Simple But Not Easy – This Blonde’s Shopping Bag


On Saturday afternoon my husband and I saw the movie Reagan starring Dennis Quaid. It was so good and so interesting to learn more about Ronald Reagan and how much he loved our country! Even more than that, it was so heartwarming to see how much he and Nancy loved one another. All that aside, I felt like there were so many takeaways from the movie, especially since this is an election year. One phrase really spoke to me: simple but not easy.

Simple But Not Easy

When I heard this it immediately struck a chord. So many things in this life are simple, once we take an honest look at what needs to happen but they are certainly not easy. This idea ties so well into what I mentioned on this space at the beginning of the year: protecting my peace. Of course it spills over to just about every area of my life as well and maybe yours too?

Simple Goals, Hard Work

You might have had a goal at the beginning of the year. How are you doing with it? Have you achieved it? If not, what got in the way? Was the work hard? I bet it was and continues to be. That’s because change is hard and maintaining that change even harder.

Questioning your why is potentially where your motivation will come from. For example, if you set a goal for yourself to lose weight and get healthy you are most likely aware that it sounds so easy to do yet the work is hard. The decisions you make each day are hard. Maybe you have even decided you cannot keep it up so why bother?

I offer this to you – ask yourself why. Why do you want to reach this goal? What will be better when you do? Is this really something you want or someone else? Because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it is in fact something YOU want you will find a way.

What’s Been Hard for Me

It’s been hard for me to set goals when it comes to this business. I have been reluctant to state what it is I want to achieve. When that happens it’s like getting in a car to take a trip with absolutely no idea where you want to end up. What happens is you drive around and never get anywhere. You waste gas and time. Sure, you might see something interesting along the way and might enjoy it a bit but you’re never actually arriving.

I realize that what I want sounds simple but to get there is not easy. I’ve also realized I may not want to do the work. In a sense, not setting the goal or stating what I want gives me an easy out. It’s a great excuse, isn’t it? It’s also frustrating.

So I invite you to take a long, hard look at an area of your life that you’d like to fine tune or perhaps change. Could be professionally or personally. But take a look and a stand. If not now, then when? When will you be willing to do the hard work?

My hope is that this post has you thinking. I’m taking steps now to figure out and be specific about what I really want to achieve and what I am willing to do.

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