Turnaround! ~by Yvonne Coombs


Geese flying in V-formation. (C) Susan Huppi

On the 12th of September 2024, I took my doggy on our usual walk in the fields.

I was praying, and saw a large flock of Canada geese going west the opposite way to me.

They were around 500 yards (500m) across from me in another field with trees that made it difficult for me to see them properly, and as I spoke my disappointment out loud, within a split second they flew directly North toward me over the trees, and to my amazement, they flew a tight 360° around my head, 10 feet (3m) above me and flew back to where they came from and continued to go West.

As you can imagine, I burst into tears, because I knew this was a divine moment and message for us.

There were seventeen (17) of these beautiful creatures and seventeen (17) means Victory, biblically.

The meaning of the number seventeen (17), is that of “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory“!

God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the seventeenth of the second Hebrew month.

Noah’s ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on Tishri 17 (the seventh month of the Hebrew sacred calendar).

Jesus Christ gained a complete victory over death and the grave when God resurrected him near sunset on Nisan 17 (Saturday, April 8, 30 A.D.).

The LORD is saying that what is impossible for man is possible for God, and that he can use anyone, and anything, at any time, to bring FULL TURNAROUND!

There is to be a full turnaround and resurrection of all that the enemy tried to steal from His Children who have stood in Faith.

We have entered into a season, even a moment, that coincides with the new Hebrew year of 5785, (5= grace) to be encouraged that all things are possible with the God of the Bible and He is about to show off and show up!

So what do we do? Energy efficient flight

Each goose flies a little higher than the goose in front of it. One explanation for the formation is that the front bird breaks the headwind so the birds behind it can draft along the airflow from the front.

We are to rely on the Ruach wind of God and not our own strength.

We are to lift each other’s arms and take our places at a moment’s notice, to move to the front, or to move to the back.

Those at the front will need their arms lifted in encouragement and prayer, whilst those who go to the back to rest, need the same care, as they are prepared to move forward again.

Those who have surrendered to this preparation, are being raised to a higher place of spiritual and natural authority.

Therefore, The LORD is desiring us to be URGENT in intercessory prayer for the body and each other.

If we heed to Ephesians 6, (spiritual warfare) and John 13:34 (love one another) we can also fly in God‘s peace and victory.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I AM going to The Father, and I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that The Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:12-13.

Geese © Susan Huppi

~ Yvonne Coombs

Yvonne Coombs image Yvonne Coombs. Please also see Yvonne’s Prophetic Art here at “Yvonne’s Paintings” on Facebook and on Instagram @y.coombs.art.

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