late bloomer | a north east ohio garden


a picture from the seedling bed. a blurry one at that. taken with my steady cellphone hand. it has been a curious and curioser summer. most seedlings tend to bloom earlier than the established plants. not this one. almost everything is done blooming daylily wise. there are about five other daylilies blooming. and they are on their last blooms. and i guess this seedling is on its first and last bloom. there are no other blooms on that scape. needless to say this bloom is a surprise. a happy one at that. the cross is Oatmeal Cream x Stella’s Ruffled Fingers. this bloom may finish opening tomorrow. or i may have to wait until next summer to see another. both of its parents rebloom. so there is a good chance this seedling might do the same once it matures. first an image of the seedling and then the two parents…

click on image to enlarge

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This entry was posted in daylilies, flowers and tagged blog, blog daylily, blog gardens, bloom, daylilies, daylily, daylily blog, daylily image, flower blog, flower image, flowers, garden blog, garden fairies, gardening, gardens, hemerocallis, hope, life, natural pest control, nature, organic gardening, perennial, perennial plants, serenity, wild on by John Hric.