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A’ Design Awards & Competition – Call for Submissions

Can you believe it’s that time of year again? Time for the best and brightest designers from around the world to enter the A’ Design Award and Competition and that means you. Register your design here. The deadline for entries is fast approaching and now is the time to submit your best work. With over 100 categories the A’ Design Award and Competition is the world’s largest design competition. But it is not just an award. It is an indicator of quality and perfection in design, recognized worldwide, bringing your design front and centre before design companies and professionals.

From the Furniture, Homeware and Decor Items Design Award to the Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award, the Lighting Products and Projects Design Award to the Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award, the Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design Award to the Landscape Architecture, Planning and Garden Design Award and so many more. (You can find all the design categories here.) With the competition highlighting, advertising & advocating good design, taking part will provide recognition, publicity and international peer review. Entries will be judged by an international jury panel of scholars, professionals and media members and the benefits to the winners are inspiring. The trophy, of course, the Design Award Winner Logo, an invitation to the gala night, a certificate of quality, inclusion in the prestigious A’ Design Award and Competition exhibition and the yearly Result Book but even more importantly press and PR, introduction to industry professionals and companies and international exposure. The fame, the prestige, the recognition and so much more.

Are you inspired? Excited? Believe you’ve got what it takes to take on the best of the best design from around the world? You can register for the A’ Design Award and Competition 2024 –2025 now. But you better be quick. The deadline for regular submissions is September 30. Results will be announced to the public on May 1 and you will find full coverage of the results here on Desire to Inspire. Can’t wait to share the winners with you! Maybe we’ll be sharing your work.

In the meantime here are some inspiring winners from last year …

Spirito Table Lamp by Alexey Danilin

Meland Club Indoor Playground by Li Xiang

Znong Shu Ge Book Store by Masato Kure

Changi Terminal 2 New Airport Langage by Basile Boiffils

Skyline Bay Community Center by ZHOYU

Lotus Guest Chair by Ming-Li Chang

DC 3 Stool by Sergio Fahrer

Grampo Lamp by Bruno De Lazzari

La Espresso Espresso Maker for Travel by YUN-YUN HUNG

Formation 01 Bathroom Faucet by Kohler Internal Design Team

Omni Multifunctional Chair by Xinyi Huang and Chenyang Yu

Black House by Oliver Schütte

Clickat Diy Cat Furniture by Ziel Home Furnishing Technology Co., Ltd

Alskar Lounge Chair by Cassily Danwei Zhao

Tau Murano Small Table by Reflex Spa

Believe you’ve got what it takes to take on the best of the best design from around the world? You can register for the 2024 – 2025 A’ Design Award and Competition here but time is short so get your entries in now.


This post is in collaboration with A’ Design Award & Competition.

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How to Think About Risk: Howard Marks’s Comprehensive Guide


Risk is not simply a matter of volatility. In his new video series, How to Think About Risk, Howard Marks — Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Oaktree Capital Management — delves into the intricacies of risk management and how investors should approach thinking about risk.  Marks emphasizes the importance of understanding risk as the probability of loss and mastering the art of asymmetric risk-taking, where the potential upside outweighs the downside.

Below, with the help of our Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, we summarize key lessons from Marks’s series to help investors sharpen their approach to risk.

Risk and Volatility Are Not Synonyms

One of Marks’s central arguments is that risk is frequently misunderstood. Many academic models, particularly from the University of Chicago in the 1960s, defined risk as volatility because it was easily quantifiable. However, Marks contends that this is not the true measure of risk. Instead, risk is the probability of loss. Volatility can be a symptom of risk but is not synonymous with it. Investors should focus on potential losses and how to mitigate them, not just fluctuations in prices.

Asymmetry in Investing Is Key

A major theme in Marks’s philosophy is asymmetry — the ability to achieve gains during market upswings while minimizing losses during downturns. The goal for investors is to maximize upside potential while limiting downside exposure, achieving what Marks calls “asymmetry.” This concept is critical for those looking to outperform the market in the long term without taking on excessive risk.

Risk Is Unquantifiable

Marks explains that risk cannot be quantified in advance, as the future is inherently uncertain. In fact, even after an investment outcome is known, it can still be difficult to determine whether that investment was risky. For instance, a profitable investment could have been extremely risky, and success could simply be attributed to luck. Therefore, investors must rely on their judgment and understanding of the underlying factors influencing an investment’s risk profile, rather than focusing on historical data alone.

There Are Many Forms of Risk

While the risk of loss is crucial, other forms of risk should not be overlooked. These include the risk of missed opportunities, taking too little risk, and being forced to exit investments at the bottom. Marks stresses that investors should be aware of the potential risks not only in terms of losses but also in missed upside potential. Furthermore, one of the greatest risks is being forced out of the market during downturns, which can result in missing the eventual recovery.

Risk Stems from Ignorance of the Future

Drawing from Peter Bernstein and philosopher G.K. Chesterton, Marks highlights the unpredictable nature of the future. Risk arises from our ignorance of what’s going to happen. This means that while investors can anticipate a range of possible outcomes, they must acknowledge that unknown variables can shift the expected range. Marks also cites the concept of “tail events,” where rare and extreme occurrences — like financial crises — can have an outsized impact on investments.

The Perversity of Risk

Risk is often counterintuitive. To illustrate this point, Marks shared an example of how the removal of traffic signs in a Dutch town paradoxically reduced accidents because drivers became more cautious. Similarly, in investing, when markets appear safe, people tend to take greater risks, often leading to adverse outcomes. Risk tends to be highest when it seems lowest, as overconfidence can push investors to make poor decisions, like overpaying for high-quality assets.

Risk Is Not a Function of Asset Quality

Contrary to common belief, risk is not necessarily tied to the quality of an asset. High-quality assets can become risky if their prices are bid up to unsustainable levels, while low-quality assets can be safe if they are priced low enough. Marks stresses that what you pay for an asset is more important than the asset itself. Investing success is less about finding the best companies and more about paying the right price for any asset, even if it’s of lower quality.

Risk and Return Are Not Always Correlated

Marks challenges the conventional wisdom that higher risk leads to higher returns. Riskier assets do not automatically produce better returns. Instead, the perception of higher returns is what induces investors to take on risk, but there is no guarantee that these returns will be realized. Therefore, investors must be cautious about assuming that taking on more risk will lead to higher profits. It’s critical to weigh the possible outcomes and assess whether the potential return justifies the risk.

Risk Is Inevitable

Marks concludes by reiterating that risk is an unavoidable part of investing. The key is not to avoid risk but to manage and control it intelligently. This means assessing risk constantly, being prepared for unexpected events, and ensuring that the potential upside outweighs the downside. Investors who understand this and adopt asymmetric strategies will position themselves for long-term success.


Howard Marks’ approach to risk emphasizes the importance of understanding risk as the probability of loss, not volatility, and managing it through careful judgment and strategic thinking. Investors who grasp these concepts can not only minimize their losses during market downturns but also maximize their gains in favorable conditions, achieving the highly sought-after asymmetry.

5 AI Disclaimer Examples To Keep Your Content Compliant


It’s wild to think that in less than two years, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has completely revolutionized content creation. From blogs and social posts to images and videos, AI generated content is seemingly everywhere, but that also means there’s never been a greater need for transparency.

