Do the Work of The LORD ~by Travis Coffey



Jesus wants you to do the work of The LORD.

2 Chronicles 4 says,

“Then Huram made the pots and the shovels and the bowls. So Huram finished doing the work that he was to do for King Solomon for the house of God” 2 Chronicles 4:1

Just as Huram did what he was supposed to do, Jesus wants you to do the work of The LORD as well.

For Huram, it was to make pots, shovels, and bowls.

For you, it may be physical or something spiritual.

For example, here is what The LORD is telling me to do in this season, as I work for The LORD:

  1. Save my money
  2. Pray for my enemies
  3. Prophecy what Jesus will do in my life
  4. Do not fear, but give it to Jesus (Philippians 4:6)

And for you? What is The LORD telling you to do in this season of your life?

Jesus says: “I want My People to do the work of The LORD.

Listen to Me as I speak to you.

Lay down your life and all the things that distract you.

Many are caught up in the cares of life, but you are not seeking a way out.

You like a life of chaos — not a life of being still with Me…

What is wrong? Repent.

Seek Me. And do what I have asked you to do!”


~ Travis Coffey

Travis Coffey Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.

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