Like a Sheep Led to the Slaughter ~by Pastor Mark Cyril



Much of what we see today in the modern Church is more of a slaughterhouse than a Sanctuary.

Like sheep led to the slaughter, countless believers follow leaders who feed on their ignorance and desperation, not guiding them to the truth of Christ but towards spiritual destruction.

Instead of nourishing souls with The Gospel of Grace and Transformation, many pulpits are filled with messages of materialism, self-promotion, and false promises.

In this slaughterhouse, genuine Faith is butchered under the weight of deception.

People come seeking salvation, healing, and restoration but are instead handed superficial solutions that leave them emptier than before.

The very leaders who should protect the flock have turned into wolves, preying on their vulnerability.

Yet, Scripture warns us of this:

“For false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” Matthew 24:11.

The Church was never meant to be a place of manipulation or exploitation.

The calling was to lead people to the Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep — not to slaughter them for personal gain.

It’s time to wake up and return to the simplicity of The Gospel.

Like sheep led to the slaughter, many are headed for spiritual ruin.

But The Truth of Christ still calls — only in Him can we find life, not in the slaughterhouse most modern Church has become.


~ Mark Cyril

Mark CyrilAuthor, teacher, motivational and conference speaker, Pastor Mark Cyril is the international President of CYRIL MARK WORLD EVANGELISM – an independent ministry taking the message of the cross across the Nations turning many in their numbers to salvation through Jesus Christ. He is also the Senior Pastor of Revelation Apostolic Community; an apostolic and Prophetic Word based ministry in Abuja the capital city of Nigeria – West Africa.

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