Whether you’re a creative using AI tools to aid your process or you’re exploring how generated content can streamline your processes, it’s important to let your audience know when you’re using them.

AI disclaimers are designed to do just that, informing your audience when you use AI technology in the content creation process. Not only does this practice build trust with your audience, but it can also ensure compliance with ethical standards and emerging regulations. This is particularly important as we continue to blur the lines between human and machine-generated work.

To help you maintain trust, credibility and authenticity with your audience, let’s explore everything there is to know about AI disclosures — including why you need them, when to use them and how to draft one for your content.

But before we jump in, I should probably note that I used AI to help outline this blog (but a human edited and adjusted it).

Why Do You Need a Disclaimer for AI-Generated Content?

The truth is, depending on your industry, you likely don’t need one. At least, not right now. 

Sure, you could put out AI generated material without telling anyone, but if your audience finds out, you could be risking your brand’s reputation. And while you no doubt diligently check any content that uses an AI tool for inaccuracies, a lack of transparency sends the wrong signals to your audience about your company’s trustworthiness and credibility.

You could also be opening yourself up to legal consequences related to misleading content and intellectual property rights. While this is a gray area for the moment, emerging regulations like the proposed AI Disclosure Act may soon require an explicit disclaimer on any AI generated content. Failing to comply could lead to legal troubles and potential fines down the road.

Disclaimers are also just good practice for SEO. Search engines favor honest, clear content and avoid pages with deceptive practices or generic, AI generated content. 

But here’s a question: At what point does content switch from being “hand-crafted” to “AI-enhanced?” In other words …

When Should You Use an AI Disclaimer?

Once again, we find ourselves in a gray area, as determining when to use an AI disclaimer can be a bit nuanced. 

Generally, if an AI tool plays a significant role in creating or shaping your content, it’s best practice to include a disclaimer. This is especially true for content that is heavily reliant on AI systems, such as AI generated images and blog posts, or even automated social media posts.

For content where AI use is minimal, like a tool that only assists with grammar correction or provides headline suggestions, the necessity of a disclaimer might be less clear. In these cases, it often depends on the degree of impact AI had on the final output. 

AI disclaimers are often essential when dealing with sensitive or high-stakes content. This includes areas like medical advice, financial guidance or any content where accuracy is paramount. 

The Ethics of AI

Speaking of AI and sensitivity, navigating the ethical landscape of these tools has also become increasingly complex. 

When we talk about the ethics of AI, we’re not just discussing the algorithms and data but also the broader implications for transparency and accountability. Using generative AI tools for creating content raises questions about authenticity and the role of human oversight — whether it’s an AI system that produces images or an AI chatbot that drafts responses. 

Proper AI disclosure helps address these concerns, so your audience understands how AI was involved in creating the content they consume.

5 AI Disclaimer Examples

Finally, what you came here for: examples to inspire your AI disclaimer. 

1. Google’s AI Overview (Gemini)

Up first, we have Google’s new AI Overview feature, powered by Gemini — the company’s generative AI chatbot. When you search certain terms or questions, the AI Overview offers a summary of information from top-ranking search results.

To see Google’s AI disclaimer example, click the three vertical dots next to “Learn More,” and this side bar will pop up:

Here, Google lets the user know these results are AI-generated and that, as an experimental feature, the quality of the information may be inconsistent. While it’s clear that the content provided comes from an AI chatbot, the statement “info quality may vary,” is a bit of an understatement given the troublesome (and hilarious) roll out of this feature:

2. ChatGPT (OpenAI)

ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is perhaps the most well-known and widely used generative AI tool out there today. 

OpenAI’s disclaimer for the tool is simple and straightforward: “Chat GPT can make mistakes. Check important info.”

Because ChatGPT generates responses based on vast data inputs and lacks critical thinking, it can’t guarantee factual accuracy and may produce content that’s incorrect or misleading. The disclosure puts the responsibility on the user to fact-check.

3. Spotify’s AI DJ

In 2023, the popular music platform, Spotify, launched its AI DJ feature promising to provide personalized music recommendations and playlists based on user listening habits.

DJ X, as it’s called, incorporates an impressively natural-sounding AI-generated voice that gives itself a short introduction. While not a visual disclaimer, this tactic makes perfect sense for Spotify users who are often setting a playlist to run in the background — whether they’re on the move or zoning into a task.

4. TripAdvisor

You might expect AI algorithms to help TripAdvisor filter and present recommendations, but did you know it’s also used to help write attraction descriptions? 

If you search for activities in a certain area, keep an eye out for these two diamond icons and the information “i” like this:

Click on the “i” to show a blurb explaining that the description is AI-generated, and that TripAdvisor is “not responsible for this description.”

This disclaimer also includes a link to provide feedback on inaccurate or misleading content to help TripAdvisor minimize errors.

5. Canva

For our final AI disclaimer example, we turn to Canva — a major player in the AI space. According to Canva’s AI Safety policy, the company is transparent about using “generative AI in features like Text to Image, Magic Write™, Magic Edit and Translate to create content based on your input.”

Canva also integrates AI to offer features like design suggestions, automated layout enhancements and creative tools that streamline the design process for users. In particular, its text-to-image feature offers a way to create completely AI-generated images.

However, the tool shows the message “Some rules apply when using these images,” with a link to learn more. Per Canva’s terms of service, users are prohibited from passing off this AI-generated material as their own creation.

This transparency aims to reassure users that the platform’s AI capabilities are designed to augment and enhance rather than replace human creativity.

Best Practices for AI Disclaimers

Now that you have some ideas about what your AI disclaimer should look like and include, let’s take a look at a few best practices when it comes to this new era of transparency and trustworthiness:

1. Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to AI disclaimers. Establish a clear policy for when and how you disclose AI involvement across all your content. This means regularly updating your disclaimer templates and ensuring that they reflect any changes in your AI usage or relevant regulations. 

Consistency not only helps in maintaining trust with your audience but also avoids confusion about the role of AI in your content creation process. It’s crucial to apply the same level of transparency and detail across various platforms and content types, whether it’s a blog post, social media update or multimedia content.

2. Use Clear Language

When drafting AI disclaimers, clarity should be your top priority. Use straightforward and unambiguous language to describe how AI tools have been utilized in your content. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience. 

A clear disclaimer should explicitly state the role of AI in content generation and any limitations associated with it. For example, if AI was used for generating text or images, make sure this is clearly communicated to avoid any misleading impressions.

3. Review Regularly

The landscape of AI technology is rapidly evolving, which means your disclaimer practices should be regularly reviewed and updated. Periodically assess your disclaimers to ensure they remain relevant and accurate as new AI tools and regulations emerge. This includes revisiting and revising disclaimers to reflect changes in your AI usage, legal requirements or industry standards. 

Staying proactive in updating your disclaimers ensures ongoing transparency and helps safeguard your credibility with your audience.

As generative AI continues to shape the content creation landscape, understanding and implementing effective AI disclaimers becomes increasingly crucial. By incorporating these best practices, you can enhance your content’s credibility, meet legal and ethical standards and build a more transparent relationship with your audience.

