2023 Social Nature Public Benefit Report


At Social Nature, we are committed to and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 of achieving gender equality and empowering women.

Internally, we endeavor to support the growth of women through their careers, resulting in:

  • 75% of the executive team (VP and above) identify as female, including the founder & CEO
  • 69% of employees in management positions identify as female
  • 60% of the employees at Social Nature identify as female

Additionally, our Founder and CEO Annalea Krebs, co-founded the Canadian Women in Naturals Community which hosts bi-annual events for Canadian women working in the natural product industry and has an online community of over 380 members. 

This initiative is non-profit and volunteer run, and provides a safe space for women to connect, share experiences and ask for support to help further themselves in their careers and to help grow their natural product businesses.

We co-founded the Canadian Women in Naturals community in 2016 because we noticed a large underrepresentation of women in senior decision making roles in the natural product industry, including the associations that support the industry. Women are the primary purchasers of natural products and we believe that they should have a seat at the table. 

All of our events encourage senior women to bring a mentee so that we can support the next generation of women working in the natural product industry. The events build community and provide resources to the attendees.

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