Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #612 – Watts Up With That?


Quote of the Week: “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”– Richard Feynman [H/t William Readdy]

Number of the Week: 40%

Scope: Due to a bout with the flu, the This Week section will be shorter than usual. Two important issues are addressed. First, Ross McKitrick’s demonstration that many papers claiming that increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) was responsible for rare weather events do not meet the statistical conditions to make such a claim. Second, the work of Norman Loeb and the CERES research team shows that for the past two decades, Earth’s energy flows have been out of balance. Not from increasing CO2 but from decreasing cloudiness.


Probabilities: In 2023 the two recipients of the Frederick Seitz Memorial Award from SEPP were Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick who shared equally the $10,000 prize. They were given the award for exposing the shoddiness of the infamous Hockey-stick by Mann, et al. Both McIntyre and McKitrick have gone on to do other significant work. This Week will discuss some of the work by Ross McKitrick.

For those familiar with statistics and probability theory, one of the more disturbing efforts by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its collaborators is assigning probabilities that a certain rare event occurred because of increases in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. This assignment of probabilities received a huge boost from a paper by Allen and Tett published in the journal Climate Dynamics in 1999.

The paper claimed that the authors formulated a procedure that was BLUE – Best, Linear, Unbiased, Estimator. They assert that the procedure met the conditions of a normal distribution, namely the Gauss-Markov conditions, If so, that allowed the extensive use of probability theory, based on that test. The paper was then cited in hundreds of papers, assigning probabilities that carbon dioxide was the cause of various rare weather events. This issue was expanded when others claimed that rare weather events will become more frequent if CO2 concentrations increase. The procedure was embodied in the work of the UN IPCC in the Third Assessment Report (TAR, 2001). It was called Optimal Fingerprinting and used to blame changing weather on CO2 emissions.

Twenty years later Ross McKitrick found an error in the work of Allen and Tett. The Climate Models are not BLUE. Allen and Tett did not test their procedure against the specific Gauss-Markov conditions that need to be fulfilled if a model is BLUE. Allen and Tett proposed a different test called RC, Residual Consistency, without offering any mathematical statements of what it tests. In 2021 the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) published a report by McKitrick explaining the issue. On page 8 of the report, McKitrick writes:

“So, in summary, Allen and Tett’s [AT99] method failed to ensure the GM [Gauss -Markov] conditions were met, and so failed to assess whether their estimates were reliable. In fact, as I argued in my paper, the Allen and Tett method, as set out in their paper, automatically fails at least one GM condition, and probably more. So, the results must be assumed to be unreliable.

In the years since its publication, however, no-one noticed the errors in the AT99 discussion of the GM conditions, no-one minded the absence of a derivation of the RC test, and none of the subsequent applications of the AT99 method were subject to conventional specification testing. That means we have no basis for accepting any claims that rely on the optimal fingerprinting method.”

The section in the GWPF titled “Replying to responses begins:

“Optimal fingerprinting has been heavily used in the climate literature for establishing attribution; studies applying it have been cited thousands of times, and it has been prominently featured by the IPCC since it first appeared. There has been nearly exclusive reliance on the RC test to defend fingerprinting analysis results. A number of commentators on my paper have tried to shrug off my criticism as unimportant or irrelevant. But if none of the issues raised in my paper ‘matter,’ then we might as well say nothing in the climatology literature matters.

More specifically, in considering any response to my paper, it will be important to note whether it actually disagrees with or disproves my arguments, or simply tries to change the subject. I anticipate that a lot of respondents will implicitly concede that my paper is correct but argue it doesn’t matter because so much time has gone by. However, as a matter of the scientific record it is important to understand and acknowledge if Allen and Tett made errors in their mathematical presentation, and whether the subsequent literature corrected them or simply carried them forward. As far as I have seen, they were carried forward, in the sense that people still to this day rely on the RC test and they still use AT99-type regression models without testing for specification errors associated with the GM conditions.

Also, and more generally, if major errors in the methodology went unnoticed for so long, it calls into question how much confidence we can have in other statistical methodologies that have been developed by climate scientists in subsequent years. Having worked on paleoclimate reconstruction methods, trend estimation and comparison methods, and now on optimal fingerprinting, I conclude that climate journals, unlike statistics or econometrics journals, seem to rely on referees who don’t know how to ask the right questions when confronted with a novel statistical method. My paper is, in effect, the referee report that Allen and Tett would have received had they submitted their paper to a statistics or econometrics journal.” [Boldface added]

See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.


Earth Out Of Balance: Beginning with Nimbus 7 Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) in 1978, NASA has engaged in a number of satellite programs designed to measure solar radiation, global albedo, and outgoing longwave radiation (infrared). The latest effort was begun in 1997 by CERES satellites. Norman G. Loeb heads the CERES Science Project team at the Langley Research Center. In describing CERES data, the website states:

“CERES is the only project worldwide whose prime objective is to produce global climate data records of ERB from instruments designed to observe the ERB.”


