3 Easy Powerful Steps To Start Building It Today


Build your resilience today by taking 3 simple steps

Hello everybody. I hope you are having an amazing week! I am glad about your comments about the Indigo Aura, and it was great to relate with some of you. As I shared in the article, I was really happy when I saw my indigo aura in 2010. Today, I want to talk about something super important, something that I am afraid I am seeing shrinking in this human civilization. I will give you 3 simple steps to build your resilience today and improve a little bit every day. I want to start by saying, “With enough resilience, you can overcome everything.” In a way, this is true, but to get there, you need to work your way up. You are reading this, and only with this alone, you are already starting to build your resilience, how? Because you are interested, you are projecting intentions to be more resilient, aren’t you? When you want something, and you feel it from your Heart Chakra, you already make a difference. This is why emotions are so powerful and important. I meant it, by feeling it, you are already sending it to the Universe, and triggering the Principle of Mentalism to promote more resilience in your life. You can’t imagine how positive is that you are starting to grow your resilience because sadly, a lot of people are doing otherwise. Most people are less and less resilient, and this is hurting society as a whole. So, please help divulge resilience by sharing this article. I will also be super grateful if you do!

Let’s find out first: What is resilience?

Sometimes, people confuse resilience with always being happy, and while the two go almost together holding hands, they are not the same. I want to have a more personal, casual, and even spiritual approach to resilience. If you want to stick only to a more psychological or scientific one, you can check out this article from the American Psychological Association. Here, we will have a practical approach and 3 simple steps for you to get started in maximizing your resilience at work, for example, as well as in other life situations. To keep it simple, resilience is the capability to stand up after you get smacked to the ground! We have plenty of positive and negative experiences throughout life, and some can be exhausting. A lot of times. you need to face bumps on the road, and sometimes it seems to be bump after bump. Here, you have two choices, to give up and never reach your destination, or keep driving through the bumps. If you choose the second option, you sure know how to find the strength to keep going, meaning that you have some resilience here. The best thing here is that after hitting your head enough times while driving your small car through the bumps you will come up with a better solution to make the drive smoother, aka, building resilience.

With strong resilience, you will always manage to get the best out of your life path.

I want to say that I am concerned about stress and resilience in this society we all live in. It seems that the masses are growing impatient, and less and less resilient. Can you relate? Ask yourself honestly if you need everything “now,” especially when it is something that for example, broke down, or turned into a problem that needs fixing. Social resilience is in danger, and in a way, perhaps some big corporations might want this for productivity success, but I am telling you that it doesn’t serve your highest purpose. You must stop focusing on the glass being half empty, don’t be that ungrateful, please! From here, you can already start building resilience, because from a failure you will see it as an opportunity to grow as the least. Sometimes, a failure can yield you to new opportunities, but you need to keep going for this to happen. Try to not give up on anything just for a week. Too hard? Okay, don’t worry, apply this only to your hobbies or something you enjoy. In a way, you will see yourself stronger, especially if you overcame a challenge thanks to keeping up with it. If you start with something small, keep trying until you succeed, it will likely arrive soon. Once you succeed a few times, try with something harder, such as with a task at work.

Resilience versus Mental Toughness

While I feel these two are best friends, they are not the same. Imagine a huge wall surrounding a castle. One of its purposes is to take hits and stand strong. This simply defines mental toughness. On the other hand, resilience could be defined as a boxing against a dummy that regardless of how many hits it takes, it will always go back to its original position without breaking down, standing as strong as always. These two work in complete union because greater mental toughness enables more resilience. It is sort of a adaptability and resilience growing together. You know how to stand stronger after getting a hit. You will also learn how to perhaps avoid the next hit already, or perhaps the following one. You will be adjusting to your challenges, understanding them better, and eventually overcoming them. Once you do, you grow stronger, and you will be even more ready for the next challenge.

In addition to great mental toughness, you need to have a good capability of recovery when your defenses are breached and hurt you.

In addition to great mental toughness, you need to have a good capability of recovery when your defenses are breached and hurt you.

