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Norwegian Cruise Line Announces Entertainment for New Ship in 2025, Norwegian Aqua


Norwegian Cruise Line’s entertainment for their new ship debuting in 2025, Norwegian Aqua, will include the first ever cruise ship celebrating Prince.

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Norwegian Aqua will debut in 2025 and will have exclusive entertainment offerings. This includes guest favorites and two shows, “Revolution: A Celebration of Prince” and “Elements: The World Expanded”.

The tribute to Prince show will be an hour-long concert with performances featuring many of his chart topping hits.

Guests will have the option to enjoy the show on the dance floor with the cast or watch from traditional theater seating.

Patricia Wilcox, conceiver, director and choreographer of “Revolution: A Celebration of Prince”, said the following:

“I’ve always been inspired by Prince and the idea came to me, nearly seven years ago, to create a theatrical concert that would joyfully celebrate his music and exceptional artistry.

“After loving my past collaborations with the team at Norwegian Cruise Line, and seeing the beautiful, multi-purpose theater aboard Norwegian Aqua, I knew we would be wonderful partners for this collaboration, and I’m honored to bring this show to life alongside the NCL team, Prince Legacy, LLC and Primary Wave Music.”

Also, NCL is taking their highest rated show in their history and enhancing it. Elements: The World Expanded will have new surprises as the show draws inspiration from the four elements – earth, wind, water and fire.

Norwegian Aqua will also have “The Improv at Sea” comedy club, “The Price is Right LIVE on NCL” game show and “Syd Norman’s Presents: Rumours”.

The Aqua Theater & Club will transform from a three-story theater to a three-story Vegas style nightclub. Three themed parties will take place in this unique space.

The Aqua Theater & Club on Norwegian Aqua

David J. Herrera, president of Norwegian Cruise Line, gave the following statement:

“For decades, NCL has set the standard in entertainment at sea, with worldclass productions and talent that rivals those found in major cities like Las Vegas, New York City and London. For Norwegian Aqua, we are thrilled to build on our legacy of excellence in entertainment to offer our guests more options across the ship, including exclusive original productions that cannot be seen anywhere else on land or at sea.”

Norwegian Aqua will debut in April 2025 and will be a sister ship to Norwegian Prima and Norwegian Viva. The ship will sail from Port Canaveral offering seven night cruises to the Caribbean and Bahamas.

After a season in Florida, the ship will move to New York City for five- to seven-night cruises to Bermuda.

The cruise ship will reposition to Miami for the winter sailing five- to seven-night sailings to the Caribbean from October 2025 until April 2026.

Norwegian Aqua will be the 20th ship in NCL’s fleet.

my boss won’t do anything about my lazy team mate, client said I can’t talk to my coworker, and more — Ask a Manager


It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. My boss won’t do anything about my lazy coworker

I’ve worked for 14 years as an individual contributor on a team of six technologists. We split the day-to-day work evenly amongst ourselves, and are all used to having to take on a bit more if someone calls in sick or something along those lines … we all just push through and it gets done.

What is there to be done about a coworker who is clearly not doing their share due to obvious time mismanagement? One of my fellow techs, William, wanders in anywhere from 10-25 minutes late almost every morning (often with a drive-through coffee in his hand). He frequently takes much longer breaks than we are allowed, and I often observe him wasting time chatting with other colleagues and hiding in corners of the office playing on his cell phone. I have kept track, and this often amounts to a couple of hours per day.

Our supervisor, Thomas, has had many meetings with all six of us in which he clearly lays out his expectations regarding personal chit chat, timeliness, cell phone use, etc. But William doesn’t seem to care. He continues to blatantly disregard expectations, and when called out on it (usually by me, always in a calm, professional manner, referencing the expectations previously laid out by Thomas), his response is to give me the silent treatment, sometimes for days on end, only speaking to me in monosyllables when it’s absolutely necessary. When I bring this up to Thomas (the behaviors I’ve observed, and the subsequent freeze-outs), the only answer I get is something wishy washy along the lines of, “I’m keeping an eye on it.”