The problems faced are significant. It requires finding the difference between two huge numbers to find a small number. A small percentage error in either incoming radiation or outgoing radiation can result a huge percentage error in calculating Earth’s Radiation Budget. As discussed by Howard Hayden on the SEPP website in 10 brief essays titled Basic Climate Physics, it is the imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation that determines whether a planet is warming or not. Short-term imbalances are not important, but imbalances lasting a decade, or more, are.

 In his newsletter, The Energy Advocate, Howard Hayden pointed out that carbon dioxide-caused global warming advocate Kevin Trenberth has tried to shift his position on the issue, asserting global heating is different from global warming. Hayden’s essay is posted on the SEPP website under Scientific Papers under “A Startling Revelation” dated May 11, 2024.

Kenneth Richards of No Tricks Zone states the Loeb et al. paper “Observational Assessment of Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance Since 2000” was published online by Surveys in Geophysics on May 7, 2024. The abstract states: [the electronic version is lightly edited for meaning]

“Satellite observations from the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System show that Earth’s energy imbalance has doubled from 0.5±0.2 Wm−2 during the first 10 years of this century to 1.0±0.2 Wm−2 during the past decade. The increase is the result of a 0.9±0.3 Wm−2 increased absorbed solar radiation (ASR) that is partially offset by a 0.4±0.25 Wm−2 increases in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR). Despite marked differences in ASR and OLR trends during the hiatus (2000–2010), transition-to-El Niño (2010–2016) and post-El Niño (2016–2022) periods, trends in net top-of-atmosphere flux (NET) remain within 0.1 Wm−2 per decade of one another, implying a steady acceleration of climate warming. Northern and southern hemisphere trends in NET are consistent to 0.06±0.31 Wm−2 per decade due to a compensation between weak ASR and OLR hemispheric trend differences of opposite sign. We find that large decreases in stratocumulus and middle clouds over the sub-tropics and decreases in low and middle clouds at midlatitudes are the primary reasons for increasing ASR trends in the northern hemisphere (NH). These changes are especially large over the eastern and northern Pacific Ocean and coincide with large increases in sea-surface temperature (SST). The decrease in cloud fraction and higher SSTs over the NH sub-tropics lead to a significant increase in OLR from cloud-free regions, which partially compensates for the NH ASR increase. Decreases in middle cloud refection and a weaker reduction in low-cloud refection account for the increase in ASR in the southern hemisphere, while OLR changes are weak. Changes in cloud cover in response to SST increases imply a feedback to climate change; yet a contribution from radiative forcing or internal variability cannot be ruled out.”

The Article Highlights state:

•” Satellite observations reveal that global mean net flux (NET) at the top-of-atmosphere (or equivalently, Earth’s energy imbalance) has doubled during the first twenty years of this century. The increase is associated with a marked increase in absorbed solar radiation (ASR) that is partially offset by an increase in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)

• While ASR and OLR changes within sub-periods corresponding to the hiatus (03/2000–05/2010), transition-to-El Niño (06/2010–05/2016), and post-El Niño (06/2016–12/2022) vary substantially, NET flux changes are remarkably stable (within 0.1 Wm−2 per decade), implying a steady acceleration of climate warming

• The increase in ASR is associated with decreases in stratocumulus and middle cloud fraction and refection [? The meaning of the word is unclear] in the Northern Hemisphere and decreases in middle cloud refection in the Southern Hemisphere. The cloud changes are especially large in areas with marked increases in sea-surface temperature, such as over the eastern and northern Pacific Ocean

• Continued monitoring of Earth’s radiation budget and new and updated climate model simulations are critically needed to understand how and why Earth’s climate is changing at such an accelerated pace “

The Summary and Conclusions state:

“CERES observations show that Earth’s energy imbalance (EEI) has doubled from 0.5±0.2 Wm−2 during the first 10 years of this century to 1.0±0.2 Wm−2 during the past decade. This has led to accelerated increases in global mean temperature, sea level rise, ocean heating, and snow and sea ice melt. The increase in EEI is the result of a 0.9±0.3 Wm−2 increases absorbed solar radiation (ASR) that is partially offset by a 0.4±0.25 Wm−2 increases in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR). Since most of the energy added to the climate system associated with EEI ends up as heat storage in the ocean, changes in TOA radiation and ocean heat uptake (OHU) derived from in situ ocean data should track one another. Indeed, recently published analyses indicate that when in situ ocean measurements are supplemented with other data to fill in sparsely sampled regions, there is good agreement between variations and trends in OHU and CERES EEI for the Argo period between 2005 and 2019 (Loeb et al. 2021a; Hakuba et al. 2024, this collection).

Regional patterns of CERES ASR, –OLR and SST trends are similar, particularly over the North Pacific, off the east coast of North America and west coast of South America. Time series of global mean anomalies in SST, ASR, and –OLR also share similar features. In each case, twelve-month running average anomalies are relatively constant prior to 2010 (“hiatus” period), increase markedly (decrease for –OLR) prior to the 2015–2016 El Niño event (“transition-to-El Niño” period), and remain relatively flat after this event (“post-El Niño” period). Despite marked differences in global ASR and global –OLR trends between these sub-periods, NET trends remain strikingly within 0.1 Wm−2 per decade of one another. Since climate stabilization requires the climate forcing or net radiative imbalance to restore to zero, an increase in Earth’s radiative energy imbalance implies an acceleration of climate change rather than a continued, steady heating implied by a constant imbalance (e.g., von Shuckman et al. 2023). However, we note that NET radiation exhibits appreciable internal variability at interannual time scales. A longer observational record is needed to determine how robust these findings are.