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Diddy Remanded To Custody After Judge Rejects Bail Proposal


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs appeared in court on Tuesday (Sept. 17) for three counts of sex trafficking and racketeering charges. His arraignment comes less than 24 hours after the FBI arrested him in a New York City hotel on Monday night. He has reportedly entered a not-guilty plea, and the judge has now ruled on his $50 million bail proposal.

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to include new details, from the judge’s ruling to Diddy and his sons’ court appearances and a breakdown of arguments presented by the defense and U.S. prosecutors at the arraignment. Keep scrolling for live updates. 

CNN reports that Sean stood and gave his “not guilty” plea in “a clear voice. Additionally, he was reportedly dressed in a black T-shirt paired with gray workout pants with a black, side stripe.

As previously reported, the indictment accuses Combs of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking by force, cause or coercion, and transportation to engage in prostitution. Prosecutors cited multiple related instances between 2009 and 2018 for the trafficking and 2009 and 2024 for the position, per Forbes.

RELATED: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The 14-Page Federal Indictment Against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs (LIVE UPDATES)

According to NBC News, Diddy’s biological sons, Christian and Justin Combs, and informally adopted son, Quincy, arrived at the courthouse to support Diddy ahead of the arraignment.

Judge Remands Sean Combs For THESE Reasons, Lawyer Plans Appeal 

After a brief recess, Judge Robyn Tarnofsky returned to the courtroom with a ruling on the defendant’s request for bail. According to CNN, the judge has ruled to remand Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, meaning he will remain detained ahead of trial. Judge Tarnofsky cited concerns about crimes happening behind closed doors despite monitoring from pretrial services.

“There has been significant violence and weapons around. Also, coercion of witnesses, even gentle coercion, can be effective. The type of behavior we’re talking about happens behind closed doors. I thank your family members for coming, but I cannot release him,” the judge reportedly said.

CNN reports that Diddy showed no reaction to the judge’s remand ruling aside from taking a sip of water from a bottle. After Combs was led out of the courtroom, his lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, told the press that they plan to appeal the remand. The bail appeal will take place tomorrow (Sept. 18) in the same courtroom, in front of a different judge, per Marc. Additionally, the attorney insisted his client didn’t commit the acts alleged by prosecutors.

“He’s going to clear his name and we’re going to stand by his side as he does. We believe in him wholeheartedly,” Marc said.

After Diddy was remanded to custody, the press swarmed Combs’ sons Justin, Christian, and Quincy outside of the courthouse. Neither of the adult sons offered a statement.


Diddy’s Legal Team Wants Bail, But Prosecutors Are Arguing Against That In Court

Ahead of his arraignment, prosecutors revealed they had filed a letter seeking pre-trial detention for the producer, who is considered a flight risk. Furthermore, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, addressed concerns about Diddy’s safety while in custody. He stated that he draws no comparisons between Jeffrey Epstein’s self-harm while in custody and Diddy’s safety.

Also, ahead of the arraignment, Sean Combs offered big bucks to remain free while facing three federal charges. An excerpt from a bond proposal shows that the producer proposed a $50 million payout. The proposal stated that Combs would agree to wear a GPS monitor and limit his travel between New York City and Miami to visit his doctors, see his lawyers, and attend court.

Furthermore, his lawyers claimed that Diddy’s plane, located in Los Angeles, is in the process of being sold. Combs has also offered to surrender several passports, including his, his mother Janice’s, and four daughters, Chance, Jessie, D’Lila, and Love Combs.

Prosecutors Suggest Sean Combs Pressured Kalenna Harper Into Shutting Down Dawn Richard’s Lawsuit 

Prosecutors have reportedly cited additional concerns beyond fleeing during the arraignment. The feds allege that Diddy has a long history of violence, witness tampering, and obstruction. Assistant US Attorney Emily Johnson told the judge on Tuesday that “witnesses have universally expressed fear” of Diddy.

Furthermore, Johnson seemingly suggested that Diddy reached out to a former groupmate of Dawn Richard’s after Richard filed her lawsuit against him last week, per CNN. For context, Dawn and Kalenna Harper were briefly part of the group Diddy — Dirty Money. Harper was also the only former groupmate of Dawn’s to distance herself from the lawsuit, in which she is repeatedly mentioned. She spoke out days after Dawn’s lawsuit.

Johnson said in court that Diddy reached out to this former groupmate, presumably Harper, 58 times in four days. According to the New York Post, Diddy’s last text message to Harper came in on Sept. 14, one day after she released her neutral statement.

“While I fully respect Dawn’s right to recount her experiences, I want to emphasize that her account reflects her personal perspective and should not be interpreted as a universal truth applicable to everyone,” Harper’s statement said.

RELATED: UPDATE: Here Are More Details About Dawn Richard’s Lawsuit Against Diddy

Diddy’s Lawyer Explains 2016 Assault Video Cited By Prosecutors 

CNN reports that prosecutors also named the assault of Cassie in 2016 in a hotel hallway as “critical evidence” of Diddy being a public danger. In addition to appearing violent, Diddy also allegedly attempted to bribe a hotel security officer for the footage, which reportedly disappeared from the hotel servers days after the incident.

However, Diddy’s attorney, provided a different viewpoint of the 2016 surveillance footage. Marc Agnifilo argued that the video shows the results of Diddy having “more than one girlfriend and getting caught.” Marc further claimed that Cassie “hit [Diddy] in the head with her cellphone” while he was asleep and left him with no clothes in the room. That’s allegedly why he was naked and wrapped in a towel, per Marc.

Additionally, Combs’ legal team argued that he engaged in “mutual” “toxic relationships,” including with Cassie. Marc Agnifilo alleged that Diddy and Cassie had been “cheating on each other for years,” including with her trainer, whom she later married, Alex Fine.

“She has her lawyer call his lawyer and say she has written a book. But if you want to buy the rights, you’ll have the rights for $30 million. We have a recorded conversation. It did not go well for her and the lawyer. November 2023, she sues.”

RELATED: Wayment! Diddy’s FBI Arrest Has R. Kelly Trending On Social Media & Here’s Why

What Do You Think Roomies?

Bali vs Thailand Beaches: Which is best to visit?


Bali vs Thailand beaches. It is a tough decision to make when planning a trip to Asia. Both destinations are much loved by my fellow Australians and a wide variety of world travellers.

Bali and Thailand are famous for their sun-drenched beaches, laidback lifestyle, and friendly locals. Each have a unique set of attractions, and we explore these advantages to help you choose your perfect holiday destination.

This Bali vs Thailand beaches article is based on our own travel experiences and highlights the affordability, cultural and culinary differences of both regions.

This article contains affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. See our full disclosure for more information.

