Parlatuvier, Tobago | Wish you were here


    The view of Parlatuvier from above has graced many a picture postcard — but there’s so much more to experience if you venture down to the beach and the village itself

    Anyone who’s toured Tobago will recognise the iconic view of Parlatuvier bay from Tobago’s Northside Road. But far too few venture down to discover the charms of its golden sand; calm, clear water (great for snorkelling, swimming or just floating!); or watching the seine fisherfolk bring in the catch of the day. Take a walk out to the edge of the pier, and breathe in the 360 degrees of beauty — the ocean, lush green mountains, the pirogues, the homes and structures dotting the shoreline and hillside. A hike to the nearby Parlatuvier Falls gives you yet another reason to stay here just a bit longer …

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