We compare global trends in TOA fluxes of CRE alongside an alternate approach that uses the CERES FluxbyCldTyp (FBCT) product to isolate the cloudy and clear-sky contributions to all-sky TOA flux trends. While the trend in net CRE is weak due to compensation between –SW and –OLR components, the trend for the cloudy sky contribution is appreciable due to a large positive trend in –SW (i.e., reduced cloud refection) and negligible –OLR trend. The latter is comparable to what is obtained using the PRP method and thus provides a better framework than CRE for assessing the radiative impacts of cloud changes. Further refinement would be required to account for cloud masking contributions in cloudy areas. Isolating the cloud contribution also requires removing the contribution from effective radiative forcing (aerosol-cloud indirect effects and greenhouse gas adjustments), which is highly uncertain.

When the cloudy sky contribution is stratified by cloud type, we find that decreases in low and middle cloud fraction and refection [? meaning] and reduced refection from cloud-free areas in mid-high latitudes are the primary reasons for increasing ASR trends in the NH. Low cloud changes are primarily from Sc between 20° and 42°N; while Sc, SCT and Cu [? meaning] all contribute to the low cloud ASR increase between 42° and 60°N. In the SH the increase in ASR is primarily from decreases in middle cloud refection and a weaker reduction in low cloud refection. Increased thermal emission in cloud-free conditions combined with high cloud changes contribute most to the increase in OLR.

Climate model AMIP simulations suggest that the larger ASR increase observed during the CERES period is due to additive contributions from effective radiative forcing (ERF) and climate response to warming and its spatial pattern; while the weaker OLR change is associated with compensation between increasing ERF from continued emission of well-mixed greenhouse gases and increased infrared cooling to space relating to the radiative response to warming (Raghuraman et al. 2021; Hodnebrog et al. 2024). Model-based attribution of the CERES results are limited in number because the CMIP6 protocol ends in 2014. The new atmospheric model intercomparison project (AMIP) simulations proposed as part of CERESMIP (Schmidt et al. 2023) will provide updated model simulations through 2021 and will use input data sets, greatly expanding opportunities to assess model performance and attribution of the observed EEI trend.”

So, Earth has been out of balance for the past two decades, not from CO2 but from changes in cloudiness. The reduction in cloud cover explains deep ocean warming better because infrared energy from radiative warming does not penetrate the ocean’s surface beyond one millimeter. However, due to mixing the ocean surface is generally taken to mean the first 10 meters of depth.


Number of the Week: 40% When Mark Mills interviewed John Ardill, the Vice President of Global Exploration at ExxonMobil, Mills revealed an important statistic: today 40% of global oil output is from offshore wells, and deepwater wells are the fastest growing source of new oil production. Ardill addressed the steps that ExxonMobil is taking to assure its massive undertaking in Guyana, South America, is done safely. To address energy concerns, Ardill emphasized the well-run oil companies need clearly stated problems, not solutions imposed on them by governments.


Gag on Climate Reporting Is Another French Obscenity

By Vijay Jayaraj, CO2 Coalition, Sep 11, 2024

Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science

Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013

Summary: https://www.heartland.org/_template-assets/documents/CCR/CCR-II/Summary-for-Policymakers.pdf

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts

Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels

By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels

Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus

By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015

Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate

S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008


Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer

The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere

By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, Mar 3, 2023

Dependence of Earth’s Thermal Radiation on Five Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases

By W.A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, December 22, 2020


Challenging the Orthodoxy

Suboptimal Fingerprinting?

By Ross McKitrick, Global Warming Policy Foundation, 2021

Satellite Observations Confirm 2000-’22 Warming Has Been Due To An Increasing Solar Radiation Trend

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Sep 10, 2024

Link to new paper: Observational Assessment of Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance Since 2000

By Norman G. Loeb, et al., Surveys in Geophysics, May 7, 2024

A Short Political History of Climate Change

By Bill Ponton, Princeton Venture Advisory, WUWT, Sep 15, 2024

We often attribute the longevity of communist states in the 20th century to the repression practiced by those regimes. This is undeniably true, but we grossly underestimate the fact that many people living under those repressive regimes derived meaning from being part of those socialist experiments.

[SEPP Comment: Climate Change is a political movement falsely claiming science.]

96% of climate policies are a waste of money says Science paper

Jo Nova, Her Blog, Sep 13, 2024

Link to paper: Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades

By Annika Stechemesser, et al., AAAS Science, Aug 22, 2024


#CheerfulCharts #7: Life expectancy

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024

The causes of this boon are many. But not being cold, hungry and vulnerable to disease is a key element, and the availability of abundant and inexpensive energy fuels has played a critical role in making people warmer and better-fed.

New Study: CO2 May Only Be Responsible For 17% Of The 2000-2023 Global Warming Trend

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Sep 20, 2024

Link to paper: The 2023 Record Temperatures:

Correlation to Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Anomaly

By Antero Ollila, Kilmarealistene, Accessed Sep 20, 2024

Defending the Orthodoxy

A 485-million-year history of Earth’s surface temperature

By Emily J. Judd, et al. AAAS Science, Sep 20, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


[SEPP Comment: Will address this in the next TWTW.]

Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science

Climate Watch: Is CO2 Reaching a Crisis Level?

Editorial, AAPS, Sep 12, 2024

Clean Energy Investments Are Boosting the U.S. Economy

Press Release, By Trevor Higgins, Project 2025, Accessed Sep 16, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]

[SEPP Comment: Blame any problems on the Ukraine war. What is the cost of subsidies, the cost of making unreliable electricity reliable? Energy subsidies eats the cash flow of reliable producers. The author ignores the damage being done to traditional energy.]

Global economic impact of weather variability on the rich and the poor

By Lennart Quante, et al., Nature Sustainability, Sep 13, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


Questioning the Orthodoxy

Climatism Or Energy Humanism?

Climate catastrophists claim we need to quit using hydrocarbons. These 13 charts show why we need a pro-energy, pro-human outlook

By Robert Bryce, His Blog, Sep 9. 2024


Climate Scare Stories Keep Turning Out to be False

By Will Jones, The Daily Sceptic, Sep 16, 2024

John Ardill: For Smarter Energy Policy, Start with the Problem, Not the Solution

By Staff, Real Clear Energy, Sep 9, 2024


Interview by Mark Mills with Video

Mills: Most people don’t know this, but offshore oil production accounts for about 40% of global oil output, with deepwater being the fastest-growing source of new oil production in the world.

Ardill: The key takeaway here is energy density. This whole challenge is predicated on that concept, regardless of whether we’re talking about oil, gas, hydrogen, ammonia, or lithium. We operate in all of these spaces.

Ardill: The best way to solve these challenges is this: Rather than telling energy companies what the solution is, tell them what the problem is. If you tell us that the solution is green hydrogen, an engineer can build you an electrolyzer, but you probably can’t afford it, and you certainly can’t afford to run it at scale. You’ll get your green hydrogen, but the economy will be bankrupt by then, and it can’t be scaled with today’s technologies.

‘Spoiled Brats’: Greenpeace Co-Founder Supports Pipeline Tycoon’s Campaign To Punish His Old Group

By Nick Pope, Daily Caller, Sep 10, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


Six Years Of CDN

Robson Takes Your Questions

Video, John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 6, 2024

#CheerfulCharts #6: US vehicle miles traveled versus carbon monoxide emissions

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

Studies That ‘Confirm’ Humans Cause Climate Rely On Imaginary-World Conditions In Their Calculations

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Sep 12, 2024

[SEPP Comment: An array of past papers]

Price check

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024

The late great P.J. O’Rourke once wrote, in The Atlantic in April 2002, that: “Beyond a certain point complexity is fraud…. when someone creates a system in which you can’t tell whether or not you’re being fooled, you’re being fooled.” Which brings us to wind energy and its complicated contractual arrangements with modern electricity grids. It’s not just a simple matter of bidding on contracts and supplying power when needed. No, it’s become a mare’s nest of renewables mandates, portfolio standards, feed-in-tariffs, first-to-the-grid rules, dispatch, curtailment, hype, blame and losses that somehow no one saw coming. And yes, you’re being fooled.

Ryan Maue on Climate Attribution

By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Sep 18, 2024

From the Annals of “Back off, man, I’m an Academic”

By Staff Government Accountability & Oversight, Sep 20, 2024

“fair & equitable”

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Sep 15, 2024

Jet-Setting Academics Branded Hypocrites For Lecturing the Rest of us About Climate Change

By Toby Young, The Daily Sceptic, Sep 18, 2024

Conservatives and the Private Sector Deserve a Seat at the Climate Week Table

By Danielle B. Franz, Real Clear Energy, Sep 19, 2024


[SEPP Comment: And question the parade of potentates who use teen-agers to express indignation?]

Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide

Human CO2 Emissions Are Supercharging Corn Yields

By Vijay Jayaraj, WUWT, Sep 19, 2024

Sunflowers and CO2

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024

From the CO2Science archive:

Barley [hearts] CO2

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

From the CO2Science Archive:

Problems in the Orthodoxy

Energy Giant BP Dumping Key Green Energy Business

By Owen Klinsky, The Daily Caller, Sep 16, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


Seeking a Common Ground

The importance of an informed choice of CO2-equivalence metrics for contrail avoidance

By Audran Borella, et al., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, EGU, Sep 15, 2024


Model Issues

Digital Twins of the Earth: Science or Pseudoscience?

A guest post by Andrea Saltelli

By Roger Pielke Jr., His Blog, Sep 9, 2024


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Climate Science

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024

The latest, greatest exercise in absurd climate-modeling hubris is the frankly preposterous project to create “Digital Twins of the Earth” inside the models, to overcome their hopelessly limited power to simulate the actual climate by, um, PR or something

[SEPP Comment: The modelers cannot get the original correct.]

Changing Weather

2024 hurricane season: the worst climate prediction ever?

By David Whitehouse, Net Zero Watch, Sep 13, 2024


But don’t be fooled by the calm. Some forecasters, determined that the future will see more storms, absurdly say that this season is a ‘lens’ into the more volatile storm behavior of the future. That’s not a fully justified viewpoint, as it’s unclear if a warming world will produce more hurricanes. It hasn’t so far.

The hurricane bust

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

Link to paper: Last millennium hurricane activity linked to endogenous climate variability

By Wenchang Yang, Nature Communications, Jan 27, 2024


From abstract: Numerical simulations using a hurricane-permitting climate model suggest that hurricane activity was likely driven by endogenous climate variability and linked to anomalous SSTs of warm Atlantic and cold Pacific.

MSM Climate Alarmists Stumped After ‘Boiling Oceans’ Result In Very Quiet Hurricane Season

By Tyler Durden, His Blog, Sep 15, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


That was the summer that wasn’t

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

More on clouds and climate

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024

P.S. While we like sunny and warm weather more than cloudy and cool, it would be worth witnessing such a reversal just for the perverse enjoyment of seeing the climate crowd blame that too on greenhouse gases and claim they’d actually predicted it all along. Heck, why not another man-made global cooling scare?

September Snowmageddon… Winter Outbreak In Alps Later This Week…Up To 3 Meters Of Snow!

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Sep 10, 2024

“Shock To System”: Europe Hammered With Cold Blast & Snow

By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Sep 14, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


Changing Climate

Sahara desert hit by extraordinary rainfall event that could mess with this year’s hurricane season News

By Olivia Ferrari, Live Science, Sep 13, 2024 [H/t Claire Goldsberry]


The world’s largest hot desert, the Sahara, is being hit with unusually heavy rain. Scientists are unclear why, but it may be linked to a subdued Atlantic hurricane season

[SEPP Comment: Shifting of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) has resulted in climate change for thousands of years and we don’t know why it shifts. Is it a solar influence or internal to Earth? It is not the result of human-caused climate change.]

Strong regional trends in extreme weather over the next two decades under high- and low-emissions pathways

By Carley E. Iles, et al. Nature Geoscience, Sep 9, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


[SEPP Comment: Global warming does not cause global trends but just regional trends? Regions have been changing for millions of years.]

Changing Seas

Arctic microalgae photosynthesize in near-darkness, study finds

By Robert Schreiber. Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 05, 2024


Link to paper: Photosynthetic light requirement near the theoretical minimum detected in Arctic microalga,

By Clara J. M. Hoppe, et al. Nature Communications, Sep 4, 2024


[SEPP Comment: Life finds a way.]

New Study: 21st Century Megadrought In The SW USA Caused By 45 Years Of East/Central Pacific Cooling

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Sep 17, 2024

Link to paper: Potential Near‐Term Wetting of the Southwestern United States if the Eastern and Central Pacific Cooling Trend Reverses

By Marc J. Alessi and Maria Rugenstein, AGU Geophysical Research Letters, 2024


Environmental stress reduces shark residency to coral reefs

By Michael J. Williamson, et al., Nature, Communications Biology, Sep 9, 2024


Changing Cryosphere – Land / Sea Ice

Greenland Ice Mass Balance Update

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 6, 2024

They stabbed me through the ice shelf

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

Changing Earth

Climate change causes mega-tsunami’s that shake the Earth for nine days

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Sep 14, 2024

No, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Didn’t Cause a ‘Landslide’ and ‘Mega-Tsunami’

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Sep 18, 2024

Lowering Standards

The Ongoing Shame Of New York’s Organized Legal Bar

By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Sep 9, 2024


More Horror Pictures Emerge Showing Locations of Met Office “Extreme” Record Temperatures

By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic, Sep 13, 2024

Communicating Better to the Public – Use Yellow (Green) Journalism?

Climate change is already forcing millions of people to migrate – Bill Gates’ Telegraph Says

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 7, 2024

More Solar Silliness In The New York Times

David Wallace-Wells claims solar energy is getting so cheap it could be “effectively free.” But solar prices aren’t falling, they’re rising. And solar’s being left in the shade by natty.

By Robert Bryce, His Blog, Sep 14, 2024


No, BBC–North Carolina Floods Were Not “Historic”

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 19, 2024

Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.

Shrinking island, vanishing polar bears — the climate scare stories that turn out to be false

By Bjorn Lomborg, New York Post, Sep 15, 2024


Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Sep 16, 2024

Projections of accelerating sea level rise from NOAA were failing badly, so NOAA quietly changed their projections to push the divergence date from 2000 out to 2030.

“Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Sep 16, 2024

Communicating Better to the Public – Use Propaganda

BBC AMOC Myth Exploded

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 11, 2024

Can We Please Have More Science and Less Propaganda?

By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Sep 19, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Addressing the UN World Health Organization.]

Expanding the Orthodoxy

New AI Partnership to Invest in Data Centers and Supporting Power Infrastructure

$100 billion investment potential will enhance American competitiveness in artificial intelligence (AI) while meeting the growing need for energy infrastructure to power economic growth

Modified Press Release from Microsoft, Power Mag, Sep 19, 2024


[SEPP Comment: Relying on unidentified sources of reliable electricity.]

SEC’s Climate Rules Will Crush Markets

By Paul Tice, National Center for Energy Analytics, Via Real Clear Energy, Sep 11, 2024

There is: “no empirical data showing that reducing greenhouse gas emissions will lead to better financial performance for individual companies or investors.”

[SEPP Comment: Another government agency using a false climate crisis to exceed its legal limits to damage or destroy American prosperity.]

Questioning European Green

The problem with Labour’s green energy plan-Ross Clark

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 17, 2024

Green Deal Cuts EU Emissions, Doubles Them Elsewhere

By Ron Clutz, His Blog, Sep 20, 2024

Link to: European Green Deal: A double-edged sword for global emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions will fall in the EU, but rise even more elsewhere

Press Release, University of Groningen, Sep 20, 2024


Journal Reference: Global spillover effects of the European Green Deal and plausible mitigation options

By Honglin Zhong, et al. Nature Sustainability, Sep 20, 2024


Questioning Green Elsewhere

Rising Runways, Sinking Narratives: Maldives Debunk Climate Fears

By Vijay Jayaraj, CO2 Coalition, Sep 6, 2024

Green Jobs

Stealing the Future with Green Steel

By Vijay Jayaraj, CO2 Coalition, Sep 6, 2024

440 jobs at heat pump factory are put at risk

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 7, 2024

So much for those vaunted green jobs!

Non-Green Jobs

Scotland’s only oil refinery confirmed to close next year

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 12, 2024

Litigation Issues

Overturning Chevron Is a Major Victory

By Philip Hamburger, Administrative State, Sep 19, 2024


[SEPP Comment: It may be the beginning of the end.]

Congress and the President Must Reclaim Power

By Ryan P. Williams, Administrative State, Sep 10, 2024


Editor’s Note: For forty years, U.S. courts have deferred to unelected bureaucrats for the interpretation of ambiguous statutes. The principle of “Chevron deference” is the legal basis of the administrative state, the extra-constitutional rule by experts that provides the legal framework and the workaday operations of the group quota regime.

Expert opinion filed Hague Court of Appeals in Shell v. Milieudefensie

By Richard Lindzen, William Happer, and Steven Koonin, Sep 10, 2024

Link to entire opinion, The above authors, Nov 30, 2024

“Exxon Knew”: More Rebuttal (again)

By Randal Utech, Master Resource, Sep 19, 2024

The contrived sense of accomplishment in history matching is spurious correlation for an infinitesimally small period of time. Using Exxon’s internal analysis of CO2 climate forcing is little more than a propaganda tool. Current climate models, much more sophisticated, face the same problem of unknown, false causality.

Endangered Species Act Decision Endangers Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production

Press Release, Institute for Energy Research (IER), Sep 26, 2024

[SEPP Comment: The judge was Deborah L. Boardman, District Judge of US District Court, District of Maryland.]

Courts revoking permits for oil and gas projects creates chilling effect on investors, experts say

The Sierra Club and others successfully sued federal agencies to block offshore oil drilling and a liquified natural gas terminal. The judges sided with plaintiffs but went further. They revoked the project permits.

By Kevin Killough, Just the News, Sep 8, 2024


Just Another Frivolous Climate Lawsuit

By Jason Isaac, Real Clear Energy, Sep 19, 2024


The Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) takes millions of dollars from the same entities bankrolling climate change cases against energy providers. Activist academics who shape CJP programming also advise the climate plaintiffs on the side or support them in amicus filings.

Subsidies and Mandates Forever

Is reality tricky?

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

A Heatmap newsletter warns about an Inflation Reduction Act program which supposedly installed 50,000 solar projects in “Low-Income Communities” yet “New data provided exclusively to Heatmap shows just how complicated it is to get money where it needs to go.”

It’s what happens as you move from the “what” to the “how” and go oh, the plan is bankruptcy all round and still the oceans rise or whatever.

Not only that, developers get the tax breaks you aimed at the poor, who don’t have accountants for some reason.

New Paper Shows the Problem with Power Subsidies

Wind and solar receive the lion’s share while producing less power

By Paige Lambermont, Catalyst, The Independent Institute, Sep 4, 2024

Link to paper: U.S. Federal Renewable Energy Subsidies are Driving the Energy Transition

By Bill Peacock, Energy Alliance, Accessed Sep 12, 2024

Heat Pump Subsidies: Never Enough

By Mark Krebs, Master Resource, Sep 18, 2024

EPA and other Regulators on the March

Supreme Court Showdown: EPA Defends Carbon Capture Amid Power Industry Backlash

By Sonal Patel, Power Mag, Sep 4, 2024


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has doubled down on its stance that carbon capture is “adequately demonstrated” in a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court as part of a bid to urge the high court to allow the agency’s contentious Carbon Pollution Standards to remain in effect while legal challenges continue.

At dispute is the case, West Virginia v. EPA (No. 24-1120) and its 16 consolidated cases, which concern the EPA’s May 9, 2024–finalized so-called “Carbon Pollution Standards.”

Energy Issues – Non-US

Britain spending record £250m a month on electricity imports

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 11, 2024

It is actually astonishing that imports are double wind and solar power, even despite the tens of billions in subsidies thrown at renewables. It is also very scary that we are now so reliant on power from Europe, over which we have no control.

The battle over net zero has only just begun

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 15, 2024

Energy experts call for Whitehall to correct ‘preposterous’ renewables claims

Press release, Net Zero Watch, Sep 17, 2024


In Germany, The Energy Transition Situation Only Gets Worse

By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Sep 7, 2024


By year-end 2023, they had total wind and solar nameplate electricity generation capacity of 148 GW, which is about 2.5 times average demand (of about 60 GW) and about 1.5 times peak demand (of about 100 GW).  So surely, the days of fossil fuels in Germany must be numbered.

New Baroness Brown revelations show scale of green lobbying

Press Release, Net Zero Watch, Sep 13, 2024


Link to article: The Baroness making a fortune from Net Zero

She has promoted a controversial strategy to the Labour Party

By David Rose, UnHerd, Sep 13, 2024


From Rose: In the realm of science, few politicians are more powerful than Baroness Brown. As the chair of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, her remit is to consider the boundaries of Britain’s future: from AI to medicine, from biotechnology to climate change.

[SEPP Comment: A new definition of integrity?]

Ed Miliband’s Net Zero agenda will leave Britain in the dark

Energy companies are already warning their customers about the power cuts to come.

By James Woudhoysen, Spiked, Sep 19, 2024

Energy Issues — US

The Politics of American Energy Policy

Why politicians always move to the center

By Roger Pielke, Jr. His Blog, Sep 13, 2024


The Math Does Not Support New York’s Climate Plan

By Roger Caiazza, WUWT, Sep 20, 2024

 At $567 per kilowatt-hour, the recent average cost of new non-residential energy storage, that works out to more than $1.3 trillion in new costs, or about $68,000 per New Yorker.

Fool’s Gold Rush: The Unimpressive, Superlative Failures of California’s Energy Policy

By Matthew Gonzalez, Real Clear Energy, Sep 16, 2024


Yet, as a recent report from Consumer Energy Alliance found, both new and used EVs are far more expensive than traditional vehicles, cost more to insure, and charging infrastructure inherently favors wealthier homeowners over working-class renters. Several studies have shown how inequitable the EV market is, with lower penetration in Hispanic communities in California, lower rebate rates, and poorer charging infrastructure in their neighborhoods.

Gas, Coal Rule U.S. Grid Despite Transition Push

By Irina Slav, Oil Price.com, Sep 9, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


In the meantime, it has become harder to build a new natural gas plant because of updated EPA emissions rules that place weighty and expensive requirements on developers, making them think twice about building any new plants.

‘Inevitable And Foreseeable’: Grid Operators Beg Court To Nix EPA Rules To Save Electricity System From Collapse

By Nick Pope, Daily Caller, Sep 17, 2024


12 myths that government-dictated green energy is cheaper than fossil fuels

A guide for those watching today’s House Budget Committee hearing, where I will be testifying

By Alex Epstein, His Blog, Sep 19, 2024


Oil & Gas History News: September

By Robert Bradley Jr. Master Resource, Sep 20, 2024

Washington’s Control of Energy

The UN and the Biden Administration Want Net Zero for the U.S.—While China Opts for Energy Realism

By Rupert Darwall, WUWT, Sep 18, 2024

Biden administration approves natural gas exports after pause is halted

By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Sep 3, 2024


The Biden administration on Tuesday granted a gas export terminal the authority to ship fuel abroad after a court blocked its efforts to delay such permissions.

Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?

Gulf of Mexico Oil Production to Approach 2 Million Barrels per Day by 2026… Unless

By David Middleton, WUWT, Sep 20, 2024

Nuclear Energy and Fears

ACU Secures NRC Permit to Build Research Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor

By Sonal Patel, Power Mag, Sep 19, 2024


Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Solar and Wind

The Problem Of Too Much Wind

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 10, 2024

RWE reveals plans for mega solar farm spread across parts of Swaffham and Sporle

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 13, 2024

Plans have been revealed to build a solar farm big enough to power 363,000 homes close to a town – which could make it the biggest in the UK.

Breckland District, interestingly, has a population of 143,000, in the region of about 60,000 households.

Oregon Tribes Sue Federal Government in Bid to Delay Offshore Wind Auction

The tribes say the decision to move forward with offshore wind leases was rushed and politically driven.

By Scottie Barnes, The Epoch Times, Sep 17, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]


“No one, including BOEM, has an understanding on how wind development will impact the fragile marine environment,” [Tribal Council Chair Brad] Kneaper said.

East Anglia 1 Generation

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 11, 2024

This is of course only one site, and wind conditions may have been different elsewhere, such as around Scotland. Nevertheless, this part of the North Sea is where most of the new capacity planned is going to be located. Wind conditions will be probably similar there to the North Sea coasts of Denmark and Germany, so wind droughts may affect their wind farms too.

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other

A groundswell I tell you

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Storage

DOE Announces $125 Million in Funding to Support Energy Storage Research

By Darrell Proctor, Power Mag, Sep 3, 2024


The bus-sized battery farms threatening to blight Britain’s countryside

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 9, 2024

BBC Uphold Battery Storage Complaint

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 13, 2024

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Vehicles

Car giants are pulling a U-turn on their EV plans – here’s how Ford, Hyundai, Volvo and more are changing course

By Leon Poultney, Tech Radar, Sep 7, 2024


Renault CEO says sector could face billions in fines as EV sales slow

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 10, 2024

Gill Pratt: The Future of the Automobile

By Staff, Real Clear Energy, Sep 9, 2024


Interview of Gill Pratt of Toyota Motor Corporation by Peter Bryant at Energy Future Forum with video

Electric cars overtake petrol models in Norway

By Pierre-Henry Deshayes, Oslo (AFP), Sept 17, 2024


[SEPP comment: One sided journalism. Norway has a small domestic auto industry. No tariffs or VAT on EVs costing below 500,000 Norwegian Kroner, about $47,200 USD. For gasoline cars the VAT is 25% (Purchase price plus Freight expenses plus Insurance cost to the Norwegian border).]

Hotels in China start to ban EVs and electric scooters from underground parking lots

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Sep 17, 2024

EV Sales Collapse In Germany

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 19, 2024

Second-hand electric car prices falling at faster and faster rate

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 17, 2024

Carbon Schemes

Carbon Capture Projects at Gas-Fired Cane Run 7, Coal-Fired Four Corners Get Federal Awards

By Sonal Patel, Power Mag, Sep 19, 2024


Lowestoft project pioneers climate change technology

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 19, 2024

And another £3 million down the drain.

California Dreaming

California Crews Begin Mowing Down Region’s Iconic Joshua Trees for Solar Farm

By Leslie Eastman, Legal Insurrection, Via WUWT, Sep 15, 2024

[SEPP Comment: In the name of environmentalism.]

The Golden State of California is turning brown without continuous electricity

By Ronald Stein P.E., America Outloud, news, Sep 9, 2024

AB 460 Hands Water Bureaucrats Even More Power

By Edward Ring, What’s Current?, Accessed Sep 12, 2024


Congress Comes to Santa Nella to Talk About Water

By Edward Ring, What’s Current, Accessed Sep 19, 2024


We need more water supply infrastructure. But we also need environmentalists and the regulators they control to acknowledge that decades of mandating ever more “unimpaired flows” has not resulted in more salmon or more smelt.

Cold dead handles

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 11, 2024

“After the courts squashed its first-in-the-nation natural gas ban, the city of Berkeley, California, has emerged with a new strategy to curb the planet-warming fossil fuel: taxing large buildings that use it.” [Boldface in original]

Health, Energy, and Climate

Study finds higher heart attack risk days after cold exposure

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 9, 2024


BBC Blame Child Marriage in Bangladesh On Climate Change

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 11, 2024

Thank Gaia, a hurricane

John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Sep 18, 2024


1. Lights Out in La La Land

Blackouts hit Los Angeles as climate policies wilt in the heat.

By The Editorial Board, WSJ, Sept. 9, 2024


TWTW Summary: The editorial begins:

“Meet modern life in Los Angeles. On Sunday night the Hollywood Bowl had to cancel a concert because of a city power outage. On Saturday a brief blackout disrupted a University of Southern California football game. Why aren’t La La Land’s progressive leaders upset? Maybe because they’re partly responsible.

Heat waves with triple-digit temperatures are unpleasant, though not unusual during the summer in the South and West. Yet Los Angeles’s electric power system suffered widespread failures this weekend as temperatures surged, causing more than 70,000 utility customers in the city and surrounding neighborhoods to lose power, including the Los Angeles Coliseum and Hollywood Bowl.

Tens of thousands of Californians in other parts of the state also lost power, but L.A.’s grid meltdown was the worst. Its municipal utility, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), faulted overloaded cables and overheated equipment. Customers were told they might not get power back for more than 24 hours. Better crash at a friend’s place—and hope it doesn’t lose power.

L.A. Mayor Karen Bass blamed the outages on ‘extreme heat.’ But the electric systems in Arizona, Texas and Nevada withstand sizzling temperatures without buckling. Why can’t L.A.? Perhaps because the municipal utility has prioritized the city’s climate goals over hardening its system and replacing aging equipment.

Former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti in 2021 announced plans to put the city ‘on the fast track to a 100% renewable energy future.’ He was joined by LADWP leaders and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, who declared the city’s ‘study’ would be ‘proof that the clean energy transformation is not only possible, but preferable.’ Sure, if you don’t mind blackouts.”

After stating that Los Angeles is spending heavily on green energy, the editorial concludes with:

“The utility has skimped on grid repairs to prevent rates from surging even more than they have. Since January 2021, electric prices in the Los Angeles metro area have climbed 36%.

Los Angeles is a portent of the not-so-bright green future that awaits America if today’s climate policies continue.”

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