Asia Tours

Bali vs Thailand Beaches Summary Table

Bali Thailand
Flights from Australia Regular flights and excellent value for money especially from Western Australia Direct flights with budget airlines to Phuket. Daily flights to Bangkok with full service airlines
Best beaches Plenty to choose from with Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua and Jimbaran Beach amongst the most popular Southern island of Phuket
Pattaya, Krabi and Koh Samui
Food Rich, spicy flavours with use of fresh, local ingredients
Must try: Nasi Goreng: (fried rice dish with mix of vegetables and meat)
Hot spicy cuisines consisting of fresh local ingredients
Must try: Tom Yum Goong: (hot & sour shrimp soup)
Accommodation Whether staying in the popular tourist locations or quiet beach locations you will find excellent value accommodation Large range available to suit all budgets
from cheap hostels to 5 star hotels and world class resorts catering to western standards
Safety Low risk for most visitors but opportunistic petty thief does happen in busy locations Popular beach destinations are considered safe with low levels of crime toward tourists
Value for money Best value for money for a cheap getaway from Australia for accommodation, tours, transport, and food Good value for money and highest variety of accommodation, tours, and transport

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Bali vs Thailand travel from Australia

For Australians, finding cheap holiday destinations from Australia is a welcome relief from the rising cost of travel within our home country. Both Bali and Thailand have reputations for a cheap lifestyle, giving value for money with affordable accommodation, food, and beverages.

The largest portion of your budget will go towards your flight. In some cases, you will find that flight costs from Australia to Bali or Thailand are not much more than flights within Australia. This is especially true if you are travelling from Western Australia as flights to Bali and Thailand cost less than travel to Australia’s east coast.

Travel Insurance

Bali flights

If you are looking for cheap flights from Australia, Bali often fits the bill as one of Australia’s cheapest and closest international destinations. Direct flights leave multiple times a week from most Australian capital cities.

Bali requires a visa for entry. When entering Bali, you must show proof that you have a pre purchased flight ticket exiting the country. Your passport also needs to be valid for at least 6 months prior to its expiration date.

Click here to purchase your Bali visa

Thailand flights

Flying to Thailand from Australia isn’t as easy as flying to Bali. Direct flights to Bangkok and Phuket are limited and often involve catching connecting flights from within Australia or via an international hub such as Singapore. Depending on where you live in Australia, flying to Thailand can require two to three separate flights.

One plus for travelling to Thailand is their new 60-day visa waver for Australians and citizens from 92 other countries. This is perfect for anyone wanting to spend more time visiting this incredible country. There is no need to purchase a visa prior to travel as you will be granted a stay of 60 days at Immigration on entry.

When you enter Thailand, you will need to have a pre booked flight ticket exiting the country and a passport which is valid for at least 6 months prior to its expiration date.

Be prepared and get your Internet data sorted before you visit Bali or Thailand. We always travel with an international eSim. They are super easy to set up and avoid the hassle of finding Sims when you arrive.
Click here for the best deals.

Best beaches Bali vs Thailand

If you enjoy lazing on long sandy stretches of beach you will be in for a treat in both Bali and Thailand, and both have some of the most stunning beaches you will find anywhere.

Bali beaches

The beaches of Bali are the main drawcard for those who are looking for an affordable and relaxing getaway. Days spent surfing, paragliding, boat trips to reefs or nearby islands or just lounging on the beach with a cocktail are hard to beat. it’s no wonder Bali attracts so many tourists, many of whom revisit annually.

Legian Beach Bali
Relaxing on Legian Beach

Although there are plenty of beaches to choose from, the top Bali beaches are:

Kuta Beach – Well known for its lively atmosphere with plenty of beach bars and bustling nightlife, surf-friendly waves, Kuta Beach has many accommodation options and is popular for those looking for relaxation and entertainment.

Seminyak Beach – With an upscale vibe Seminyak Beach is known for its stylish resorts, high-end shopping, and trendy beach clubs, drawing many Australians seeking a more sophisticated beach experience.

Nusa Dua Beach – With its serene and well-maintained environment, Nusa Dua Beach is favoured by families and couples looking for luxury resorts and safe kid friendly swimming conditions.

Jimbaran Beach – Perfect for sunset dinners on the sand, and known for its famous seafood restaurants.

Which Bali beach holiday you choose often depends on budget, with some offering great deals during promotions. All beaches have something to offer, and overall excellent value. If you are visiting as a solo traveller looking for lively nightlife, couple wanting a romantic getaway or those visiting Bali with kids you will find endless choices.

Nusa Dua Beach Bali
Nusa Dua Beach

Thailand beaches

Phuket, located on Thailand’s southern coast, is the most visited beach destination in Thailand and attracts millions of tourists each year. Visitors to this island can enjoy leisurely days relaxing on its stunning family friendly beaches or take day trips to nearby islands.

Phuket also offers a range of water sports including paragliding, jet skiing, snorkelling, and diving among the reefs. For those seeking relaxation, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, or lounging under a sun umbrella provides a perfect escape. Phuket remains a favoured destination, with many tourists returning annually to experience its tropical climate and laid back affordable lifestyle.

Patong Beach Phuket
Patong Beach Phuket

As a main Thailand tourist hub, Phuket has a well-established tourism infrastructure, with a wide selection of day tours to the nearby Islands, it’s hard to imagine how beautiful these islands are until you visit. They have stunning white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and outstanding rock formations. They are well worth including during your stay.

Click here for details on the available island tours and booking options

To accommodate its large influx of annual visitors, Phuket has a wide selection of world-class resorts and hotels catering to all budgets, making it an affordable destination for travellers, especially those from Australia. Additionally, Phuket is served by an international airport with frequent flights from within Thailand and around the world.

Other popular beach destinations in Thailand include Pattaya, about an hour’s drive from Bangkok; Krabi in the south; and the island paradise of Koh Samui, renowned for its health retreats. While each location has its unique offerings, they all share the common feature of Thailand’s breathtaking beaches.

Krabi Beach Thailand at sunset
Krabi Beach at sunset

So, where are the best beaches? Bali or Thailand? It is difficult to pick a hands down winner as both have spectacular beaches and natural beauty, but Thailand would be slightly ahead of Bali due to the volume of locations and tourism infrastructure. 

Bali vs Thailand food

Balinese food is known for its rich, spicy flavours and use of fresh, local ingredients. Many dishes are prepared with a blend of traditional spices, creating a unique culinary experience.

Bali has a wide selection of dishes to try, and visitors should have no problem finding something they like. Famous dishes such as Nasi Goreng and Mai Goreng are favourites of ours.

Nasi Goreng is a fried rice dish typically made with a mix of vegetables, meat (chicken, prawn/shrimp, or pork), and seasoned with soy sauce, garlic, shallots, and chili. It’s often topped with a fried egg and accompanied by crackers and sambal

Mie Goreng: Like Nasi Goreng, is fried noodles prepared with a combination of vegetables, meat, and sometimes seafood. It’s seasoned with soy sauce and spices, and often served with a side of fresh vegetables or pickles.

Both dishes are delicious. Of course there are many other traditional Balinese dishes from roast pork and duck to an array of fresh seafood and we recommend trying the local cuisine.

Nasi Goreng dish in Bali
Nasi Goreng

Bali restaurants in the main tourist areas also have plenty of western style dishes including burgers, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and even meat pies for the Aussie’s.

The multitude of restaurant / bars that line the beaches offer plenty of food options at affordable prices and often have drink promotions. Relaxing by the beach with a cold drink and snack is an enjoyable way to unwind in this tropical paradise.

Thai food is known to be spicy. So, if you’re a fan of hot spicy cuisine, then you are in the right place. Authentic Thai food ranges from hot to extremely hot. Flavours are further enhanced from additional spices and herbs. Rice is a staple with many dishes and traditional food from small street venders cost around 1 to 2 dollars per dish.

