Build A Wall of Intentional Resistance ~by Sandi Holman


stone wall from, as I waited on The LORD today before prayer, I said, “LORD, every one is talking about Revival and many are prophesying it is just ‘around the corner’ — and I am beginning to see some reconciliation and healing happening in families I have been praying for, and I am encouraged!”

The LORD quickly spoke to me something He had said to me before when I was in intercession.

He said, “Revival means different things to different people — and everyone has their own perspective as to what it is and how it will take place.

My daughter, just as I have shown you, “Revival” begins in the heart and in the mouth.”

He then reminded me of an incident not long ago when I prayed for a life or death situation, and was shown the spirit of death hovering over a person.

We commanded it to leave and as we were rejoicing over the healing, negative words rose up out of the victim’s mouth that still spoke of expectation of death — and immediately darkness and death filled the atmosphere as death was invited back through negative words.

The Father then said, “As you pray, stay in agreement with the spirit of LIFE.

Remember, the word plainly says The Law of the Spirit of Life has made you free from The Law of Sin and Death!

Death has no victory, unless they enact The Law of the Spirit of Death — in words!

Speak Life! Let LIFE be the full expectation of your heart! It is a matter of life or death!

Your words have power!”

As Called Revivalists, The LORD reminded me that we can only live out of the overflow of our own hearts. I am the only one who controls what is in my heart — and flows out of my mouth!

The LORD said, “You must remain single-minded and stay in agreement with LIFE. Take care how you interpret a Word of Knowledge — and do not talk out of ‘both sides of your mouth’.

There is no need to repeat a negative report from a Doctor and rehearse the problem!” says The Father.

“Take your Authority and stand firm in Faith, believing!

Give no place to doubt and unbelief, by expressing fear with your words,” says The One Who is LIFE!

“Speak words of Life to your bodies, and call them to align with The Word of God!

Speak: “I will live and not die!” “Breath of God, breathe upon me now!” “Body, receive the Breath of The LORD!”

Now, remember, beloved, “Healing is the Children’s bread!”

Today, I place before you Life or death!” says The LORD.

“I challenge you to let Revival begin in your heart, and let it be so contagious that when you speak life expecting everyone ‘being revived’ from the spirit of death at work in the world today, your works will produce a Revival fueled by The Love of God.

I, The One Who is The Healer, adjure you to continue to pray. Pray specifically for Angels of Healing to be loosed to ensure that attacks of discord against family and health be derailed.

Pray that the transmission of infectious diseases be blocked — and that healing would come quickly as the spirits of infirmity are destroyed in The Name of Jesus!

It only takes one person to start a fire,” says The LORD.

“One person in one family can change the whole story of a family. I AM bringing oneness where there has been division,” says The Father.

“Never forget the POWER OF ONE. The Word I spoke in Exodus 20:6 is a promise. I promised to ‘show love to a thousand generations of those who love (Him).

It is imperative now for healing to take place in families and passed forward to the next generations.

Let every generational curse be broken and may a new legacy begin in the era. Let Godly compassion flow freely from heart to heart,” says The LORD, “and it will fuel generosity to lend a helping hand so needed today.

Yes, Justice is coming in every area of life!” says The One Who is The Just Judge.

“Watch and see, as families are changed through transformed relationships — one person and one family at a time!

There shall begin a flood of cleansing water flowing that will release an outburst of Miracles in the family that will arise in The Family of God to bring wholeness.

The Church today shall begin to be knit together with cords of love that cannot be broken.

Transformation — working through trust and honor — shall cause everything to fall into place just like dominoes.

My People shall suddenly see things in black and white, understand the depth of good and evil, and have a deep hunger for purity and holiness as they turn away from the mixture of evil laced in deception,” says The LORD God.

“This has been a work in progress whose time has come!

Restoration and Healing is birthing Reconciliation — which will lead to Revival.

It shall all work together according to My Plan!” says The King of Glory, “to set in motion a true Revolution.”

First published on December 13, 2023.

~ Sandi Holman

Sandi HolmanSandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.

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