I genuinely like my work aside from this, and I care about doing a good job every day and being honest about how I spend my time, so it’s disheartening to see William continually allowed to put in far less effort than the rest of us, with no apparent consequences. What, if anything, can I do? I’d be so grateful for any insight you can provide, even if it’s just a reality check that this is sometimes just the way things are.

This is indeed sometimes just the way things are.

But the reason they’re this way is because your boss sucks. I suppose it’s possible that he’s managing William more actively behind the scenes and you just don’t know about it, but I doubt it given that the problems are continuing, and since Thomas apparently thinks the way to “manage” William is to have group meetings rather than correct William one-on-one. Thomas sounds like a wimp who doesn’t want to address issues with William directly so instead is choosing the weakest possible management approach.

William sucks, but Thomas sucks more.

my boss sends scolding emails to all of us — and then tells me I shouldn’t take them personally

2. My coworker shared a colleague’s personal info with me

I’m a woman in my 30s working in state government in an upper admin-type role. Our office is great in that we are a strong team and folks enjoy each other’s company, but there isn’t a “we’re family” vibe. We have quite a few men with a common first name, let’s say John.

My coworker Carol is relatively senior in terms of job title, but not my boss. We have a cordial relationship but are not “work friends.” Carol has previously made it clear to the office that it is very important to her that we know when her birthday is and celebrate it.

Last week, I was getting my lunch ready in the kitchen and Carol walked in. We exchange greetings and then she asks me, “So, did we do anything for John?” I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out which John she’s referring to. It can’t be the one who just lost a family member, because his team already organized a condolence card for him, so who could it be?

I must have looked confused, so she clarified, “You know, his dad and the accident. I just thought we should do something.” I told her that I didn’t know what she was talking about, and she said she saw us chatting yesterday, so she thought she’d ask. Now I know which John she’s talking about, but I still have no idea why she thinks I would know about this. John works in a different department, and while we do have a friendly work relationship, we mostly talk about our mutual hobbies and interests, not personal stuff.

I asked another coworker who is usually in the know about these things, and she also had no idea, so I decided to just ask John. I made it clear that this might be a weird question and awkwardly asked if everything was okay with his family. He looked taken aback but explained that yes, his dad was in a bad accident a month ago but is doing very well now. He was gracious about it and I apologized repeatedly and explained that Carol had said something, which he looked annoyed about. He said he’d specifically not told many folks at work because he needed work to be an escape from that stress.

I think that my working relationship with John is still okay, but I’m very annoyed with Carol. If someone shares that sort of thing with you in confidence, you shouldn’t go blabbing it to the rest of the office, let alone a different department! And asking me (admin) if we’ve “done anything” (undertone: “you should do something”) when she (not admin) could very well have organized something herself was annoying.

I don’t know if this is just a different understanding of what a workplace and workplace relationships are, but I don’t expect anyone but (maybe) my closest coworkers to celebrate my birthday or share condolences about a difficult family situation. Am I off-base here? Would appreciate any advice/criticism, either on how I handled the situation or how I could handle future interactions with Carol.

Nah, you’re not off-base. But most of this sounds like it could have simply been miscommunication; if John didn’t make it clear to Carol that he didn’t want the info shared, she may not have realized it. Possibly she should have! But that’s between her and John.

She was wrong to imply you should organize something when you’re not on John’s team, and I’d make a mental note not to share anything with Carol that you don’t want repeated, but otherwise I wouldn’t worry much about any of this.

About your broader question about the way she sees relationships at work versus the way you do: as long as she’s not pressuring other people to do things they don’t want to do (like pushing people to celebrate their own birthdays at work if they don’t want to), I’d mark this all down to people just falling in different places on the spectrum of how they like to connect with colleagues.

3. Getting a degree from a nationally accredited school

I am a 34-year-old single mom who has spent years and over $80k trying to obtain a degree. Unfortunately, I’ve made every possible mistake — transferred schools four times, changed my major multiple times, and dropped out due to financial and life challenges.