Asia Tours

Visitors to Thailand from western countries such as Australia, UK or USA are often surprised by the flavours and heat of the true authentic Thai food as it is often vastly different from what they would be used to in typical Thai restaurants in their home country.

Normally Thai food prepared outside of Thailand is much milder to suit western tastes and the specific herbs and spices used in Thailand are sometimes hard to find in other countries. It’s not until you visit Thailand and sample the food that you learn how delicious true Thai food is.

Pad Thai dish in Thailand
Pad Thai

As with many countries you will find many variations of Thai cuisine depending on the region of Thailand you visit. In the popular beach locations frequented by tourists a wide selection of food is available, and pork, chicken, and seafood are the main ingredients.

If you visit Wet Markets, you will find an overwhelming selection of local produce such as fruit, vegetables, chicken, pork, seafood, spices, and sweet desserts. The locals eat out for most meals and as a result you will find street venders selling everything imaginable on what seems every street corner.

If during your stay you find yourself craving western food, you will have plenty of choices at the popular beach towns and cities. Most major fast food chains have a presence in Thailand. However prices are more expensive than Thai food and many are priced like what you would pay in your home country.

The food of Bali and Thailand is full of flavours, and we recommend trying as many local dishes as possible.

Bali vs Thailand beaches accommodation

Bali vs Thailand accommodation prices will depend on what style accommodation you choose. If you have an unlimited budget, both Bali and Thailand have a fabulous range of luxury resorts and hotels.

If you are travelling on a budget, you will be well catered for with a variety of hotels, guesthouses, and hostels to choose from.

Bali accommodation

When researching Bali vs Thailand beach accommodation, I was surprised to find that when comparing Bali resorts and hotel prices with their Thai counterparts, Bali gave more value for money.

Using the same travel dates and a variety of well-known hotel brands, Bali came back consistently cheaper. Whether staying in the lively hotspot of Kuta or the quiet shores of Nusa Dua you are sure to find excellent value accommodation.

Click here to book Bali Hotels & Resorts

Thailand accommodation

Thailand’s beach destinations have more annual visitors than Bali and this is reflected in the number of resorts and hotels available. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand is a major destination for international travellers and many visitors arriving into Bangkok also spend part of their time visiting the beach destinations such as Phuket, Pattaya, Krabi and Koh Samui. All of which are well positioned to cater to a large annual volume of international visitors.

Beach accommodation rates offer terrific value compared to many western destinations. However, overall they are higher than you would pay for comparable properties in other parts of Thailand.

Click here for Thailand Beach Hotels & Resorts

On the plus side for those visiting from Australia, accommodation is much cheaper than the equivalent that we would have to pay in our home country of Australia. Which is one of the main reasons Bali and Thailand beach holidays are so attractive, as your dollar stretches much further.

For Bali vs Thailand beaches accommodation, Thailand has a greater range of accommodation than Bali, so is the clear winner. Bali by contrast offers better value for money but with less overall options.

Krabi islands in Thailand
Krabi islands

Which is safer, Bali or Thailand?

As with all unfamiliar destinations it is always wise to be aware of your surroundings. Fortunately both Bali and Thailand are considered safe and don’t have the levels of crime that can be found in many countries. Violent crime is low, and we have never felt uneasy in either destination.

In the tourist hotspots you can sometimes encounter opportunistic crime such as pick pockets and petty theft and naturally you should always be aware of your surroundings. However, on the whole Balinese and Thai people are kind and hospitable.


The local population by world standards do not have as many of the financial opportunities found in western countries and wages especially in Bali are extremely low. Therefore, you will encounter vendors at times that will try to overcharge for services or take advantage of cashed up tourists. Money exchanges in Bali are a classic example and would be considered a crime when unsuspecting tourists are short changed.

Our advice for anyone looking to exchange currency in Bali is to ask at your hotel for a list of trustworthy money exchanges or use an ATM for withdrawals of local currency. Currency exchanges in Thailand are normally reputable but it always pays to check you have the agreed amount before exiting the shop.

Bartering in Bali and Thailand is normal in markets and is a way of life. Try to barter for a better price but remember the items are in most cases quite cheap and if you feel the price is fair it doesn’t matter if you pay slightly more than a local would and it means much more to the vender than it would for a tourist.

For Bali vs Thailand safety both are considered safe holiday destinations.


Best value for money Bali or Thailand

Bali and Thailand both offer excellent value for money with the currency of Bali being the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and the currency used in Thailand being the Thai Baht (BHT). Budgets for stays in either country will be depending on your level of comfort.

Given the geographical location of Bali, flights from Australia are overall cheaper than flights to Thailand and taking that into consideration Bali would offer better value if leaving from Australia. Without factoring the flight costs, both destinations offer excellent value for money with Thailand offering greater and more diverse range for accommodation, food, and sights.

Both Bali and Thailand offer budget friendly accommodation compared to other destinations, as well as high end 5 star hotels and resorts and tourists are often surprised just how budget-friendly accommodation, food and transport are in either country.

Drinks at a beach bar in Bali vs Thailand are very similar
Relax by the beach in Bali or Thailand and watch the world pass by

Tourism plays a major role of the economy of both Bali and Thailand which generates considerable annual income, thereby contributing to Bali and Thailand’s growth as major tourism destinations for southeast Asia.

Before travelling to either destination we recommend getting a free WISE card.

WISE is our go to travel card and has excellent exchange rates close to the official market price.

We use the WISE debit card for all our overseas travel, and it’s never let us down. It is accepted worldwide at ATM’s and is perfect for rideshare and food delivery apps such as Grab / Uber etc.

Click here to learn more about WISE and sign up today for the free card.

So, is Bali or Thailand cheaper? Overall Bali provides slightly better value for money for accommodation, tours, transport, and food, but Thailand offers more value for money due to the range of options available.

Final words on Bali vs Thailand beaches

We hope our insight into Bali vs Thailand beaches has helped you decide which destination is right for you. Both are fascinating places with rich cultural heritages that offer so much for anyone planning to visit.


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The Farmer & The {Florist} Interview: Ariella Chezar


Today I am thrilled to share a beautiful new book and a really lovely interview with you—I’ve been waiting for months to publish it, and am so excited that the day is finally here!

Ariella Chezar is the godmother of seasonal floral design and has led the way for countless designers and farmer-florists to look to nature for inspiration and take their cues from the natural world. Her impact on the industry over the last 30 years is immeasurable. She was one of the first people to use local, seasonal material throughout their work and inspired an entire generation of designers along the way.

I’ve had the privilege of knowing Ariella since the beginning of my career and she has had such a significant impact on my flower journey. I remember the first time I wrote to her, I was just getting my start as a writer and wanted to interview her for a tiny little farming publication with an even smaller readership base.

My editor warned me to not get my hopes up since Ariella was essentially famous and I was essentially a nobody. But by some miracle, she responded to my overly enthusiastic email and agreed to the interview which was my first big break.

Over the years I have learned so much from Ariella both about flowers and about the power of sharing. Her generosity altered the course of my life and I have tried to pay it forward in every way that I can. 

