The Two Phase Visitation Revival ~by Chris G. Bennett



From previous posts — but at The LORD’s prompting, another shot.

A long time ago, in 1904, a Holy Spirit Fire swept through The United Kingdom, starting in Loughor, South Wales.

It was led by one Evan Roberts, and that Fire spread throughout the world including a house on Azusa Street, Los Angeles, under the leadership of William J Seymour.

Millions came to salvation through these Revivals and their off-shoots all around the world, and everyone is now waiting for the same sort of thing happening today.

The LORD is bringing Fire once again to His Church and to the world. We know this much already, because it’s been prophesied for decades — if not centuries!

The ‘signs of the times’ that Jesus and later Paul spoke about are almost universally accepted as being upon us. Earthquakes, floods, Fires, storms, wars and rumours of wars — we’re just missing those few moments of stillness when the ‘still small voice’ of The LORD will be heard.

Actually , that still small voice IS already being heard!

I hear The LORD say, “I AM sending My Fire once more. I AM sending My Fire in TWO PHASES!”

(Note this is not to be confused with the three waves I have written about prior.)

“These two phases are first on The Church, and second on the world.

My Word speaks about judgement beginning in the Church.

The Fire I AM sending and you see happening is NOT JUDGEMENT, rather it is the clean up, the separation of wheat and tares.

This is causing the Church to DIVIDE, to split, because of the GREAT FALLING AWAY spoken of in My Word! (2 Thessalonians 2:3) In fact the Remnant Church is already well established and growing.

The FIRST PHASE of this Holy Spirit Fire will be upon The Church.”

The LORD continued. “The SECOND PHASE will be upon the world and is coming now as A WORLD WIDE Revival.

So much has been prophesied about this. Many are seeking more of that which came in past years — like in Wales and in Azusa Street, but have I not said, ‘DO NOT LOOK BACK!’?

Those who do — will be left behind! Look what became of Lot’s wife!

Have I not said in My Word, “Behold I AM doing a new thing, do you not see it?” “ (Isaiah 43:19)

“For Behold,” says The LORD, “I will do a new thing again when I send My Holy Spirit Fire upon you once more.

This coming Fire OF GOD will mark My People forever and will separate them.

I have called My People to be separate from the world — IN the world but not OF the world.

As with Paul’s jailer and Cornelius, whole families, whole clans and tribes, will be swept into My Kingdom because of the actions or healing of one key person.

This coming Revival will be known and referred to as the ‘Fire Revival’, where hundreds, even thousands at a time will come running to the Mercy Seat at stadium events like those visualised by My Servant Paul Cain.

Listen to Me! This coming Revival will be like no other before it!” says The LORD of Hosts.


Since writing the original, The LORD has highlighted certain ministries which carry, or carried, such an anointing as is coming again.

Papa Hagin was one such forerunner, and currently Rodney Howard-Browne is another.

Yet even their anointings will pale in the light of that which is coming.

Yes, people will be shocked, even aghast at what they see. Many will condemn what is coming as ‘not of The LORD’.

Yet such will be the level or magnitude of the miracle anointing that none will be able to deny the reality of what they witness.

It will act as a magnet, a powerful people magnet, as many thousands flock to witness for themselves that which The LORD will be doing through His Remnant Church in the latter days!

I’m not sensationalising these things. The LORD is showing me clearly one or two things.

I cannot release much of it because you would probably not receive it.

All I will ask is this – Is anything too hard or difficult for The LORD?

First the Church, then the world — actually one will run into the back of the other!

“Behold, I am The LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27


~ Chris G. Bennett

Chris G. BennettChris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of Revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.

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