Earning a degree is still a bucket list item for me, but with $80k in debt and no degree, the financial burden feels overwhelming. I recently came across an affordable, nonprofit online school called University of the People, where classes cost just $100 each. I could complete a business administration degree, which is exactly what I need for career advancement, and I can definitely afford it.

However, it looks like this school is nationally accredited, rather than regionally accredited. How much are employers going to care that the degree is nationally accredited?

First, for readers who don’t know, regional accreditors generally have much more rigorous standards than national accreditors, and a lot of crappy for-profit schools are nationally accredited because they can’t get regionally accredited.

To your question: It’s less that employers will look up whether a school is regionally or nationally accredited and more that the school itself doesn’t have a strong reputation. (Although it’s at least nonprofit, which is a plus!)

if you just need the degree for box-checking purposes (like if your company won’t promote you beyond a certain level without a degree), it will probably be fine. If you’re hoping it will carry the same weight as a degree from a more traditional school (in terms of academic rigor and general reputation), it won’t. So it really depends on what your reason are for pursuing the degree.

do employers really care where you went to school?

4. Client said I can’t talk to my coworker

I am a project manager who implements healthcare software with clients around the country.

One client has contracted an internal employee of my company (a coworker of mine) to assist them since two client staff members quit during the first week of the software launching. (I am not surprised given that the client is rude, demanding, and has staff that are not kind to each other.) I met with my coworker one-on-one to see how it was going. I myself have had a rough patch with this client and wanted to make sure that they were not being aggressive and outlandish in their requests.

Well, the client found out I met with my coworker without them there, and they are now saying I cannot meet with her to discuss anything with her without them. I stated that I wanted the coworker to have an opportunity to speak openly about how it was going for her. The client then replied back that if the coworker had questions/concerns, she should bring it up to them.

Was I out of line for checking with the coworker on her experience so far? I wanted to just gather how it was going for her from a project perspective.

It’s completely normal for people within an organization to meet to talk about how work is going, and clients can’t dictate that that not happen (unless it’s confidential work where each person involved in the project needs to be specially cleared, but that doesn’t sound like the case here). The inner workings of your company are none of their business. Are they also going to say her manager can’t check in with her about her work on their project?

Practically speaking, you and your coworker should just not mention future conversations to the client, but this is weird.

5. My employer wants me to pay for a separate phone so they can reach me at night

My employer has recently begun demanding I keep my cell on 24/7 in case they need me to cover reception in an emergency. We do not have emergency matters, just the receptionist might call in sick.

I have declined to keep my phone on so it doesn’t ping me at all hours, which happens because of auto reminders from doctors and texts from family and friends three time zones ahead. I said I would hold a phone from my employer.

My employer is insisting on taking my WFH stipend, or my money, to cover the cost for an excessive phone and plan of their choosing. This is apparently all illegal in my state (California). How do I respond without getting fired and without having to use my funds to pay their bills?

California does indeed have a law that employers must reimburse all business expenses and can’t ask employees to shoulder them. So you could simply say, “We could get in trouble under California law for that, since the state requires employers to cover business expenses, including phones.”

The WFH stipend might complicate this, depending on exactly how that’s structured; it’s possible this could legally fall under the expenses that the stipend should cover (although based on your letter, I’m skeptical that it would; you could check with a lawyer in your state if you want to be sure).

The other option, if you don’t feel like dealing with this, is just to set the number they’d be calling from to emergency bypass so it rings through even if you have Do Not Disturb on. You shouldn’t have to do that (and it will only work if you program in all the possible numbers they might call from), but it’s an option.

what to do when your employer is breaking the law

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Getting Buy-In for Customer Stories — Whiteboard Friday


So we’re gonna dive right in. I’m gonna give you some really practical ways of tackling this challenge, and we’re gonna start by just unpacking what does “no” actually mean? Where does a “no” come from? So when your customer says “no” to taking part in a customer story, what are they really saying? Where is that coming from?


