Meet Mattie McKee, Manchester University Social Work Major

“I chose social work because I just have a passion for helping people,” says Manchester University student Mattie McKee while serving an internship at a Fort Wayne hospice. She acknowledges MU for her growth into a well-rounded person and credits its respected Social Work Program for preparing her for her chosen career. Learn more at […]

settling into a new social work job | first 9 to 5 work week!

I’m so glad you’re here 🙂 as promised, here is the chatty first week of work vlog!! as you may know… I am a new mental health clinician (msw) in juvenile detention center. coming up will be longer week in the life videos as I continue to settle into the 9 to 5 routine woohoo […]

MPPSC Social Work Online classes ugc social work bsw msw social work classes online classes by rohan

MPPSC online classes||social work social Work practice||mppsc nov 2021||social work mppsc 2021|#SOCIA_WORK_ONLINE_CLASSES #MPPSC_UGC_NET_JRF_2021 #MPPSC_SOCIAL_WORK_MSW_BSW_DSSSB #MPPSC #DSSSB #NTA UGC NET JRF# #MPPSC SOCIAL WORK# #SOCIAL WORK# #SPECIAL EDUCATION #DSSSB #PRT DSSSB SPECIAL EDUCATION #TGT DSSSB special EDUCATION #PGT DSSSB #SPECIAL EDUCATOR #ONLINE CLASSES SOCIAL WORK #समाज कार्य #ROHANYADAV #रोहनयादव #rohan #onlineclassessocialwork #socialworkclasses #rohanyadav #RohanYadav #ROHAN #8506031308 […]

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Learning and Social Work Course

For Registration: UAN: +92 321 5056755 WhatsApp: +92 331 5999937 Website: Email: #islamabad #diploma #inspireinstitute #pakistan #course #training #trainingcourses #onlineclasses #certificate #ukq #uk #approved #international #certificate in #learning and #social #work #course source