As video producers, we’re always experimenting. That means we’ll create many Premiere Pro projects over time. It’s only natural to learn how to delete projects in Premiere Pro!

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to delete a project in Premiere Pro. This technique is simple, but crucial to keep your workspace clean. Let’s dive in and learn more.

Why Delete Projects in Adobe Premiere Pro?

In Adobe Premiere Pro, building projects is an interactive process. You’ll often find yourself with several different sets of saved project files. So, why is it useful to delete projects in Adobe Premiere Pro? There are several reasons:

  • Saving storage space. By nature, Premiere Pro projects are large files. After all, they incorporate video files, music, and more! These take up a lot of hard drive space. If you don’t need a project file, deleting it frees up precious space in  a flash. 
  • Removing redundancies. It’s natural to have several versions of Premiere Pro files when you work on a project. Once you’re finished, there’s no reason to keep earlier copies. Deleting them removes them from your computer. 
  • Controlling unwanted copies of files. Removing old Premiere Pro projects helps you avoid having unwanted, old revisions still stored. It ensures that trial or demo footage won’t ever be shared. 

As you can see, there are several reasons that you’ll want to know how to delete a project in Premiere Pro. Let’s get started!

How to Delete Projects in Premiere Pro (Step by Step)

Now, let’s learn how to delete a project in Premiere Pro. It’s an easy process, and one that you’ll find yourself using often. Knowing how to delete projects in Premiere Pro is an essential skill as an editor. This way, you can remove unwanted files with ease. 

1. Navigate to a Saved Project

Projects in Premiere Pro are the large media files that control your videos. They contain everything that you work on in Premiere when you’re editing a video. The first step to deleting projects in Premiere Pro is to find the saved project file. Projects in Premiere are saved in a special format: PRPROJ. It’s short for Premiere Pro Project. 

If you want to see how to delete projects in Premiere Pro, you’ll first need to navigate to a shared project file. To do this, go ahead and launch Premiere Pro. Then, in the upper left corner of your screen, click File.

How to delete projects in Premiere ProHow to delete projects in Premiere Pro
Go to File > Open Project to find a Premiere Pro project that you want to delete.

From the File dropdown, choose Open Project. Browse to a stored PRPROJ file on your computer. Now, you’re ready to start the process of deleting your Premiere Pro project!

2. Select the Project Files

In the file browser, you’ll see the project listed. But you can’t delete it directly from here. That’s because this is an open-file dialogue box.

No sweat. Begin by clicking on the Premiere Pro project once to select it. Then, right-click once. If you’re on Mac, click Show in Finder from the list of options.

How to delete a project in Premiere ProHow to delete a project in Premiere ProHow to delete a project in Premiere Pro
Right-click on a PRPROJ file and choose to open it in Finder or Explorer.

If on Windows, choose Show in Explorer. What you’re doing here is transporting yourself to the specific folder where your Premiere Pro project files are stored. 

3. Delete the Project 

Now, the containing folder for your Premiere Pro project is open. You’re ready to delete the project! To do that, click on the PRPROJ file once again to select it.

Then, press Delete on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right-click and press Move to Trash or Delete.

How to delete projects in Premiere Pro quicklyHow to delete projects in Premiere Pro quicklyHow to delete projects in Premiere Pro quickly
Right-click on a Premiere Pro project file and click Move to Trash to remove it.

Just like that, your Premiere Pro project will be deleted! Keep in mind: you may have other files and folders that were contained within the project. You can delete these as well. Or, you can hold on to them for future use.

Also, you may need to clear your Recycle Bin or Trash folders on your computer. While clicking Delete removes your Premiere Pro project, it doesn’t permanently erase it. To free up file space, you’ll need to remove it permanently from the Trash. 

The Best Source for Premiere Pro Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Here’s a secret: video templates are every editor’s best friend. With most of the work done for you, you’ll only need to update a few key details. They give you great results with less work. On Envato Elements, you’ll unlock the best Premiere Pro templates!

Elements how to delete projectsElements how to delete projectsElements how to delete projects
One subscription gives you unlimited Premiere Pro templates, thanks to Envato Elements.

Best of all, Elements has tons of extras you can use for your next production. That includes stock video, audio, graphics and so much more. And there’s no extra cost for all these assets!

Even better? You now have an AI-powered search assistant to help you find everything you need. With AI-powered search, Elements can find every file you need. Simply enter a conversational prompt, and you’ll instantly have everything you need.

Elements AI search assistantElements AI search assistantElements AI search assistant
Use Elements new AI-search assistant to find exactly the files you need.

Remember: templates are flexible. That means that you can start with pre-built files but adjust them to your liking. It’s truly the best of both worlds.

You can’t afford to miss out on Elements. Join today to unlock everything you need for your next great production.

You Just Learned How to Delete Projects in Premiere Pro

Learning how to delete a project in Premiere Pro is simple, but so important. With your new skills, you can better manage your video workflow. Always backup projects somewhere safe, but it’s also crucial to cut out unneeded files with this skill.

Now, it’s your turn to do some housekeeping. Practice how to delete a project in Premiere Pro in your own workspace. You’re sure to find the app easier to navigate and work within!

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