But you cannot be only strong and rely on almost unbreakable defenses. Even the mightiest wall may collapse; if it does, you must also be prepared. You need to know how to recover, and sometimes taking hits is necessary to start building resilience. You can also train emotional resilience with some wisdom, knowing beforehand how to be ready for the potential hits. Knowing more about the subject helps too, so keep on reading!

3 simple steps to building resilience

Okay, let’s go to the juicier part, and this will be about having 3 simple steps to build resilience starting today. You too will be able to build resilience and grow stronger, you only need to have the will, and if you are still reading, I am sure that you already have it.

Step 1: Feel connected and believe in your abilities

Remember when I told you about the glass half full? Here is where it applies, especially at the beginning. Let’s say that you think you are not so good at biking because you didn’t make it to the top 10 this year. Think of something you would never do in life because you don’t like it, and you certainly know you don’t have and don’t even want the skill. Don’t you feel a better biker already? You certainly have the skill, you only need to train more. Use this as a cornerstone approach every time you fail, and you will keep going. If you think about it, you will keep pushing yourself, and keep doing what you love to do: biking. Maybe, you get to a point where you are satisfied with your performance, and you don’t care for competition anymore. Ultimately, this will make you stronger because you left the ego behind, and now you only keep getting better because you love it, and you keep practicing, no pressure. You can apply this to everything in life enabling progress on anything you pursue, despite the attempts.

Step 2: Be optimistic and embrace change

Life is all about progress and change whether you like it or not. If you manage to surf the wave, you are in a fantastic position, but certainly, you will not stop focusing so you won’t fall off the wave. You need to be ready for everything here, and if you manage well, you will continue surfing the wave. Otherwise, you will need to continue getting on top of that board and try again. The same goes for example at work, you can be on the top, and you will likely continue to be if you embrace change.

Be ready for sudden changes and always stay optimistic about riding the wave to the best outcome!

Be ready for sudden changes and always stay optimistic about riding the wave to the best outcome!

You likely have little to no control over many things in your professional, and personal life. There is free will, and there are people, a lot, and by a lot I mean a lot that seems to act through life with no reasoning. Sadly, these individuals can hurt society, and you need to both adapt and learn to be above what brings you down. However, you shouldn’t live in fear, so you need to make sure you still project positivity versus focusing on potential negative outcomes. Take this as another cornerstone approach every time worry starts to build up.

Step 3: Make easier goals with many checkpoints and celebrate small victories

Sometimes, what you need to build resilience is to experience some positivity for a change. If you make your only goal to reach the end of the line, you are in trouble. Sure, this should be your goal, but not the only one. Otherwise, challenge after challenge you will see this end of the line so far away, that you will give up. Instead, make small and reasonable goals so that when adding them all together, you will be closer to that end of the line. Here, you can be twice as happy. You can be happy because you reached a certain checkpoint, but also you can be happy because you added to the overall goal, and now you are closer to it. This way, you will never focus on what is yet to be accomplished, but on what you are accomplishing right now. Of course, you need to be happy with yourself for accomplishing things. There is no better way to add small victories and finish many checkpoints. Take this as another cornerstone approach to delays and unfulfilled anticipation.

Day-to-day practice and desire are your keys

Emotionally resilient means lies on also having many resources for quick recovery, as well as perseverance to keep growing a stronger skin when it hurts. However, this doesn’t come out of the blue, and as with everything, it needs practice. Now you have some solid ideas to move forward, and even if you succumbed to failure, don’t be upset. You have noticed and you are already trying to stand up, there is no better resilience than this, so you should be proud of yourself.

What contributes positively to resilience?

As some final thoughts on the importance of resilience, I want to share some quick points for you to keep into account to positively contribute to your resilience. As I shared before, it is not about making it harder for you to build muscle.

You had resilience when you learned to ride a bike (or whatever other skill you have.)

You had resilience when you learned to ride a bike (or whatever other skill you have.)