Ariella has written four beautiful books now, and if I had to choose a favorite, it would be her newest, Home in Bloom, which comes out today. It’s hard to even begin to describe how magnificent this book is, you really have to experience it for yourself.

In it, we see Ariella in her element—transforming the most beautiful spaces into what she calls “floral fantasies,” embracing the best of what nature has to offer, including wilder elements such as weeds and brambles, combined with showstopping blooms. This book will change the way you think about flowers and offers an entirely new palette of possibilities to draw inspiration from.

It’s a pleasure to share this special interview with you, so without further ado, let’s dive in.

I’m so curious to know what inspired you to write Home in Bloom and why now?

One of my most favorite things is being invited to design flowers in someone’s house. To see what they love, what they’ve surrounded themselves with, and to make arrangements that reflect all of this. It feels very personal and as such, very special. 

I wanted the opportunity to interpret the feeling in a home with my flowers. Unlike a studio where props and environment are pulled in, designing in a home is much more creatively exciting. 

What was the process like for creating the arrangements and installations that grace the pages of your beautiful book? Would you take us on a day in the life of one of your big shoots, from gathering the flowers to creating the arrangements to styling, lighting, and making the photographs? Oh to be a fly on the wall! 

It was a little bit different each time, but for the most part, once a location was chosen I would go about assembling a diverse selection of flowers with a vague overall sense of what was going to go where. Working with Gemma and Andy Ingalls in the beginning and then Andrea Gentl and Marty Hyers thereafter was a joyful fast-paced dance. 

I am less of a planner, in fact, this proved frustrating for the photographers because I struggled to generate concise shot lists prior, not knowing which flowers I would have exactly nor what I wanted to shoot per se. The beauty of this book was that I was given permission to feel my way into each setup and each shot, to respond to a particular corner of a room or a surface and then the photographers just rolled with it. I loved this process very much.

(Photo above copyright © 2024 by Ingalls Photography.)

Creating a book is such a huge endeavor—so many details to coordinate and so many variables to maneuver, all while working against a strict set of deadlines. I’m amazed by how much traveling must have been involved in shooting Home in Bloom. Where did you go and what was that experience like?

Unlike my other books, this one was primarily focused closer to home with the exception of the house in Merida, Mexico with a few of the houses being literally right around the corner. It was really a joy to be able to incorporate the natural elements that I drive and walk by every day. 

I think it may be my favorite book thus far because I was allowed so much artistic freedom by my wonderful team at Ten Speed. As a creative, that kind of freedom inevitably allows for the best results.

This book provides a window into the most beautiful, elegant homes and spaces. The architecture and colors of the interiors paired with your exquisite flowers are almost too much to handle! Can you tell me a little about these special spaces and how you chose them?

Many of these spaces belong to close friends and because of this, I felt at ease and familiar in the way one does. The others, like Andrea and Marty’s incredible dream of a loft, the locations in Merida, and the abandoned Hudson, New York mansion were so rich on so many levels that it was so easy to dream my way into them and become deeply inspired. 

You have a very deep and powerful relationship with nature. How has it influenced your personal approach to floral design?

It is the single most important driver, this connection, because it is the natural world that binds me to all the things that I adore and treasure. Trees, flowers, grasses, weeds, the animals that live amongst them—they are my constant inspiration, my love. 

Their fragility and the precarious place that humanity has put them is a source of deep worry and fear, daily. In reminding people of this fragility my forever hope is that they will wake up—though I’m not especially optimistic. It frustrates and puzzles me that designers choose dyed and sprayed flowers when there is so much natural beauty to be found. Not to mention the stubborn pervasiveness of floral foam.

In your new book, you explore a much wilder side of nature than I have seen you do before. You say, “With each chapter, I stray just a little bit further into the meadow…” There’s something so magical about how you embrace weeds and brambles and elevate them in such an unexpected way. Can you talk a little about how your relationship with the “rough and tumble,” as you put it, has evolved over the years?

I have always felt connected to the humble elements, the quieter flowers, the weeds. As much as I have a near rabid appetite for sumptuous over-the-top blooms I adore the contrast of humble with lusciousness, delicate with showstopping. It is this contrast that for me creates interest and some tension. 

Anyone can put two dozen garden roses together and make a statement that way, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, but I’ve always found it more interesting when those two dozen garden roses are tangled with a clematis vine or interspersed with a less-than-perfect cluster of weeds. It’s not unlike a room. 

The ones that pull me in are the ones that contrast incredible pieces with quieter, simpler ones. I like when things are just a little off—and not quite so perfect. It allows for much more space to dream.

One of the things that has always struck me about your work is that it has such a strong sense of place. Your arrangements always look as if they are extensions of their surroundings and it’s hard to tell where they leave off and the rest of the space begins. When creating a bouquet or a floral installation, what are the important things to consider if one wants it to belong to its surroundings?

Season and place. Place and season. These are the two most important things. Pay attention to what’s happening outside the window, to what’s growing along the side of the road, to what’s available that week at the farmers market. It’s really just about paying attention and then finding those elements that are the stars of that particular moment. 

This can be a bit of an abstract goal if you live in a city, but because I live in the sticks I am always acutely aware of what is happening around me at any given time. The same goes for when I’m traveling. I notice what’s growing along the side of the highway, along the train tracks. In fact, I am ALWAYS taking in what’s happening on the side of the road. 

Color can be one of the most challenging aspects of floral design to master and so many of us struggle to have our arrangements look the way we want them to. Can you share any advice on working with color and how you personally approach it?

“Color is my daylong obsession, joy, and torment,” said Claude Monet, and I feel just the same. The first thing I want to know when a client approaches me for a job is the palette, and if it’s green and white I deflate just a little. I really, really love combining colors, playing with improbable combinations, experimenting. When people talk about staying “on brand” with a particular palette that they do over and over again I just can’t relate—I think I might die of boredom.

While I am drawn pretty reliably to oranges, apricots, and all the greens, I am equally riveted by all the yellows, blues, and reds and the muddy in-between tones. I find purples to be a little tricky and I have always joked that I’d rather eat glass than wear black. I do like white at times, and the drama when it contrasts with black, but there always has to be color somewhere. 

Combining colors has always been intuitive for me. I credit my painter mother with this, and I’m sure my Waldorf School upbringing gets a bunch of the credit too. As far as the struggle that some feel when approaching color I think the main mistake people make is putting too many different colors with too many different values together, and this always ends up looking like an argument, not a beautiful melody. The easiest way to combine colors is to layer them and to work tonally, something you do so beautifully. 

You have had such an incredible career, lived and worked on both coasts, traveled the world, taught in the most exotic places, and decorated hundreds if not thousands of weddings and events over the past 30 years. Looking back, is there a favorite chapter or experience that has left its mark on you? 

My greatest joy on this journey has been connecting with flower lovers from all over the world— and sharing that common thread, that beauty. Most of the time, this connection stretches into a deep love and respect for nature, and so many of these connections around our shared passion have developed into lifelong friendships. 

I really love teaching. I love connecting people to that tender, often unfamiliar place of creativity—the way flowers make accessing that place so easy, but no less profound. Whenever I am allowed to be creative, I am happy. There are many, many experiences I feel deeply grateful for, but it is the connections that stand out above all else. 