And that can be coming from a place of fear. So what will be said about me? How will I be made to look? Will you make me look stupid? What will be exposed in the story that my competitors might see?

So how do we counter fear? How do we address this underlying reason for a “no”? And the answer is we give them control. We give them control over the situation right away. We don’t wait for them to ask for it. We volunteer to them. Nothing will go live without your approval, and that’s a sentence you can take to the bank. Nothing goes live without your approval. Let them know they have a voice in how they’re presented and how this story’s gonna come together.


Well, what else could a “no” mean? Where else could a “no” come from if not fear? It might just be the inconvenience. How long is this gonna take me? What are you asking of me? What do I need to give up to make this possible for you? Because to some extent, they’re doing you a favor when they agree to be in a story.

So how do we address this issue of inconvenience? And that really comes down to giving them the process, letting them know, “Hey, this is not the big ask that you might be mentally making it out to be.” So it’s as simple, again, a one sentence way of tackling this is to tell them it’s as easy as taking part in a short interview and then having a chance to review the draft. You’re reaffirming that control, and you’re letting them know this is not huge.

And if you can truthfully say of your process that it takes no more than 30 minutes to an hour, that’s not the big ask. Even you might think it is. So your win rates are gonna go up when you let them know, “Hey, here’s what’s involved.”


But okay, it’s not fear; it’s not inconvenience. What else could it be? It might be greed. The whole “what’s in it from me” factor? And that’s something we have to contend with. The truth is, while they’re doing a favor for you, they also stand to gain a lot. Whether it’s looking smart in front of the camera or in front of their audience in a written piece. Something that makes them look good, something that makes them look like a genius who made the right decision. Whether it’s a link for SEO, whether it’s positive press, whether it’s exposure to your social community, there will always be some sort of benefit that you can point to, or even benefits plural, that you can point to that they will take something out of this experience too. And it’s important to

highlight that because it shows this kind of duality of the situation.

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15 Most Influential Cars From the Last Century

Like digital influencers, cars play a significant role in everyday life. Most, if not all, cars owe their DNA to a select breed of genre-defining cars. Compiling a list of fifteen of the best, most influential vehicles is more complex than you think.

Naturally, fast cars feature heavily in any gearhead’s vision of the best or most influential cars. These speed machines are the dream of every would-be owner. Ferraris, Porsche, and the king of supercars, Lamborghini, could fill every slot in our countdown. 

But there are other significant cars. The first car to use a gasoline engine or the first mass-produced car shaped and transformed how cars were designed and manufactured. Important technological advances such as AWD and forced induction are commonplace in vehicles of all types and sizes.

In short, the cars we drive daily owe much to the creative genius of bygone eras; past masters are more than just classics; they shaped and influenced the car industry from day one.

Lamborghini Miura

Image Credit: Lamborghini Automobili

With fantastic styling even now, the Miura remains a favorite among gearheads worldwide. Despite what gearheads believe, this wasn’t the first mid-engine Italian sports car that award goes to the ATS 2500GT. 

Where the raging bull draws crowds is in its low-slung wing-like body and impossibly low doors. Lamborghini partnered with Gandini to create one of the most iconic supercars ever, setting the tone for all supercars since. Gorgeous looks aside, the transverse 3.9 liter V12 tugs at the heartstrings with a vocal soundtrack that’s hard to ignore. V12 engines have been a staple of Lamborghini cars ever since.

BMC Mini

BMC Mini
Image Credit: WikiCommons.

From one style icon to another, the BMC Mini created and transformed how we think about small, affordable cars. It might have been a budget city car, but everyone from heads of state to VIPs owned one.

The secret to its success was the essential no-frills fun. Smaller on the outside than inside, or so it felt, the Mini could seat four adults and still have room for luggage. To achieve this, BMC used a monocoque body and front engine layout. Over time, larger engines replaced the original 850 cc unit, transforming the Mini into a capable Rally Car.

