Release of Consultation Proceedings on Rights of People of African Descent

Front cover design of the publication "Expert Consultation on the Draft Declaration on the Promotion, Protection and Full Respect of the Human Rights of People of African Descent - Proceedings and Written Submissions". A group of people with their back turned towards the camera looking at an outline of the continent of Africa.

We are delighted to share the release of the proceedings and written submissions of the Expert Consultation on the Draft UN Declaration on the Human Rights of People of African Descent, a significant convening organized by the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent and hosted by the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School. This proceeding publication captures the essence of a major consultation held in Cambridge, MA, in March 2024, where experts from various fields gathered to address critical issues of structural racism and intergenerational justice and propose actionable solutions. By bringing together the voices of scholars and practitioners from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, the publication aims to contribute to the ongoing drafting process of the UN Declaration on the Rights of People of African Descent. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all contributors and invite readers to explore this important step towards racial equality and global justice.

You can download the publication from the HRP website.

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