The Cycle of Addiction


No one enters this life with even the slightest thought of engaging in behavior that will develop into an enslaving addiction. Nonetheless, many develop addictions later on through simple repetition of behavior that appears, at least temporarily, to satisfy a deep desire or meet a neglected need. The progression of this “cycle” that both leads to addiction and then perpetuates it generally looks something like the following: 

  • Past Pain … motivation for finding a way to ease the continual hurt of past experiences (Proverbs 14:13). 
  • Mood-altering activity… attempting to temporarily relieve emotional or psychological pain (Psalm 13:2). 
  • Addiction … unbridled participation in mood-altering activities on a regular basis (Romans 6:20–21).
  • Violating values … breaking your own personal convictions by engaging in mood-altering, addictive behaviors (2 Chronicles 29:6). 
  • Guilt … feeling conscience-stricken for having wrong attitudes and committing wrong actions (Psalm 38:4). 
  • Shame … believing that you are a bad person who is without worth or hope because of your addictions (Psalm 44:15). 
  • Present Pain … motivation for finding a way to ease the continual pain produced by the shame that accompanies addictive behaviors

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