With each book that I’ve written, I’ve had an intention and hope for the reader. I’m curious to know if you feel the same way. What do you hope that readers will take away from this beautiful book? What is it that you want to linger with them after they’ve turned the last page? 

My hope is that they are stretched beyond the desire for cultivated flowers to the less spectacular and humbler specimens. Also, that they don’t hesitate to bring in what they find outside. To live with flowers as much as possible, and to marvel at their generous, ephemeral magic. 

Now that this beautiful book is out in the world, what are your plans for the coming season? Will you be hosting any workshops or making any exciting journeys? I’d love to hear what you have planned next. 

I have a bunch of book-related events beginning to fill my calendar, some of them lectures and demonstrations, but most of them classes and small workshops, including: 

March 21: Book signing at Beacon Hill Bookstore with Grace Lam of Five Forks Farm, Boston, MA (sold out)

April 6: Book signing at Behida Dolić Millinery, Hudson, NY

April 16–18: Spring Workshop with Max Gill, Oakland, CA

May 2–3: Spring Flower Workshop, Hudson, NY (sold out)

May 21: Floral Masterclass at The Garden Museum with Lucy Hunter and Shane Connolly, London, England

June 1: One-day floral class at Wildflower Farms, Gardiner, NY

June 10–12: Peony workshop with Nicolette Camille at Renaissance Farm, Brandon, VT

Ariella, thank you so much for taking the time to share about your incredible book—it’s a gift to the world. 

Thank you for this opportunity to connect with you and your readers, thank you so much.  

To celebrate the release of Ariella’s new book, Home in Bloom, we’re giving away five copies. For a chance to win, please share one of your favorite unexpected or wilder bouquet ingredients. If you don’t have one, tell us what about this interview inspired you the most. Winners will be announced on March 12. Please note: This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. 

UPDATE: A huge congratulations to our winners Jess, Hillary, Erin, Cynthia and Margaret.

To learn more and connect with Ariella, be sure to visit her website and sign up for her newsletter. You can also follow her on Instagram. Home In Bloom is available from Amazon, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and your favorite local bookstore.

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Floret only lists companies and products that we love, use, and recommend. All opinions expressed here are our own and Floret does not offer sponsored content or accept money for editorial reviews. If you buy something using the retail links in this post, Floret may receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!

Except as noted, all photos copyright © 2024 by Gentl & Hyers. Reprinted with permission of Ten Speed Press, a division of Penguin Random House.

What does market-leading cyber claims management look like? | Insurance Blog


Recently, many leading insurers have applied transformative solutions to enhance their cyber products. With the cyber insurance market projected to double to $29B by 2027, we explore what constitutes market-leading cyber claims management.  

In this blog we’ll delve into the complexities of responding to cyber claims, the essential skills required by claims adjusters, and the measures insurers must take to achieve excellence in cyber claims management. 

The complexity of cyber claims  

The most comprehensive cyber coverage encompasses a broader range of perils than most other insurance products: 

  1. First-party coverages: This includes damage to devices, network damage, physical property damage, and damage to digital assets. It also covers damage to or theft of intangible assets, theft of funds, and costs associated with recovery, restoration, and remediation. Financial losses due to business interruption, lost business opportunities, reputational damage, ransomware, and extortion are also included. Additionally, expenses related to investigations, notifying affected third parties, and damage to intellectual property such as patents and trademarks are covered. 
  1. Third-party coverages: These coverages include contractual and legal liability, regulatory proceedings, and multimedia liability. They also encompass civil damages, compensation, payment card loss, errors and omissions, technology professional liability, miscellaneous professional liability, and network security and privacy liability. 

When the policyholder of a comprehensive cyber product is a large multinational corporate business with both B2B and B2C customers, handling a potential large-scale claim becomes highly complex for claims adjusters. Cyber claims, akin to oil spillages, are catastrophic by nature, recognize no geographical boundaries, and are continuously evolving and unpredictable. Cyber breaches can critically impact businesses, societies, and essential national infrastructure, including hospitals, water and sewage systems, and airports. 

The complexity, however, extends further. Cyber claims pose unique challenges to today’s claims adjusters due to the intricate technical nature of the claims, which involve IT systems, both tangible and intangible assets, cybersecurity protocols, digital forensics, and the constantly changing regulatory and legislative landscape concerning data protection, AI protection, and privacy law across all affected jurisdictions. 

Furthermore, a cyber claims adjuster must be adept at instructing and managing a diverse group of specialists, ranging from IT forensic experts, data experts, and forensic accountants to credit monitoring experts, legal breach counsel, public relations experts, crisis management professionals, and ransomware attack experts. 

The skills of a cyber claims adjuster 

The skills of a cyber claims adjuster are multifaceted and require a detailed understanding of various aspects: 

Knowledge Requirements: A cyber claims adjuster must possess advanced, industry-recognized qualifications and typically have a background in Errors & Omissions (E&O), Trade Credit, Political Risk, and/or Crisis Management. They need practical knowledge of applying first and third-party cyber coverages, reserving, evaluations, and risk management processes, usually gained from previous roles in cyber claims or broker advocacy. 

Experience Requirements: The industry faces challenges due to a limited talent pool. It’s crucial for adjusters to understand the roles and responsibilities of various experts involved in cyber claims. Their practical experience is vital for effectively overseeing and managing these experts to ensure rapid response to claims, effective mitigation actions to prevent further losses, and complete resolution of claims. Cyber claims have grown in complexity and quantity, but many adjusters come from auxiliary lines of business. A key skill often missing is proficiency in IT systems, cybersecurity protocols, digital forensics, intangible assets, and a deep understanding of constantly evolving regulations and legislation across IT, AI, GDPR, and consumer privacy. This is particularly critical when insurance covers technology-based companies, where coverage is often bespoke and niche. 

Operational Responsibilities: Adjusters must effectively determine the existence, cause, and scope of a breach and manage key activities in cyber claims management. This includes selecting and managing the appropriate incident response team, assessing ongoing or concluded breaches, evaluating the impact on the customer’s business and assessing breaches of cybersecurity protocols. It also covers responding in compliance with current data protection and privacy regulations, identifying and responding to fraud triggers, and providing feedback into underwriting risk controls and actuarial tables. 

Customer Segment Knowledge: Proficient knowledge and experience with a range of customer segments, from SMEs to multinational and large corporate clients, are also essential for a cyber claims adjuster. Because Cyber is such a swiftly evolving product and still sub-scale to many other lines, insurers face the difficult question of whether to organize their Cyber claims team as a line of business CoE or whether to adhere to existing CoEs centred around SME, mid-market, multi-national clients etc. 

Emerging risks and challenges 

The task of determining the existence, cause, and scope of a breach is becoming increasingly complex due to the extensive coverage of cyber insurance, rapid technological and data platform evolution, the catastrophic and systemic risks associated with breaches, and the implications of Gen AI. Gen AI presents new opportunities and challenges, enhancing capabilities for both cyber attackers and defenders, leading to more sophisticated attacks almost daily.  

