The Uncomfortable Truth About Self Love


Oscar Wilde famously said, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” It might sound cheesy, but self-love is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. It influences our confidence, self-worth, how we allow others to treat us, and our overall self-perception. When we truly love ourselves, we no longer seek validation from others.

Cultivating self-love can be challenging, especially if you’ve grown up with messages that make you feel unworthy. During a Masterclass last week, I asked participants, “What do you love about yourself?” While some answered effortlessly, others needed a bit of encouragement, and a few were initially stumped.

That’s when the real magic happened. The other participants stepped in to share what they admired about their peers, filling in the gaps and creating a beautiful, supportive exchange.

A lack of self-love often manifests in predictable ways. Do any of these signs resonate with you?

5 Signs You Need More Self Love:

You Measure Your Self-Worth by External Validation
Relying on others’ opinions to gauge your value is a sign that your self-worth is not rooted in self-love.

You Constantly Want to Please Others
Are you always putting others’ needs before your own? A lack of self-love can make you prioritize others’ approval over your own happiness.

You Allow Others to Treat You Poorly
If you tolerate disrespect or mistreatment, it could be a sign that you don’t value yourself as you should.

You Don’t Think You Deserve Much
Believing you’re unworthy of good things can prevent you from pursuing or accepting what you truly deserve.

You Neglect Your Own Needs
If you often put yourself last, it might be time to reassess how much you value your own well-being.

With a lack of self love you will shrink yourself so much and conform to what someone else wants you to be, to such an extent that you wake up one day and have no idea who you really are. 

Self-love is the game-changer. 

It will elevate you to live a life that feels purposeful and aligned with what you truly want. It will improve your relationships with others and boost your self-worth.

You will be raising your frequency and the universe matches it by delivering the people and experiences that are worthy of you!

So ask yourself… Aren’t you worthy of your own, unconditional love?

Rupinder x

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