A Wave of Anguish — Enough is Enough! ~by Sherry Edwards Mackey


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While I was in prayer God gave me an Analogy.

I saw myself as a dog, and I was under a large table with legs and there were a lot of people there and there were crumbs that fell to the floor from my master’s table.

Normally I expected to receive crumbs, but The LORD stopped me and said, “Stop groveling at the feet of these people who will never love you or love Me!”

Stop begging them to listen! They cannot hear you anymore! There is a deaf and dumb spirit released.”

But this time, was very different.

I was shocked, and felt this in my gut as The LORD told me, “Take this Analogy and put your mind to remembrance!”

Those The LORD has shown me, “Those who hate you, lie about you, reject you in disobedience, rejection, anger, rage and hostility with malice, are jealous and prideful and have, by what they knowingly gave you — the least of the least — and have emotionally abused you.

What they have done to you, is as if they kicked you like a dog under the table.

I AM saying for those who stand in the middle, that they will have to choose who they will stand by — or won’t!

For I speak to you now — never — never ever, bow down like a dog to anyone ever again.

Never return to that place of being nothing and nobody, and never allow yourself to receive abuse ever again — no matter what type of abuse!

For I have made you something that I designed for My Purposes.

For I have heard their stout words against Me — day in and day out — and I heard your Prayers. You have interceded twenty-four years and I have heard you every time.

I have pulled you up from the floor to set you with me at My Table.

I have made you worthy to receive My Gifts and sit with Me…

But now hear and listen! You cannot make them love you, or forgive you, or want to be around you.

Do not compromise again!

Keep your head up and be civil towards them — but you move forward!

You don’t have to prove yourself or your innocence.

Your life has been chosen and preserved, just as wine is prepared in the lone dark cellar vats and floor.

I have chosen this year to uncork your vintage of twenty-four years, as of September 21, 2024.”

The LORD told me, “Stop groveling at the feet of these people who will never love you!”

To be honest, this command to stop caused me to weep a while, because God let me know my part of their lives was done — and I had to move on!

That was the shocking statement God clearly gave me.

But then I asked, “How do I behave when they are around me?”

The LORD told me, “Just be civil to them, because you can’t make them love you.”

What I received from The LORD was difficult for me to accept, because I remembered family and people I knew in that list, and now instead of groveling at their feet to try to make them love me, God told me to, “Stop — and move on!

When you are around them, just be civil just like anyone on the street.

Stop casting your pearls before swine, and stop sharing precious things I only intend for your eyes only, or shared with My Precious Ones.

They are back stabbers and they take what information I have give to you, and they mock, laugh, ridicule — and they manifest hateful jealousy!

Yes, in truth — they would rather that you were dead!”

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame,“ Song of Songs 8:6 NKJV

“My Spirit will not always strive with man, so do not share godly information!

They take the information and twist the meanings to everyone in their circle, and they will turn on you and gnash their teeth against you — like a rabid dog!

I have elevated you in ways you don’t understand fully, but when it happens, you will know what is necessary for you are equipped for this.

In this very serious time, it is needful for the hour you are living in — and the transition I have positioned you into, shall come to fruition. Selah, Selah!”

Samuel grieved over what was hard to accept, that God said King Saul didn’t do The Will of God — and because of his rebellion and stubbornness, God said He removed Saul’s anointing and removed him from being King.

When God says “Enough!” When God says “Enough!” — it comes to those who walk contrary to God’s Will and Mind — that it is enough!

I don’t always agree with people, but I love and pray for many.

God has kept me corporately quiet over a year or so, and to become silent in most situations, as The LORD what is teaching me is powerful!

When we find that place of silence, and just be at peace with God — it is very powerful!

In this place I have experienced such peace and I want to always hear Him. So, I practice quiet, silence, and solace. Peace is incredible!

When God calls you to Fast and Pray, beloved brothers and sisters, He wants our undivided attention, and in that I love The LORD so much more.

I don’t always have to agree to be a sister — or agree with a brother.

We know what makes us family, and that is Jesus Christ!

There’s no competition here. My goals are humility, compassion, kindness, discipline — and that as I decrease — so He increases!

I am learning continuously to die daily, and I seek not great things for me — but for Him. That is a great reward!

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law,” Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV.

God will not make anyone love Him!

God gave The Church a Covenant, ratified in His own Blood.

If you received Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior, you are a believer and you were saved by Jesus Christ.

He stamped you, addressed you, and sealed you with a kiss of The Holy Spirit of Promise, that for all eternity is your address in heaven.

The LORD accomplished and provided everything you would need, from the new birth and all through this temporal life — by the Power of His Name, Jesus Christ.

Have you ever wept over a soul for a very long time? Did it take days, and did it vex you?

However, you were determined; you were not going to stop!

Have you ever had God tell you to stop and move on, before? I am very interested in your answer….

Learning to be silent and listen with compassion, love and with kindness, has a great reward.

My, my, I can’t help but say: “He is my exceedingly great reward!”

When anyone reaches up to the pie-in-the-sky and steps on others to advance upward, they will find at the top there is nothing left except burnt-out believers who have mastered manipulation, legalism, religion, tradition and burn-out.

We want God — but it can become a ritual of work.

There are so many works — and more works — that we forget about Relationships, but especially, we have no time for God.

Sure, the works are seen, but the motive of the works has not been godly!

I don’t think people really see how dangerous it can be when people become religious, prideful, spiteful, hateful, jealous, factions and openly arrogant, though they say they love God. But by their actions they prove they don’t!

Religious spirits are dangerous in many ways.

Do you realize that once someone makes that high-tower of self, and becomes totally burnt-out, they are easy pickings for buzzards of depression and great falls — and disillusionment too — that can do so much damage to the person, as well as their family and people whom they went to Church with?

As I was writing, I felt a wave of anguish and weeping overtake me and I prayed for those who were tossed aside, and in whom gossip and slander had taken over, to “own their own way of thinking”.

They thought they have the right to murmur or complain. But God is not happy, amid their contention, and strife and outright hatred for speaking curses, because they have no more power to do anything.

Their confusion and curses will find them out — for we reap what we sow.

Serving Christ and His People — and winning souls — makes us wise.

When we learn how to die to this life and live according to God’s way, by The Holy Spirit, the Word becomes flesh in us when we die daily, dead to the flesh, but alive unto God.

It’s not I who live — but Christ who lives in me! (Galatians 2:20) Your life is like a fishbowl for all to see.

Becoming transparently clear takes a long time, but once attained, in that place of ‘dead men walking,’ there is a freedom and liberation that comes, as you step over into it, and have no problem being obedient to God.

Dead men are in the ground, they are in shrines, and in urns. However, there are those who exist every day and who are ‘dead men walking.’

There are souls we come across in our lives. Have we held out a branch to identify with them?

Ask The LORD to show you how to relate to lost humanity.

Once you become as clear minded and dead to the things of this life, you can begin to truly live the Spirit-filled life as a vessel that the power of God works through! Dead to life, and live to You LORD! Amen!


In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey

Sherry Edwards MackeySherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!

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