Space Rescue at Your Service? Who Ya Gonna Call?


Experts say that the United States is lacking a “go-get-em” capability for in-space rescue.
Image credit: Aerospace Corporation

All those eye-catching, arguably clickbait headlines of bringing home stranded astronauts stuck in space underscores a worrisome reality. The United States is lacking a “go-get-em” capability for in-space rescue.

The lessons of Apollo, Skylab and the space shuttle with respect to the rescue of astronauts in space appear to have been forgotten.

That memory lapse comes at a time when more folks are flying into space from multiple nations, many tucked inside commercially provided spacecraft.

Boeing Starliner attached to International Space Station. Came home empty.
Image credit: NASA

The recent Boeing Starliner escapade with conked out control thrusters and helium leaks is a case in point.

Mix in gutsy missions of private crews performing high-altitude spacewalks without a spaceship docking port or being the first to rocket into polar orbit around the Earth or heading off to the Moon.

For more details, go to my new story – “US needs ‘space rescue service’ to help astronauts in distress, experts say – ‘We’re not planning to do it, and you can’t do a rescue on the fly. You have to plan ahead of time’” at:

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