To avoid lessons and even bigger roadblocks and long-term problems, you need to start will smaller weights. However, unfortunately, sometimes you cannot choose the weights, life throws them at you. Keeping the following into account will ease it:

  • Coping Skills: There are ways and ways to at least adjust a little. The most uncomfortable bed in the world is still better than the hard floor. While you want to aim higher, if you are on the ground, you need to take what you have in front of your eyes, and every little helps to cope better with the bigger problem. Imagine ten tiny points of support versus none!
  • Social Support: Having some support is important, whether it is someone around you, some friends, neighbors, or even social support groups available in your neighborhood. A lot of times, sharing your burden makes a huge difference. Other as well as your positive stories will help empower each other greatly, contributing to greater adaptability and resilience.
  • Importance of Self-Esteem: You need to start focusing on what you like more about yourself, versus on what you are unhappy with. Everybody can have a bad day, and this doesn’t mean that you are terrible at what you do. Perhaps is not even your fault, but you need to stand up and check, and you will only find the drive if you are certain you did a good job. Empowering your positive traits will enable you to find ways to empower the weaker ones as well.
  • Effective Communication Skills: Sometimes, if you need help, you only have to ask for it. Perhaps you are reading this, and you wish to feel better about yourself and your challenges. As I stated above, sharing your burden with those who are willing to help, will make things easier. You need to speak up about your emotions, ideas, and even fears. You can and will grow stronger by talking, sharing experiences, and reading others. So, I invite you to leave a comment below, and share your story!

From here, you need to start being more aware of your emotions, and how you go about in life. You don’t need to be an unbreakable resilient person, but if you become a little stronger every day, you will see a difference down the line, and ultimately, this will make you feel better.


Q: What is resilience?

A: Resilience refers to the capability to adapt to and step up from negative moments and challenging life experiences.

Q: Why is resilience important?

A: Resilience is crucial for overcoming challenges, maintaining optimal mental wellness, and improving well-being.

Q: How can I build resilience?

A: Building resilience involves developing self-awareness with proper self-regulation. Developing coping skills with great optimism, and solid social connections.

Q: What is emotional resilience?

A: Emotional resilience is the ability to always deal with any emotional stress and adversity with positive behavior, and capable of standing up again even if you crash.

Q: What does resilience theory entail?

A: Resilience theory explores how people adapt and evolve when exposed to adversity, loss, and risk. In a way, this suggests that resilience can be developed over time.

Q: How does social support contribute to resilience?

A: If you have significant connections and the capability of networking with supportive connections, you will grow stronger thanks to emotional and practical assistance, which helps individuals cope with and recover from all life challenges.

Q: Can resilience be learned?

A: Have no doubt! Indeed, resilience can be developed through intentional practice. You will slowly be adopting positive coping strategies and mindsets. All that matters is to keep trying, and if you fall, to stand up again. You certainly can!

Q: What role does self-esteem play in resilience?

A: If you have high self-esteem, you will boost confidence and you will feel more capable of handling any difficult situation you need to face.

Q: How do communication skills impact resilience?

A: Communication is essential to help people seek support, as well as take action when necessary. I can give you some support through a Talk to Fer session.

Q: What is the difference between psychological and emotional resilience?

A: Psychological resilience talks about mental fortitude to be able to face uncertainty and challenges. Emotional resilience focuses on dealing with and healing from emotional stress. Well, I believe that this is it for this week. I have to say, that resilience is something that I swear by. I am extremely grateful for my resilience because if it wasn’t for it, you would probably wouldn’t be reading this, or perhaps nothing at all. You never know, but what I know is that I kept going thanks to it, as well as my daily effort, and of course, your support, as the latter is completely essential, and I am super grateful to all of you. How much do you benefit from your resilience? Feel free to leave a comment, and we will chat about it! Next week we will talk about Usui Reiki and Mikao Usui in particular. You know what I feel about labels, however, some things need to be honored. In this case, although I started sending healing naturally, I started to receive some discipline in the many healing arts from Mikao Usui’s teachings, so I will share a little bit about Usui’s Reiki. We will talk more in a week. See you next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now! Subscribe and download a free guided meditation. I invite you to check earlier posts: eighth year, seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year. Love & Light, Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home) Rev. Fernando Albert Thank you for visiting! - Resilience