Phoebe Plummer of Just Stop Oil Sentenced to Two Years–JSO Sad – Watts Up With That?


Lots of Caterwauling here

A pane of glass just got more protection than human lives. This is madness.

Judge Hehir just sent Anna and Phoebe to prison for a combined total of just under 4 years, for throwing tomato soup at at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, protected by glass, back in 2022. Since then, the UK Government has approved over 80 new oil and gas projects – a crime against humanity. Those pushing for oil and gas remain at large, raking in cash and bankrolling politicians. Where’s the justice?

Prison for ‘conspiracy’. For standing up to the state. For fucking soup. Barely escaping the cell for marching down the road. The courts continue to throw the book at nonviolent direct action, with over 30 of our supporters jailed this year. So we will make them a site of civil resistance. But we need your help.

Of course more of them want to got to jail.

Someone miscalculated.

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