Unprecedented Tomorrows ~by Sandi Holman



For a few days now, I have heard the voice of The Father say to me, “Fasten your seat belt and get ready to ride the high road with Me as I take the lead in October!

You are about to understand what “I will do a new thing” really means.

Suffice it to say, the ending will be a surprise, the beginning will be unexpected, but the outcome shall make the headlines as UNPRECEDENTED.

I AM the God of all Creation.

October will not only be a picture of leaves changing color — but it will be ushered in with a plan to turn the tricks of the enemy into a treat from The Father.

There will be many Unexpected turns of events take place before the end of October.

I AM working behind the scenes to present My Laborers with a special treat while the enemy continues to try to trick them every moment of every day.

There is a popular phrase “Live each day to the fullest for you are not promised tomorrow,” but I have come with many unplanned endings as well as unexpected surprises that will cause My chosen laborers to look forward to Tomorrow for great New beginnings and Unprecedented changes that they had lost all hope for.

There will be times of sorrow for those who have planned destruction to kill and destroy for self-promotion and manipulative control.

As the leaves turn quickly into a flaming color, so will My Love set hearts aflame with hope for tomorrow and a happy ending,” says The Father God.

“The next three months, October, November and December will look like a three fold cord of Love.

Thanksgiving and Unexpected Gifts that pave the way for the new year ahead.

Yes, the world is at a divine turning point that shall be bring fulfillment of promises made and judgments carried out.

I AM enabling My Servants to press on with a tenacity that is unstoppable to bring to birth the very thing they were created for.

Because they have delighted themselves in The LORD as the scripture in Psalm 37:4 promises, they shall indeed be given the desires of their heart,” says The LORD.

“Delight yourself in The LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart,” Psalm 37:4 KJV.

“Many others shall reach the end of a long assignment that they carried out in obedience and shall now pass the Baton to the one who will carry forth the Plan as given to them by The Father.

These appointed times shall be remembered as unplanned or unexpected endings.

Always remember, my timing is simply not your timing,” says the Timekeeper and Ruler of all the world.

“I AM stepping down to interrupt the plans of the enemy and fulfill the desires of My People in the right timing.

Nevertheless, “You shall have the thing you are carrying with an undeniable grant from Me to you!”

Many have been developing Patience as they stood in the hallway waiting for the right door to open.

I AM opening Doors in this hour that no man can shut.

Unexpected and unknown Doors shall open quickly before the end of 2024.

Then, and only then, shall My Chosen Warriors have the eyes of their understanding opened deep and wide as to why Patience was needed!

The end-time days of goodness and evil require Patience to endure!

There shall be no room in the hearts of My People to entertain thoughts of lack or not enough for I AM the Provider and supplier of all their needs.

As the leaves change color and fall to the ground, change shall burst forth in every area of life.

The Winds of Change are bringing turnarounds, endings and birthing of all things new.

Stay focused with a clean heart ready to receive new vision and understanding with a fresh down-pouring of Godly Wisdom.

I AM reminding My Bride to keep fresh oil in their lamps and take care not to be like the five foolish virgins,” says The Bridegroom.

“This is a time you have not known before and will not face again. That is why it will be known and go down in the history of the world as ‘UNPRECEDENTED’.

It is the hour to take care of all Kingdom Business that has been left undone and get your house in order.”

Definition of Unprecedented : NEVER DONE OR KNOWN BEFORE.

I was prompted to search out the synonyms of Unprecedented : unparalleled, without equal, unrivaled, without parallel, extraordinary, uncommon, out of the ordinary, unusual, outstanding, striking, exceptional, prodigious, abnormal, singular, remarkable, unique, anomalous, atypical, untypical, freakish.

The LORD said, “Tell My People to be prepare their hearts for the unexpected.

That simply means to trust me with all their hearts. TRUST is your solid ground. It is the one thing that keeps you steady and filled with an adventurous heart, not a fearful heart.

I AM announcing to the world, ‘This is not a jump start on an old vehicle. It is a brand new created vehicle that is unequaled.

It is uncommon, it is a planned, designed created new beginning such as the world has newer known,” says the Creator.

I have often interrupted dreams and had visions where the interpretation of a vehicle often represents ministry or one’s calling.

So, I began to ponder what The LORD was saying and what it could really mean, suddenly, I had a Vision of new vehicles that were parked on a showroom floor and they were being driven off in different directions. The vehicles were all different colors.

So as I pondered what that could really mean, I asked The LORD, “What does that mean?” and He said, “There are many New Ministries being birthed, and many Old Ministries getting a New Beginning.

They are all different colors — because they all have a different Assignment, Gift and Call and the dealership is simply representing the storehouse.

