The Cost of Negative Reactions to Sexual Rejection


On Thursday, I said hurting our wives always harms our marriages. Today I want to give a real life, bedroom example.

You want sex. You ask if she is interested in having sex. She says no. And you get angry, or moody, or ignore her for the next 24 hours.

Any of these reactions hurts your wife. But they do more than that. They make you seem selfish, or childish, or manipulative. And any of these things makes you less sexy, which decreases her interest in sex in the future. And that harms your marriage.

I suspect most of us can identify with this example. And we could argue it’s a natural reaction. But it being natural doesn’t make it right or good. Being natural doesn’t change how it makes us look, how she feels about that, or that it makes us less sexually desirable.

If you’re trying to make her feel bad, or guilt her into sex, odds are she knows that’s what you’re doing. And that’s even worse for her and for your marriage.

Doing things that hurt your wife is destructive. Learn to do better.

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