inspiration, for example. Now, bring to mind a time in your life when you keenly felt that strength. Choose a memory from your past when you felt this way. If it takes time for your mind to find a memory, that’s perfectly fine—just be patient. As the memory forms, begin to explore it. Where were you? Who were you with, or were you alone? What were you wearing? What could you see?

Now, focus on the auditory elements. What could you hear in this memory? Can you recall any tastes or scents? Allow all these sensory details to enter your mind. As you relive this memory, notice the subtle energy and emotion that you were feeling at the time. Gently investigate that energy and emotion, inviting it to be with you now.

This is one of the most effective ways we use guided visualization for building confidence, resilience, or other desirable traits. You may already notice yourself feeling more like how you felt in the memory—more confident, loving, or inspired.

3) Future Visualization Exercise

We have one more type of visualization meditation technique to explore: future visualization. This type of guided meditation helps with motivation, goal setting, and creating positive outcomes for future events. We can use future visualization to motivate ourselves for upcoming events, increase confidence, and reduce anxiety. For example, if you have a workplace presentation you’re nervous about, you can visualize yourself feeling confident and successful while giving the presentation. This practice helps train your mind to associate confidence with the event, making it more likely you’ll feel confident when the time comes.

Choose something you have planned or something you’d like to do in the near future. Once you’ve chosen, repeat the name of that event to yourself a few times to help focus on it. Now, see yourself in that event. Use all your senses to paint a vivid picture of what this event will be like.

If you notice any nervousness or negative thoughts creeping in, remind yourself that these are just thoughts and feelings—they are not reality. By doing this, you’ll release the negative emotions tied to the event. Visualize yourself approaching this event confidently and happily.

Here’s a helpful trick: When visualizing, if your mind presents challenges or objections, acknowledge them and then show your mind a solution. For instance, if you’re visualizing a presentation and your mind says, “I haven’t prepared enough,” instead of fighting that thought, thank your mind and visualize yourself preparing more to feel confident. This method trains your mind to offer solutions to its own challenges.


Guided visualization meditation is a powerful tool because it engages the imagination, helping us communicate with the subconscious mind. By using visualization, we can reduce stress, boost confidence, recall positive emotions, and prepare for future events with success and confidence.

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