Many will be fed The Bread of Life as they are being prepared to go forth into new different locations,” says The Heavenly Father.

“It is the ending of the old and raising up of the new. No one can stop My Plans!

I have sifted, separated and shifted you so that you would be ready as I have lifted you up higher in The Secret Place in September, so I AM orchestrating My Plans for a great gathering of love and perfect alignment.

In the past year, many in the world have swallowed the pill of compromise as they were filled with impatience, unbelief and hopelessness.

They were not willing to ‘wait and see’. But I was busy preparing the way and perfecting the things that concern you.

I AM setting you up and preparing your heart for both application and multiplication.

My Plan is repositioning and realigning to carry out My Design, so take care My Beloved Bride, to guard your heart at all times, and don’t jump to conclusions or fall into the trap of judging the only just judge — just because you do not understand!

My Ways are higher than your ways and My Thoughts are deeper than yours,” says The Father.

“My Plan shall send you forth from a small Brook of Provision to a Mountain of Abundance — for you are entering a time like no other.

It is an unprecedented time of My Favor as well as Unprecedented Change for all the world. You have not passed this way before,” says the only Wise God.

“I AM setting My Approval on those who have a humble and contrite heart in this hour, for I AM well pleased with how they have represented and carried My Heart to seek and save the lost and nothing can stop the blessings I have in store for those who are standing strong and walking in Faith,”says The LORD.

“I say to you, ‘Get ready for the Suddenlies that you have only dreamed of for you are on the verge of great breakthrough and blessing in things you have given up on or misunderstood.

Your open unexpected Visions of Hope shall come forth and produce Joy unspeakable in your heart, that will ground you in My Love that never fails,” says the Promise Keeper.

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make you name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].” Genesis 12:2 AMP.

I leave you with the amazing performance that impacted me as I was given this Word from The LORD : Sydnie Christmas wins GOLDEN BUZZER on Britain’s Got Talent!

Graham Cook

Graham Cook

I once read a statement by Graham Cooke that I felt was totally unmatched by any other prophet I had heard regarding Prophesy and it is actually quite simple.

I have used it over and over and I feel to pass it on now:

“Most people challenge their prophecy with their circumstances, rather than using the prophecy to challenge their circumstances.
God lives and speaks in our hearts and that rises up into our conscious minds and changes us. He doesn’t speak to our heads.”

Graham Cooke

“No one can stop My Plans!

I have already spoken to you in the past season, I have sifted, separated and shifted you so that you would be ready as I have lifted you up higher in The Secret Place in September, so I AM orchestrating My Plans for a great gathering of love and perfect alignment.

Know this,” says The LORD of all the earth, “as many in the world have swallowed the pill of compromise during this time of wait and see, I have been perfecting those things that concern you as I have been setting you up and preparing your heart for application as well as multiplication.

As I reposition, realign, and carry out My Design, be very watchful and guard your heart not to pass judgment on what you do not understand,” says The Father.

“Many shall go forth from a small brook of provision to a mountain of abundance as this is an unprecedented time of My Favor.”

Webster’s dictionary defines favor as: approval, support, or liking for someone or something.

I love what Genesis 12:2 in The Amplified Bible says:

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make you name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].”

This Scripture clearly shows that God wants to bless you with supernatural favor. He wants you to be blessed and to make you a blessing to everyone you meet.

God’s supernatural Favor flowing in your life is not based on your background, looks, or personality.

His Favor is based on The Word of God and believing what it says about you.

I truly believe what The LORD spoke to me in intercession, that the favor we are receiving in this end time gathering of the remnant is the kind of favor we have never yet seen because it has not happened this way before.

I hear Him say, “I AM setting My Approval on those who have a humble and contrite heart in this hour, for I AM well pleased with how they have represented and carried My Heart to seek and save the lost and nothing can stop the blessings I have in store for those who are standing strong and walking in faith,” says The LORD.

I can honestly tell you that this week has been a great time of finality to some intercession I have carried for a very long time — that seemed like I would never see!

I am a grateful Prayer Warrior.

Also, I have experienced a time of New Beginnings in several areas, Connections, Re-connections and many Confirmations of Unprecedented Favor and Suddenlies…. surprises that greatly warmed my heart.

God is SO good!

I prophesy to you: “You are on the verge of great breakthrough in things you have given up on, new understanding of things you misunderstood — open unexpected Visions of Hope and Joy unspeakable — during these last thee months of 2024!

Never look back on failure! Always focus on the promise and hold fast to His unchanging hand as His fills you with encouragement and grounds you in His Love that never fails!

I leave you with the song I so love and often sing by Elevation Worship.

THE BLESSING Living Room Session :


~ Sandi Holman

Sandi HolmanSandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.

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