Ashli Babbitt’s Family’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit Extended to 2026


Ashli Babbitt’s family is reportedly facing nearly a two-year wait for a hearing in their wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. Capitol Police.

The Biden-appointed U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes set a trial date of July 20, 2026, after lawyers for both Judicial Watch and the government said that the original 2025 date would not allow enough time for discovery.

“Despite submitting a new proposal, the parties told the judge that a December 2025 trial date might hinder efforts to obtain evidence from law enforcement, medical personnel and other witnesses in the case, which they said is expected to have “substantial” discovery,” The Hill reported.

“In light of these circumstances and the significance of this case, the Parties believe that a modest extension of the discovery period and trial date may be warranted,” they wrote in a Thursday joint statement to Reyes.

“Reyes then said she would consider accepting an agreed upon trial date no later than June 2026. But at Friday’s hearing, after the parties said they were unavailable that June, the judge said the trial could begin in July,” the outlet continued.

The lawsuit stems from the fatal shooting of Babbitt during the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Her family is seeking accountability and justice for her death, but the delay has added frustration to an already emotional case.

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