solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog’s monochromatic phuffle restaurant


multi-functional staircase anchors restaurant by Too.architects


In the Bankog-based Phuffle Restaurant and Café, architectural firm Too.architects combines architecture with social space through a layout centered around a main multi-functional staircase. Anchoring both its structural and social roles, this staircase is a link between the ground floor and upper level, as well as across spaces. A greyscale palette through washed sand on lower walls and floors, brushed stainless steel, and wooden-stamped concrete walls fills the space with a harmonious and tactile ambiance. Three different voids enhance the space experience: the main one embraces the stairs, the second introduces a court with filtered natural light and air, and the third opens the visual between Slow Bar and Main Bar on two different levels. The design responds to its urban context by using a solid concrete facade on the second floor to mitigate noise and visual distraction from the main road while maintaining transparency and openness on the ground level with large glass panels.

solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurant
all images courtesy of Too.architects



lighting in Phuffle Restaurant shifts as the night falls in bankog


The staircase in the center of the café-restaurant also functions as a practical circulation element and a social platform, symbolizing the flow between spaces. Its interaction with light, movement, and materiality creates an interplay between dining, socializing, and art exhibitions. Too.architects incorporates adaptive lighting that changes from cool 12000K in the daytime to warm 1800K at night to reflect natural changes in the environment and allow for multiple functions throughout the day. making the restaurant versatile—from casual dining to more intimate gatherings. The Thai firm uses prefabricated structures to ensure precision and efficiency, mostly for the floating staircase, which has to be adaptable for structural solidity and appearance. 

solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurant
in the Bankog-based Phuffle Restaurant and Café Too.architects combines architecture with social space

solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurant
the layout is centered around a main multi-functional staircase

solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurant
anchoring both its structural and social roles, this staircase is a link between the ground floor and upper level

solid exterior minimizes visual noise in bankog's monochromatic phuffle restaurant
a greyscale palette through washed sand on lower walls and floors fills the space

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