Volkswagen Beetle

Volksgwagen Beetle (Type 1) - front quarter view
Image Credit: WikiCommons

The original people’s car, VW’s Beetle, sold a staggering 21.5 million vehicles over its 65-year lifespan. That’s not bad for a car design before the onset of WWII. The Bugs’ design shows old age; the interiors are sparse, with basic seats and dashboards. 

It’s a similar story beneath the skin. Slung out back, a four-cylinder boxer-style engine is a self-contained unit using air cooling for simplicity. The Beetles engine only requires removing four bolts to be freed from the chassis. Beetles today, especially older cars, are highly sought after.

Land Rover 110 / Defender

Land Rover Defender
Image Credit: WikiCommons.

It’s no secret that the Land Rover owed much to the Jeep concept. Both appeared in the 1940s and evolved to become status symbols. The Queen owned a Defender and countless other VIPs, including Steve McQueen and Clark Gable.

You have to drive one to understand why the Defender was so influential. It’s a go-anywhere vehicle low on frills but highly agile, able to cross any terrain. Interior trims are sparse at best, functional, and rugged, hinting at the Defender’s Military and agricultural pedigree. Despite all this, the Defender never looks out of place when parking outside any establishment.

Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost

1912 Rolls Royce 40/50 Silver Ghost
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Luxury cars began with the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, unveiled in 1960. The Silver Ghost set the standard for quality and made Rolls-Royce a world-famous brand. But where did the name come from? Founders Henry Royce and Charles Rolls lent their names to the brand, but the Silver Ghost name came from the press.

Originally known as the Rolls-Royce 40/50, production lasted until 1926, totaling 7874 cars before its successor, the Phantom, arrived. Depending on the year of manufacture, engine specs varied between 7.4 and 7 liters.

Willys Jeep MB

1941 Willys Jeep - Front quarter view. US Armys scout and recpn vehicle
Image Credit: WikiCommons

A wartime icon that found fame in peacetime, Willy’s Jeep is cited as the vehicle that won the war. Similar to the Defender but more uncomplicated, the Jeep’s design was rugged and easily maintained. Paired back as it is, the Jeep development period was incredibly short, lasting 49 days.

Every gearhead knows the Willys Jeep, but Willys Overland wasn’t the only one to produce it. Due to high demand, the US Government shared production with Ford, ramping production to over 650,00 cars by the end of 1945. All Jeeps produced in this period used Willys L134 ‘Go Devil’ inline-four engines.

Ford Mustang

1965 For Mustang GT Fastbacvk. Front quarter view
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Our first Ford, the Mustang, is as American as the Stars and Stripes. Ford’s design team played a trump card, offering everyday workers an affordable performance car. Not content with the fastest-selling car, Ford rolled out an options list long before other car makers had even thought of the idea. 

In concept, the Mustang was a two-seater, evolving into a four-seater for production. Early production cars, dubbed 1964½, came in convertible or coupe form, with the iconic fastback arriving later that year. From its debut, the Mustang was a hit, selling 500,000 cars in 1965 alone.

Jaguar E-Type

1965 Jaguar E-type Roadster 3.8 - Front quarter rview
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Jaguar’s greatest gift to gearheads, the E-Type, was a sensational piece of design and engineering. At its debut, it caused a sensation not just for its stunning looks but also for its incredible value for money. Launched in 1961, the E-type promised a top speed of 150 mph for $5670. Whether the E-type could reach these speeds is debatable.

Bold claims aside, the Jaguar was a smash hit. Buyers on both sides of the Atlantic clamored to get behind the wheel, forcing Jaguar to increase production. Over the next thirteen years, revised bodywork and engines diluted the original clean lines. In Series III guise, the XK straight-six was replaced by a V12.

Ford Model-T

1926 Ford Model T Touring
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Every modern car, bar none, owes a little of its history to the Ford Model T. Not through engineering or design, but through the assembly process. Ford’s gift to the automotive world was the assembly line. Production line workers focused on one area before moving on to the next chassis. Every mass-produced car is made this way today.

