It’s too late to save Britain from overheating, says UN climate chief Prof Jim Skea – Watts Up With That?



By Paul Homewood

h/t Philip Bratby

Why is the Telegraph publicising this propaganda?

Humanity has missed its chance of keeping global warming below 1.5C and it will take “heroic efforts” to stay below 2C this century, the scientist leading the global effort to understand climate change has warned.

Jim Skea, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said a failure to sufficiently curb carbon emissions had left the world on track to warm by 3C by 2100. This average masks variations between land and sea, with western Europe and the UK facing even greater warming – perhaps as much as 5C by the end of the century.

“We are potentially headed towards 3C of global warming by 2100, if we carry on with the policies we have at the moment,” said Skea.

“Obviously temperature rises over land will be higher than over the ocean. We don’t know how warm it will get [over land] but I know it may be more than the global average.”

The Met Office has tried to project the UK impacts. By 2070, it says, winters will be up to 4.5C warmer but 30pc wetter, meaning more flooding. Summer will be up to 6C warmer, with frequent droughts and surging numbers of heat-related deaths.

Skea said: “It’s very clear climate change is no longer decades in the future. It’s very obvious it’s happening now, so we need to adapt.”

Skea has benefitted very nicely from the climate scam, with his role at the Committee on Climate Change and appointment as Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College London, so he was a natural for his new job as Chair of the fraudulent IPCC.

But how can anybody be taken seriously who claims with a straight face that “summer will be up to 6C warmer” by 2070.

In reality, UK summers have warmed on average by less than a degree since the 1930s. More importantly, there has been no increase in the temperature of the hottest summers since the 1970s. The tiny rise in average temperatures is mainly due to the relative absence of the unusually cold summers, which were commonplace in the 1950s and 60s particularly.


A rise of 6C would mean that Birmingham will be as hot as the French Riviera is now. This is a meteorological impossibility. The reason why the Riviera gets much hotter in summer is because the sunshine is much stronger at that latitude.

The other claims are equally absurd- for instance “more frequent droughts in summer”, when long term rainfall trends have changed little since 1840:

UK rainfall summer amount

It is little wonder that most of the world have ignored the pronouncements and threats from the IPCC, and continue to merrily keep pumping out more emissions every year, when they see this palpable nonsense regurgitated every year.

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