Last week, Lori and I were at a thrift store. We’d found several things we wanted, and I sat down in the furniture area with the cart while Lori browsed a bit more.

A young couple with a baby and a toddler was looking at the offerings near me. From their discussion, I learned he was the primary pastor of a church.

Then I heard this exchange.

HIM: What about this?

HER: I don’t like it.

HIM: What if we put it in the basement?

Her: I don’t like it.

HIM: But it’s only $20!

Her: I don’t like it.

At this point I was fighting the urge to say “Dude, she doesn’t like it!”

And then he said, “How about we leave it, and if it’s still here next week, we can reconsider?”

And then I had to fight the urge to give him my card and suggest he needs a bit of marriage coaching.

I never turned around to see what the woman didn’t like. But it didn’t matter what it was. She had given her opinion, and nothing he said was going to change that. I suspect she felt he didn’t care about how she felt. I mean, I felt that way.

If your wife says “I don’t like it” to you, does that carry as much weight as it should? I’m not saying she has the right to veto anything regardless of how you feel. But ignoring her preferences should be rare, and for good reason.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with stockdreams.ai
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