However, the process yielded other benefits. Faster production meant reduced costs; Ford could offer the Model T for $260 by 1925, a staggering sixty percent drop. Naturally, reduced costs came with some compromises. Not exceptionally well-specced, Model Ts shipped with 2.9-liter four-cylinder engines and a 2-speed transmission.

Audi Quattro

Audi Ur-Quattro
Image Credit: WikiCommons.

All-wheel drive has been around longer than you might think. Turning the clock back to 1900, we have the Lohner-Porsche, one of Ferdinand Porsche’s earliest cars. It would be a long time before mass-produced cars enjoyed AWD. 

Audi recognized the benefits of all-wheel drive, adopting and fettling the technology under the Quattro name. Dozens of WRC wins and thousands of road cars later, the Quattro name is commonplace. The Audi Quattro defined how AWD would shape the car industry. Now, every carmaker has at least one AWD vehicle.

Porsche 911

1977 Porshe 930 Turbo - Front quarter view
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Categorizing the Porsche 911 is tricky. Early cars were lightweight sports cars known for their agility. However, by 1974, Porsche introduced turbocharging because it needed more power without adding weight. It wasn’t without its issues; the 930 Turbo suffered from lag and wayward handling.

Those issues are long gone; Porsche has tamed the rear-engined balance issues and massively increased performance. The 911 is now a fully-fledged supercar that can easily be used daily. Try saying that of its rivals.

Ford F-150

Ford F-150 SVT Lightning first gen
Image Credit: WikiCommons.

The Mustang mentioned elsewhere is sublime but isn’t Ford’s best-selling vehicle. Surprisingly, it’s the F-150 that keeps Ford’s bank account brimmed. Produced at the Ford Dearborn site, a new Ford F-150 rolls off the assembly every minute. Trucks in the US are big business.

The F-150s’ abilities go far beyond being a load hauler. At the lower end, Ford offers V6s and diesels for outdoor types. However, the upper echelons of the F-150 range generate the most noise. When a V8 will do, Ford obliges with a 5-liter V8, kicking out 400 hp. 

Benz Patent Motorwagen

1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen - The First Motor Car
Image Credit: WikiCommons

The Benz Patent Motorwagen doesn’t look much like a car, on appearances. But this was the genesis of the car as we know it. Don’t think the three-wheel layout was a hastily converted carriage; Karl Benz began with a clean-sheet design.

The innovative use of a steel tube chassis fitted with an internal combustion engine proved the age of cars had arrived. A single-cylinder gasoline engine and chain drive setup resulted in a top speed of 10 mph. 

Lotus Elan

1967 Lotus Elan +2
Image Credit: WikiCommons.

Lotus’ history is full of financial turmoil. Between those years of uncertainty, Colin Chapman’s creative genius delivered some great drivers cars. The Type 26, as it was known internally, combined low-weight with smaller engines to achieve a world-beating handling experience.

Constructed of fiberglass over a steel backbone chassis, the Elan boasted exceptional chassis control and ride. Lotus excelled at both qualities for decades, and the Elan became the benchmark for sports cars. In later years, Gordon Murray further praised the Elan’s steering as the trait he missed in the McLaren F1.

Subaru Impreza WRX

Subaru Imprea WRX STi -Facelift model - front quarter view
Image Credit: WikiCommons

Explosive performance and a tenaciously grippy chassis transformed the Subaru into a giant killer. Visually, it is a humdrum sedan that has little on show to worry proper sportscars. It was that understated appearance that tempted gearheads. Admittedly, the addition of the WRX add-ons served as a warning to other road users.

At full throttle, the Subaru could reach 60 mph in around five seconds, faster than several Ferraris and Porsches. Subaru tweaked the chassis in the following decades, but its signature soundtrack remained a familiar turbocharged boxer engine thrum.

