Understanding and Supporting Your Wife When She Cries


As my wife and I were talking with our 33-year-old son yesterday, he said, “When your wife is crying, you should listen to her.” And Lori said to me, “You need to write a post about that.”

So, here we are.

Some men are unnerved by crying. We don’t do it, or do it and feel bad about doing it. We don’t really understand it, and sometimes we think she may be doing it intentionally to gain advantage or manipulate us. In truth, crying is a natural function, and women are just less repressed about showing tears.

I suggest you consider tears as God’s way of underlining what your wife is saying. It’s a flag showing what she is saying is important to her. So listen up. Don’t be quick to try to fix it, and don’t try to downplay it. Whatever brought on the tears is a big deal to your wife.

And yes, her menstrual cycle can be a factor. But she’s not crying because of the time of the month. She is crying because something is bothering her. She may cry more easily or harder because of her current hormones, but the underlying issue is still something that matters to her. And if it matters to her, it should matter to you!

Image Credit: © kieferpix | stock.adobe.com
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