7 New Tourist Scams That Target Cruise Passengers


Unfortunately, scams that target cruise passengers are very common. I come across stories almost daily in cruise-related Facebook groups about travelers’ unpleasant experiences.

While I’ve already shared some of the most common scams with you in the past, new ones have recently come out and they are getting increasingly difficult to detect.

That’s why I decided to write an updated article with the new scams you need to watch out for. Please read the article carefully, there’s nothing worse than having your vacation ruined by a scam.

Fake Deck or Embarkation Fees

Cruise embarkation

A new scam I heard about recently claims that travelers owe last-minute fees, such as “deck fees” or “embarkation fees.”

If you are a cruise expert you will quickly realize that these are fake fees and that they are not requested by cruise lines.

However, inexperienced cruise passengers could easily fall for these scams since they often involve very well-made fake websites and phone calls from fake cruise representatives.

Always contact your cruise line through official channels before you make any additional payment.

Social Media Raffle Scams

Another very common type of scam involves fake raffles and giveaways on social media, especially in cruise-related Facebook groups.

As you can imagine, these scams lure participants with promises of free cruises or luxury prizes, such as trips in suites or exotic itineraries.

These scammers often disappear after collecting payments or your personal information.

Illegal Drivers

Taxi near the cruise ship
In cities with yellow cabs it’s difficult to make mistakes

Fake or unlicensed drivers posing as taxi or rideshare drivers at ports of call usually target travelers looking for transportation.

These scams are prevalent in large port cities, with scammers pressuring tourists into paying inflated fees​.

I know for sure that this it’s a very common scam in Italy since I live there and have seen them often, however, I know that this is also quite common for itineraries in the Caribbean.

If you want to take a cab make sure you only get into cars that are properly marked as such, they usually always have a clearly visible permit number.

Tasting Scam

In some port cities, passengers are offered free samples of high-end liquor, only to be sold cheap, low-quality booze disguised in fancy bottles after they make a purchase.

It’s a fairly sneaky type of scam, and it makes you realize how scammers are becoming more and more able to rip off even the most attentive tourists.

Shore Excursion Scams

Excursion in Marseille

Independent vendors offering “too good to be true” shore excursions may take your money upfront but fail to deliver a good service.

Sometimes, the quality of the tour drastically drops, or the guide never shows up, leaving passengers stranded.

As I said in the article on the 17 money-wasting mistakes all cruisers must avoid, you should always do some research before booking.

If you want to save money and book with a reliable service I recommend GetYourGuide. You can even get a 10% discount if you use this link.

Rental Car Damage Claims

In this scam, a rental agency falsely accuses you of causing damage to the vehicle when it’s returned. The scammer will often pressure you to pay an exorbitant fee before you can return to your ship.

To avoid this kind of scam, rely only on reputable rental agencies that have good reviews.

In addition, when you receive the vehicle inspect it thoroughly and immediately report any damage. I usually also take photos in case there are any problems when I return it.

Wrong Change Scam

Market in Turkey
Market in Turkey

Another scam that I have noticed has become common in the last period involves purposely giving incorrect change.

Basically shopkeepers or taxi drivers may intentionally shortchange tourists who are unfamiliar with the local currency, hoping they won’t notice the discrepancy.

Fortunately, this scam is easy to expose and avoid. Check the change well when you receive it and remember to take your time without being in a hurry.

If possible, avoid carrying too much cash and opt to pay with cards instead. Especially if you visit one of these dangerous ports.