Terence Crawford Says ‘Of Course’ He’d Beat Canelo Alvarez In Super Fight


Terence Crawford
‘Of Course I’ll Beat’ Canelo Alvarez …
‘Ain’t No Doubt In My Mind’

Canelo Alvarez‘s strength and punching power may scare some boxers, but not Terence Crawford, who tells TMZ Sports he’s absolutely sure he’d get the victory over the Mexican superstar if the two fought.

Of course, at the moment, it’s a big “if” … as even though Crawford’s made it clear he wants the scrap — Canelo doesn’t seem so sure.

If you missed it, following his Saturday night victory over Edgar Berlanga — which Crawford actually attended — Canelo said straight up “no comment” when asked about a potential tilt with Bud.

Nonetheless, when we spoke with Crawford on Sunday, the 36-year-old pugilist told us he still really wants to throw hands with Canelo in a ring.

canelo alvarez

“I feel as if that’s a legacy fight,” he said. “I feel as if this is the biggest fight in boxing today.”

If it does go down, Crawford acknowledges he’ll have some challenges. He said he will certainly have to be aware of Canelo’s size and power. But, he told us, “I’ve been fighting bigger guys my whole life,” and he’s guaranteeing he’d come away with a win.

terence crawford canelo alverez

“Of course I’ll beat him,” the 41-0 star said. “It ain’t no doubt in my mind that I won’t beat anybody that I step in the ring with.”

Crawford doesn’t know when and where he’d like the match to happen … he just knows he wants to give the fans what they want, and so should Alvarez.

Get Up To 24 Warhammer 40,000 Books For Just $18 At Humble Bundle


If you’re looking for a way to dive head-first into Warhammer 40,000’s expansive library of novels, then Humble’s new Tales Of The Space Marines Chapters 2024 Book Bundle will get you a massive helping of official 40K eBooks for just a few dollars.

The bundle’s base $1 tier offers six Warhammer 40K books, including four full-length novels: Tome of Fire: Salamander by Nick Kyme, Savage Scars by Andy Hoare, Grey Knights by Ben Counter, and Blood Angels: Deus Encarmine by James Swallow. You also get the short story collections Victories of the Space Marines and Heroes of the Space Marines. That’s a lot of 40K reading material for just $1.

The second tier costs $10 and gets you eight more titles for a total of 14 books, including Treacheries of the Space Marines, which is a collection of tales about the heretical Space Marine chapters that defected from the empire and pledged allegiance to the evil chaos gods. Pay $18, and you get the full 24-book bundle, which equates to $248 worth of Space Marine lore. You can check out the full lineup of novels included in each tier of the bundle at Humble. Humble’s Tales Of The Space Marines Chapters 2024 Book Bundle will be available until October 6. All books in the bundle are delivered as ePUB and MOBI ebook formats, which are supported by a wide range of tablets, smartphones, and ebook readers.

If you’re looking for more entry points into Warhammer 40K’s massive grimdark universe, or are interested in reading stories from the perspectives of other factions outside of the Space Marines, be sure to check out our giant guide on how to get into Warhammer 40,000. You’ll find recommendations for tons of other books, video games, tabletop starter packs, and more.

Also, if you have yet to check out the latest game starring Warhammer’s hulking superhuman soldiers, you can pick up Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 on PC from GameSpot’s sibling site Fanatical for $52.79 (normally $60).

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Why Multiple PAN Cards are Illegal


Having a PAN (Permanent Account Number) is essential for any taxpayer in India. It is a unique identifier that facilitates various financial transactions and helps in tracking the flow of money. However, possessing multiple PANs can lead to serious legal repercussions.

In this blog, we will talk about the penalties associated with holding more than one PAN card, the reasons behind these double PAN card penalties, and the steps to rectify such a situation.

Understanding the PAN Card System

A PAN card is a ten-digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department of India. It is required for filing income tax returns, opening bank accounts, and conducting high-value transactions. The main aim of the PAN card is to ensure that all taxable financial activities of an individual or entity are tracked efficiently.

Why Possessing Multiple PAN Cards is an Offence?

