BCP #6 | The Jewish People: Irrefutable Proof of God – A Messianic Jew Explains #messianic


Can we prove that the God of the Bible actually exists? Is there something that we can touch or see or comprehend—the reality of which will prove the existence of God? In this powerful episode, Kevin offers what he believes is tangible, quantifiable, objectively observable evidence that the God of Israel is real.

00:00 | Intro
01:42 | Subjective evidence of God
05:02 | Objective evidence of God
07:27 | God’s unbreakable promise to Israel
09:23 | God’s faithfulness to Israel
12:57 | God’s reputation tied to Israel
16:06 | Israel as a sign to the nations
19:50 | Fundamental importance of the Jews
23:34 | Conclusion

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The Biblically Correct Podcast: Teaching Biblical Correctness in a Biblically Incorrect World

Kevin Geoffrey, Messianic Jewish Teacher
Perfect Word Ministries & MJMI

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“Every Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for refuting, for setting aright, and for instruction that is in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully equipped—having been completed for every good act.” –2 Timothy 3:16, MJLT
