Listen, Obey, and Trust! ~by T. Andrew Farley



A quick preface of this Word of The LORD God (“Listen, Obey, and Trust!”) via the voice of the Spirit, that is below:

Last Saturday following a late morning fellowship group meeting; I had a few more precious or somewhat rare hours alone in the afternoon (I’m in a critical season of honoring the 5th commandment in full-time care-giving); I was getting ready to get into The Word and continue exploring something God was placing on my heart while I rested in doing so.

Then, suddenly I heard the voice (of The LORD God) through the Holy Spirit say very clearly: “Sit down and listen!”

So, I did of course, and the Word below which is for the first-fruits Remnant, Army of God, and the Bride of Christ,came forth.

The other thing is, unlike previous Words He’s given me, in the very beginning He’s referencing two Words that He spoke to and through Me; both were from several years back.

I’m going to place the links so you can read them as or if led — after reading this new encouragement and instructions for the last leg of the race we are now in.

The Word

The Rise and Build season of your generation is at hand. (Re-visit the earlier word; it now begins.)

The link of earlier publishing of this Word is here:

“Rise up it is time to build.“

“A Word from the Spirit of The LORD: “Rise up my sons and soldiers; it is time to build!

Showers of blessing in this season fall on the obedient sons and daughters of the Most High.

Your enemies have entered the gates, but I AM raising a standard against them! Enter in; behold I AM against them and you are the spear of My righteousness!

You are a battle ax in the hand of the Lord of Hosts!

Do not doubt now, even for a moment. My Glory and purpose will be established. I will quicken you in this season for victory against any standing giants! Is there any mountain that I cannot move?

Gird up! Hearken to My Word and My Voice alone; for the path of righteousness has been laid, and the salt on your feet will lead My Sheep from the broad to the narrow, as you are a called and chosen laborer, a reaper and laborer during the season of the greatest harvest!

I AM is in and with you; with the lens of eternal promise and My word written in the tablet of your heart, you see with My eyes!

Behold, I now begin a mighty and marvelous work and the Father will be glorified through it! Every knee will soon bow and confess My Name!” End of excerpt.

The Time of Elevation season also now begins!

( Read the earlier word for the quickening of this and all that I said to you before and in My Word- is converging! )

The link of earlier publishing of this Word is here:

“The time of elevation is at hand.“

“A Word from The Spirit of The LORD: “The time of elevation is at hand.”

“I AM the God of all things, the Holy One of Israel; I AM the Lord of Hosts, I AM the Restorer, I AM the Way-maker, and I AM your Breakthrough!

I have taken captivity captive, I AM your Provider, I AM your Healer, I AM the Lord your Peace! Receive this living word with all of My Shalom, as only the living word and my Ruach (Spirit) will lead you to absolute truth in this late hour!

I bind up the bruised, I renew and restore, I AM the King of Glory, and the Spirit of Reconciliation.

The winds of freedom blow even now upon My People!

To those who have passed through the furnace of affliction; to those who are submitting their lives daily unto My altar and carrying their cross, I say this to you: Behold, the time of elevation is at hand!

For I AM the Elevator, and before time began I knew you and I have ordained Our time together on the holy mountain, My high hill.

Those who have placed themselves on the Potter’s wheel, who have humbled themselves; who have asked Me to “use them”, in The Spirit, you are with Me in the heights of Zion, even now…

My mighty right hand is upon you, over you, and under you!

Fear not, fear not ever again, for the Lord of Hosts goes ahead of you, as I have made the way, and nothing will harm My surrendered ones!

I AM placing, I AM pairing, and I AM knitting together and fitting together My body, My laborers, for this final season of the divine and sovereign great harvest!

Rejoice My people! Rise up, trust Me, and abide in My perfect love, for there you ARE hidden in Me…

Behold, the time of elevation is at hand….” End of excerpt.


“Do not fret! I AM personally overseeing all of the details.

Simply do these three things in steadfastness, and with the excellent spirit I have given you:

  1. Be still and know, and listen!
  2. When you clearly hear Me, on what to do — or not do — and simply and instantly obey Me!
  3. Abide in Me as I abide in you, for My Love brigade (of which you are a member and a leader) IS under the Shadow of My Mighty Wings, for in you I have found faith! Remember always: the key to abiding is based on (your) positioning, and especially- your trust in Me!

Listen, obey, and trust!

Acceleration now comes quickly as I allow some of the plans of the adversary to combust, ignite and unfold.

These things will be shocking and terrifying to many, but this is the righteous judgment that will shake the sleepers and the complacent of off the fence.

This process will force them to make a critical free-will decision to either run to Me (Where I will shower them with My love and trauma breaking power!) or from Me; (Where their iniquity and stubbornness seals their fate) and they will perish…

My love and power will prevail as I pour it out upon the lost sheep of My Father’s House; I will not lose one of them! (John 17:12)

This love and power will be poured out through My Glory Carriers; those who have been tested and proven to be trustworthy! Thus, I AM their habitation and We are One…

Are you getting encouraged and excited, My beloved laborers? Sing your new song in joy and expectation! Are you ready to follow Me wherever I go?

Listen, obey, and trust! I love you all- with everlasting love!

Your Bridegroom King,

Y’shua (Jesus Christ)”

End of Word. 3:04 PM (EST), September 28,2024 (published on October 4, 2024)

This Word is witnessed and transcribed by Todd “Andrew” Farley who also testifies: Jesus came in the flesh, laid His life down as the perfect Lamb of God.

He was resurrected after 3 days; His propitiation by His blood atoned for the sins of those who believe in Him and confess His name above all others!

The scripture references below are critically important and this Word (below) is knitted together in the above instructions and encouragement; please search them out and read them!

Bible Verses:

Acts 17:11, Psalm 37:1-11, Psalm 46:10, 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31, Daniel 5:14, John 15, Luke 18:8.

The key to abiding verse: Psalm 125:1

1 Samuel 15:22-23, Isaiah 26:9, Joel 3: 9-17, 2 Peter 3:9, Joshua 24:15, Revelation 21: 9-27, Isaiah 61:3, John 17: 9-19, Psalm 23-24, Luke 17:21, Revelation 14:1-5, Numbers 11:23, Psalm 30:4.


~ T. Andrew Farley

Todd Andrew Farley Todd Andrew Farley is part of the nameless brigade, called for a time such as this, primarily to minister to the body of Christ and occasionally as a prophetic messenger for the edification of those called to the remnant Bride of Christ. He gives all glory, honor and praise, to the Name above all names, Jesus! For He alone was worthy.

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