The Indian government has implemented stringent rules to prevent tax evasion and maintain a transparent financial system. One such rule is that each individual or entity is allowed to have only one PAN card. Having multiple PAN cards can be used to hide income, avoid paying taxes, or engage in fraudulent activities. Hence, the possession of more than one PAN card is considered a serious offence.

Double PAN Card Penalty

The double PAN card penalties are significant. As per Section 272B of the Income Tax Act, 1961, an individual found in possession of more than one PAN card can be charged up to ₹10,000. This PAN card fine is imposed to deter individuals from obtaining a second PAN card and to maintain the integrity of the taxation system.

Consequences for Having two PAN Cards

Apart from the financial double PAN card penalty, there are other consequences of possessing multiple PAN cards:

  1. Legal Consequences: Engaging in financial transactions using two PAN cards can lead to legal complications.
  2. Tax Evasion Charges: Using different PAN cards to conceal income can result in severe tax evasion charges.
  3. Impact on Credit Score: Having multiple PAN cards can lead to discrepancies in your financial records, potentially affecting your credit score.
  4. Increased Scrutiny: Multiple PAN cards can lead to increased scrutiny from tax authorities.

How to Surrender an Additional PAN Card?

If you find yourself in possession of multiple PAN cards, it is crucial to surrender the extra PAN card(s) immediately. Here are the ways to do so:

  1. Online Surrender of Additional PAN Card: Surrendering an additional PAN card online is a convenient and efficient method. The process involves visiting the official website of the Income Tax Department or the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). Once on the site, you will need to fill out the online form for PAN correction or changes, providing details of both your PAN cards.
    After filling in the required information, you can submit the form electronically. You may also need to upload scanned copies of the additional PAN card and any other necessary documents. Once submitted, you will get an acknowledgement receipt confirming that your request has been processed.
    This online method not only saves time but also ensures that your request is handled quickly and efficiently, reducing the risk of legal complications associated with holding multiple PAN cards.
  2. Offline Surrender of Additional PAN Card: For those who prefer a more traditional approach, manual surrender of an additional PAN card can be done by visiting a PAN service centre or the nearest NSDL office. Begin by obtaining Form 49A (for Indian citizens) or Form 49AA (for foreign citizens). You can download it from the Income Tax Department’s website or collect it from the service centre.
    Complete the form with accurate details, including both of your PAN numbers. Submit the filled-out form along with the physical PAN card you wish to surrender to the service centre or NSDL office. Upon submission, the authorities will provide you with an acknowledgement receipt.
    This manual process, while slightly more time-consuming, offers the assurance of direct interaction with officials and immediate acknowledgement, ensuring your surrender request is properly documented and processed.

Importance of Rectifying Multiple PAN Card Issues

Rectifying the issue of possessing multiple PAN cards is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Compliance With Law: Ensuring you have only one PAN card keeps you compliant with Indian tax laws.
  2. Avoid double PAN card penalty: By surrendering the additional PAN card, you avoid the double PAN card penalty and financial and legal complications.
  3. Accurate Financial Records: Maintaining a single PAN card ensures that all your financial transactions are accurately recorded, preventing discrepancies in your financial records.

Stay Safe: One PAN Only

To remain compliant with Indian tax laws, it is essential to possess only one PAN card. If you have multiple PAN cards, take immediate steps to surrender the extra card to avoid double PAN card penalties and maintain a transparent financial record.

Abiding by these guidelines can help you avoid the double PAN card penalty and contribute to a transparent and efficient financial system. Always ensure that your financial activities comply with the law to avoid unnecessary complications and double PAN card penalties.

Before You Go…

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Apart from the fine, you may face legal trouble and increased scrutiny from tax authorities.

No, using multiple PAN cards for transactions can lead to severe legal consequences.

You can visit the official Income Tax Department or NSDL website and fill out the PAN correction form online.

You may need to upload scanned copies of the extra PAN card and any other necessary documents, including address proof, identity proof, and proof of surrender reason.

Once submitted, the request is processed quickly, usually within ten to fifteen days.

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