
● Located in Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

● Dedicated to the manufacture of electrodes.

● They were facing power quality problems.


● Inductive non-compliance 100% of the time.

● High load variations.

● No compensation equipment.

● A relatively high level of 2nd harmonic is present.

Solution: Installation of two STATCOMs +/- 10 MVAr each

● ‍One STATCOM was installed for each of the two transformers.

● 36 MVA mains (230 – 13.8 KV).

● Faster solution for power factor compensation.

● Active harmonic current filtering capability.

● Less area required per KVAR.

● Newest and most reliable technology available.

Why is STATCOM the best technology?

● Equipment responds dynamically to the load.

● Operation of the equipment is by power electronics.

● Compared to its main predecessor, the SVC, the STATCOM has much higher efficiency and performance.


● The STATCOM met the dynamic MVAr demand created by the variable load center operation.

● An average PF value of 0.99 is met 100% of the time.

● Improvements in power quality parameters

● For voltage unbalance, a maximum value of 0.171 % was obtained during the measurement period, remaining below the 2% limit established in the Grid Code.

● Current unbalance had a maximum value of 4.814 % during the measurement period, remaining below the 15% limit established in the CoR.

● The values of odd and even single harmonic components are within the limits.

● Harmonic currents were reduced, highlighting the 2nd harmonic current.

● The maximum THDD[%] value in the measurement period was 1.09 %, remaining below the limit, which for this load center is 3.75%.

● Flicker values for the 95th percentile Short Term Voltage Swing Index (STFI) was 0.382 remaining below the Grid Code limit of 1.0.

● Flicker values for the 95th percentile Long Term Voltage Fluctuation (LTI) Index was 0.329 remaining below the Grid Code limit of 0.80.


● Grid code compliance.

● Longer useful life of plant equipment.

● Lower energy and maintenance costs.

● Improved process efficiency.

● Increased production capacity.

● Financial bonus from the supplier.

Do you have similar goals?

We can help you make them a reality. Talk to one of our experts and we will offer you personalized advice, according to your needs.

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