Never Alone ~by June Sheltrown Reinke



“I AM with you always,” says The LORD.

“You never need to be alone. I will wrap you in My arms of love, and hold you close to Me.

“You are My beloved child, and nothing can keep Me from you. You are precious and priceless to Me.

“Trust in My love for you that is infallible and continual. For nothing can separate you from My love or from Me.

“I will stay faithfully by your side and hold you up and keep you from falling or failing. You are greatly beloved of Me,” says The LORD.

“I will never put a stumbling block in front of you, and you will not be in a maze, to confuse you or puzzle you or distract you,” says The LORD.

“For I will not only enlighten the path before you, but I will make it straight. You need not be confused. For I did not bring you into confusion.

“The enemy is the cause of that. I Am the cure! I will take you by the hand and lead you gently on, for you will never fall as I hold you up and keep you steady on your feet. It is My love for you that you can depend upon, and you will never know Me to be unfaithful to you, ever,” says The LORD.


~ June Sheltrown Reinke

June Sheltrown ReinkeDr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.

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