The strategic choices to become market-leading in cyber claims  

In conclusion, there are four key components to get right:  

  1. Insurers need a claims application that supports the adjusters in effective management of the incident response team and experts. The application needs to be fit-for-purpose for cyber, which means a comprehensive master data management to orchestrate the 100+ relevant cyber claims data points as well as an expert-specific permission access to documents.
  2. Insurers need a comprehensive and continuous development program to remain proficient in evolving cyber risk, technology changes and especially the opportunities and challenges that Gen AI represent. 
  3. Insurers need a comprehensive cyber saferoom that provides a secure space for pre-incident advice and training, incident response planning, notification services, etc. The saferoom must have the right guardrails that support collaboration with the independent legal breach counsel.
  4. Insurers need a continuous feedback-loop of claims master data that inform the actuarial tables and the risk controls in underwriting. Market-leading insurers achieve this with a scalable infrastructure and architecture, so that the technical pricing across all variables is informed in real-time based on loss history.  


How to Play Fortnite Day of Doom LTM in Chapter 5 Season 4 – Player Assist


Are you excited about the new Fortnite LTM? Learn all the details on how to play and win in Fortnite’s Day of Doom in this piece!

On September 18, Epic Games rolled out the Battle Royale v31.20 update for Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 4, featuring the all-new Day of Doom LTM and fresh content like the Iron Man MK 45 Bundle. This Limited-Time Mode, inspired by the Endgame event from Chapter 1, Season 8, adds a new Marvel-themed twist to the season, centering around the iconic supervillain, Doctor Doom.

As this LTM seems to be a hit with its hero vs. villain gameplay, we’ll guide you through it’s gameplay in this piece. We’ll also cover other important details you should know about the mode. Keep reading!

What You Should Know About Fortnite Day of Doom LTM

Day of Doom Artifacts

With Doctor Doom taking center stage as the main boss of Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5, Season 4, the Day of Doom mode brings an epic showdown between the Avengers and Doom’s Henchmen. This mode allows up to 32 players, split into two teams: Allies of the Avengers and Doom’s Henchmen.

Since it’s a Limited-Time Mode (LTM), it’s only available until October 4 at 9 AM ET. This gives you less than a month to jump into the action. Here’s how to play the latest game mode in Fortnite.

How to Play Fortnite Day of Doom LTM

You’ll find the Day of Doom mode in the Discover section, where you can choose to play as either Doctor Doom’s henchmen or an ally of the Avengers.

Playing as an ally of the Avengers

Day of Doom Avengers

If you’re on the Avengers’ side, your goal is to stop Doom’s henchmen from collecting all 6 Arcane Artifacts scattered across the island. You’ll win the battle if you and your fellow Avengers can kill all the henchmen—who have numerous but limited respawns—before they collect the Artifacts. It might sound easy, but it actually demands serious grinding.

On the plus side, Avengers in this new mode have unlimited respawns. But once Doom’s henchmen collect all six Artifacts, you and the other Avengers’ allies won’t be able to respawn, so you’ll lose. The mode also offers up to four different loadouts based on various Avengers, with one randomly assigned to you each time you respawn.

Playing as a Doom’s henchman

Day of Doom Henchmen

On the other hand, you can play as one of Doom’s Henchmen, with the goal of collecting all six Artifacts while managing your respawns. Once you have all the Artifacts, the Avengers won’t be able to respawn, so you’ll just need to take them out one last time to secure the win.

An important tip you can use to win this game is to be the first Doom henchman to collect an Artifact, as this makes you Doom’s Chosen. This unlocks Doom’s armor and powerful abilities like the Mystical Gigabomb and Scorch Beam, making you a nearly unstoppable force in the game.

All Loadouts in Day of Doom

Day of Doom features a single loadout for Doom’s henchmen, who gain full access to all items after collecting a certain number of artifacts. Avengers, on the other hand, have access to up to four different loadouts, each randomly assigned to players on respawn. Here are the loadouts you can match with in Day of Doom:

Doom’s Henchmen Loadout

  • Doctor Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets
  • Combat Assault Rifle – Mythic-rarity
  • Monarch Pistol – unlocked only after the first artifact has been acquired; Mythic-rarity
  • Sovereign Shotgun – unlocked only after the second artifact has been acquired; Mythic-rarity)
  • Shockwave Grenade – unlimited use

The First Avenger: Captain America Loadout

  • Captain America’s Shield  
  • Striker Burst Assault Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Super Slap Splashes – 5x 
  • Shield Bubble Jr. – 3x
  • Dual Micro SMGs

A One-Man Weapons Depot: War Machine Loadout

  • War Machine’s Arsenal
  • War Machine’s Auto Turret
  • War Machine’s Hover Jets
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Genius Inventor and Billionaire: Iron Man Loadout

  • Iron Man’s Combat Kit
  • Iron Man’s Flight Kit
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Hyper SMG – Legendary-rarity
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Princess of Wakanda: Black Panther Loadout

  • Shuri’s Black Panther Claws
  • Striker Assault Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Ranger Pistol – Legendary-rarity
  • Rift-To-Gos – 2x
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Fortnite Day of Doom Quests and Rewards

As of now, Day of Doom features 6 quests, but you’ll need to complete a total of 8 quests to earn rewards at the end. Epic Games is likely to add the remaining quests before the game mode ends. Here are the quests currently available in Fortnite Day of Doom:

  • Stop Doctor Doom from collecting all six Arcane Artifacts
  • Damage opponents with Hero Items (1,500 times)
  • Use Chug Splash or Slap Splash on allies (10 times)
  • Help Doctor Doom collect all six Arcane Artifacts
  • Damage opponents with Doctor Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets (1,500 times)
  • Hit players with Shockwave Grenades (20 times)

Basically, these quests require you to play and win as both a hero and a villain, which adds an interesting twist to the gameplay. Each quest earns you 20k XP, and completing all the 8 quests will also reward you with the Nanamantium Fury Loading Screen.

READ NEXT: Fortnite: Horror Map Codes (2024)

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Previewing the Hottest Toys for the Holidays on The Today Show


Toy Insider Editor-in-Chief Ali Mierzejewski joined The Today Show to show off the hot new toys featured in our brand-new Toy Insider Holiday Gift Guide. For more on the items featured in this segment, check out the product notes below, and for the complete rundown of the best gifts of the holiday season, check out our complete Read more…

The post Previewing the Hottest Toys for the Holidays on The Today Show appeared first on The Toy Insider.

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Voters love this climate policy they’ve never heard of


Voters love this climate policy they’ve never heard of

Posted on 11 September 2024 by Guest Author

This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk

The Inflation Reduction Act is the Biden administration’s signature climate law and the largest U.S. government investment in reducing climate pollution to date. Among climate advocates, the policy is well-known and celebrated, but beyond that, only a minority of Americans have heard much about it. 

Once voters learn a bit about this landmark law, however, a large majority support it.

These findings are from a survey of U.S. registered voters, conducted jointly by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (the publisher of this site) and the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University. 

In the nationally representative survey, participants were first asked if they’d heard about the Inflation Reduction Act. Only 39% of participants said they’d heard either “a lot” or “some” information about it.  Surprisingly, the number of people who had heard about the law remains unchanged from one year ago, even as the legislation has begun to spur a surge in U.S. manufacturing of batteries, solar panels, and automobiles — and has helped consumers make energy-saving purchases.

Next, survey participants read a short description of the Inflation Reduction Act: