“I Still Speak to Men!” says The LORD ~by Stephen Hanson



“Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament — not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.” 2 Corinthians 3:6.

“From time immemorial, I have spoken to men.

I gave them My Spirit, and I told them things about My Word.

In these last days, I speak to them through My Son, Who represents Me upon the earth.

In the days before My Son came, My Spirit was ‘upon’ certain men and women. They performed certain miracles and spoke to kings and queens.

But in these days, My Spirit has come within you!

Don’t think that it all ended at Pentecost, for in that Upper Room, cloven tongues came and many were filled with the Fire of My Presence.

Truly, there were apostles and prophets, and yet truly, that was just a precursor.

For the very foundation of My Church is to be built upon the apostles and prophets, with My Son as the Chief Cornerstone.

Truly, men and women need My Word, but they also need My Spirit.

For have I not said that you must not follow “the letter of The Law”?

The letter of The Law killeth, but the Spirit gives life. (2 Corinthians 3:6) Thus, The Word and The Spirit are both needed!

You don’t just learn things in this life from a book. Do you not also learn things from your experiences?

Otherwise, you would be as a man that only walks with one leg. It is one thing to read a letter from your mom and dad, and yet a completely different thing to talk with them face-to-face.

I spoke to My Prophets of old — and yet I still do.”


~ Stephen Hanson

Prophet Stephen HansonStephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen is a full-time Artist of original architectural, landscape, portrait, still-life and spiritual oil paintings, available at StephenHansonArtist.com

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