“What They Don’t Want You to Know About Walter Rodney” – Repeating Islands


    “What They Don’t Want You to Know About Walter Rodney: Black Power, Black Studies, and the Guerilla Intellectual,” a two-day symposium concerning the life, ideas, and activism of Dr. Walter Rodney, will take place at Brown University, on October 4-5, from 10:00am to 1:00pm (EDT). The symposium includes a screening and discussion of the documentary Walter Rodney: What They Don’t Want You to Know, directed by Daniyal Harris-Vajda and Arlen Harris. [Brown University is located at 155 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island.]

    Description: Born in Guyana, Dr. Walter Rodney’s legacy remains a pivotal branch in the long lineage of radical Caribbean scholars concerned with questions of slavery, colonialism, and neocolonialism. Dr. Rodney also knew that theory could not be detached from action. In his forays across the globe, he refused the conventional frills and trappings of the academy to thrust himself into the revolutionary movements for black liberation of his day.

    With October marking the 56th anniversary of the “Rodney Riots” in Kingston, Jamaica, this two-day symposium serves as a site for critical reflection and conversation concerning the life, ideas, and revolutionary activism of Dr. Walter Rodney. It is a unique opportunity for intergenerational dialogue as we collectively look forward and face the world that neocolonialism has shaped.

    What They Don’t Want You to Know About Walter Rodney: Black Power, Black Studies, and the Guerilla Intellectual is presented by Brown University’s Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice and Department of Africana Studies/Rites and Reason Theatre.

    This event is part of the Simmons Center’s Race, Slavery, Colonialism and Capitalism Research Cluster.

    For more information, see https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-they-dont-want-you-to-know-about-walter-rodney-tickets-1016806735317 and https://africana.brown.edu/events

    Also see https://www.walterrodneyfoundation.org/what-they-dont-want-you-to-know

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