Is Christianity a religion or relationship? – Discerning Dad


Episode 66 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast is out now!

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Religion vs. Relationship: A Deeper Dive into Faith


Welcome to the Eyes on Jesus podcast with Drew and Tim. Today’s episode, “Religion vs. Relationship,” explores the intricate balance between maintaining religious practices and fostering a genuine relationship with Christ.

The Covenant of Marriage and Faith

Drew: A good marriage requires staying committed because you’re in a covenant with that person. Not every moment you’ll feel passionate about your spouse, but you remain committed because there is something deeper than your feelings. Similarly, in our relationship with Jesus, we may not always feel fiery passion or the urge to read the word for hours every day. But commitment rooted in love, deeper than fleeting emotions, keeps us grounded. People run into problems when they treat their feelings as facts and drift away from relationships.

The Importance of Relationship in Religion

Speaker: Welcome to Episode 66 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast with Drew and Tim. Over the past weeks, we’ve covered a range of topics, from the Olympics to upcoming church activities. Today, we delve into the crucial theme of “Religion vs. Relationship,” a topic often at the heart of discussions about faith in Christ.

We repeatedly hear about the importance of a relationship with Christ. But how does religion play into that? What does Jesus seek from us in this context? Can the structure of religion coexist with the fluidity of a personal relationship with Him?

Tim: This subject is particularly relevant as both Drew and I recently tackled it in our sermons. Understanding the balance between the teachings of law and the essence of relationship can be challenging. Religious doctrines often say it’s about rules and rituals, but Christianity encompasses an organic relationship with Christ. The religion part—worshipping a superhuman power—plays a role, but a relationship adds an essential emotional and spiritual layer.

Personal Revelation and Faith

Speaker: My college experience initially shook my faith. I learned about various religions, which made me question my beliefs and forced me to make my faith truly personal. This showed me that while religion provides a framework, true faith comes from personal revelation and connection with the Holy Spirit.

Tim: The story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet illustrates this. Despite her past, her act of worship showed her profound love for Jesus, which religious leaders criticized. Jesus valued her heartfelt devotion over rigid conformity to religious practices. This story underlines the dichotomy between man-made religious traditions and genuine faith.

Modern-Day Pharisees: A Warning

Tim: We often see a Pharisaical attitude in today’s church, where strict adherence to dogma overshadows the essence of faith. This attitude stifles new believers’ passion and zaps the spiritual vibrancy from churches. Adrian Rogers once described a church full of Pharisees as one where everyone attends, gives, and serves but ultimately heads towards spiritual emptiness.

Real Faith in Everyday Life

Drew: A true relationship with Jesus should reflect in how we live daily. It’s akin to nurturing any significant relationship in our lives—with our friends, spouses, or even commanding officers in the military. Consistency, regardless of our feelings, is crucial.

The pattern of feeling disconnected in our relationship with Christ isn’t uncommon. The solution isn’t to question our salvation but to reconnect immediately. Engaging in daily prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship encourages this reconnection.

Spiritual Discipline and Routine

Tim: Adult relationships can become routine due to life’s demands, much like our spiritual lives. Yet, the beauty lies in intentional engagement. Just like we pursue quality time with our spouses amid busy schedules, we must intentionally carve out quality time for our relationship with Jesus.

Call to Action and Encouragement

Speaker: This discussion isn’t just philosophical. If you’re questioning the depth of your relationship with Jesus, take action now. It’s never too late to reinvest in your relationship with Christ. Whether through prayer, Bible study, worship, and service, each step draws you closer.

Conclusion and Prayer

Tim: Let’s close with a prayer: Lord, we’re thankful for the opportunity to build a relationship with You. Help us not to be bogged down by distractions and to genuinely pursue You daily. Reveal Your love to us in powerful ways, and help us to serve others from a place of genuine love. Amen.

Speaker: We’re grateful for our listeners. If this episode resonated with you, please share it and spread the word. Until next time, keep your eyes on Jesus, grow in discernment, and go with God.

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