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my coworker is upset that I didn’t tell her I’m pregnant — Ask a Manager


A reader writes:

I am just a few weeks pregnant (and not showing at all). I have only told the few people at work who need to know, as I’ve had a rocky first trimester and needed some time to deal with pretty terrible morning sickness. The people who know are as follows: my boss, HR, my friend who shares my office with me and has seen me rush out of the room to go throw up, and another colleague who is a close family friend.

Two weeks ago, the office busybody, Roberta, bustled into my office demanding, “Why didn’t you TELL me?” over and over again, complete with wiggling her eyebrows knowingly. I played dumb and asked, “Tell you what, exactly?” until she finally said, “That you’re pregnant!” I said that I wasn’t really telling people yet, and I was confused as to who told her. She insisted it was fine to tell her, and I kept insisting that I wasn’t telling people yet and that I would like to know why she knows. We went around like this for a bit until she said congratulations and left in a bit of a huff.

I found out later that she knows because the person at the front desk overheard someone else talking about it and decided to bring it up when she and Roberta were talking about stocking the bathroom with menstruation pads and she joked that I “clearly wouldn’t be needing them.” (A whole other level of weird, in my opinion!)

It’s been a few weeks now and Roberta will not look at me or talk to me about anything, work-related or otherwise. I think she’s offended that she wasn’t told I was pregnant, but … am I right in thinking that’s my private medical information? I wasn’t even past the first trimester yet, and I know people generally hold off on announcing it until then.

I’m wondering how to navigate this situation, and if I need to talk with her directly about her (or my?) behavior? Could I have done something differently?

If this impacts the situation at all, she’s older than I am (baby boomer to my millennial), and she’s overly gossipy and tends to heavily comment on other’s bodies and appearances in a way I find uncomfortable. Thus, I have a polite but distant relationship with her — more of a distant acquaintance than a close work friend. I didn’t want to tell her I was pregnant at all — and certainly not this early! — given these issues. I also don’t really want to focus on my pregnancy at work, but on my work, which I think is fairly reasonable.

You are not wrong in any way. Roberta was out of line in laying claim to your news in the first place, and even more out of line in acting offended around you now.

It’s reasonable and normal not to share pregnancy news at work (or anywhere) until you’re ready to — whether that means past your first trimester or something else. Colleagues aren’t entitled to know about your pregnancy until things are at the point where you need to discuss plans for your leave. The first trimester is not that point.

My guess is that Roberta’s side of this would sound something like, “I heard she was pregnant and was excited and wanted to congratulate her, but she wouldn’t accept my good wishes and just demanded to know how I knew.” She probably did genuinely feel hurt by that; the most generous reading is that she thought she was going to have a warm moment of connection with you and got rebuffed. But that doesn’t make her in the right; she’s still 100% in the wrong, both for violating your privacy and demanding you share personal info with her, and for getting affronted when you tried to maintain a reasonable boundary. If she feels embarrassed or hurt, that’s something she needs to deal with privately. Instead she’s making it into your problem by acting as if you offended her.

As for what to do, you have a few options.

First, how much does it affect your work that she won’t speak to you? If there’s no real impact on your work, you could choose to ignore what she’s doing and figure it’s her problem, not yours.

But if it’s affecting your work, ignoring it isn’t an option. In that case, you could talk to her directly, approaching it as, “It seems like you haven’t been talking to me since you asked if I was pregnant, and I do need you to talk to me about things like XYZ so I can get my work done.”

Alternately, you could loop in your boss, because a colleague refusing to discuss work with you is Not Okay. Ideally you’d attempt to talk to Roberta directly first — both because that might solve it and because if it doesn’t, it’ll be useful to tell your boss you’ve tried. But if she keeps freezing you out, it’s a work issue that your boss needs to know about. (Also, based on how Roberta is handling this, I’m betting you’re not the only colleague she has trouble working with.)

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Banzai adds 147 customers in August 2024


Banzai adds 147 customers in August 2024

Why You Should Be Acting in Film and Television


It might sound funny, but some actors avoid screen work. Some do so out of choice—preferring perhaps the intimacy and process of stage acting—while others feel intimidated by the scale of the industry, paired with a feeling of impostor syndrome. For any serious actor, screen acting is a vital part of the industry ecosystem. So today, we’re going to talk about why you should be acting in film and television.

Actors should pursue roles on screen as strenuously as they might theatre work. Screen acting requires a finessing of one’s skills to a more intimate degree, and an understanding of one’s place within a film crew. However, acting in film and television is well supported by the technical aspects of screen media, not to mention an ever-present director. While sporadic, screen work is an extremely lucrative pathway for actors, with high pay rates for small parts, lead roles and even commercials.

Before we begin, it’s worth stressing that we are not stressing one medium over another in an actor’s career. This article is actually has a companion piece speaking to the opposite: why you should be acting in theatre. You may have a preference between stage and screen; one may spark joy while the other feels like a slog. But to cut one out of your career completely is ill-advised; you’d be leaving so much unexplored, undone.

Why are we told to ‘Pick a Lane’?

It’s surprising how often beginner and early-career actors are given this advice. There are two main reasons they are told to pick either stage or screen as their focus. We’ll examine the reasoning behind both of these below:


Acting in film and television requires a strong understanding of things are filmed. You need to understand lighting, angles and framing, how to hit your mark and that your performance may encounter obstacles such as waiting for focus to find you, or performing to a ping-pong ball on a stick because the dragon isn’t on set that day.

Some drama schools don’t teach these skills as readily as others. Therefore, some actors enter the industry with less confidence in how they fit into the medium. But like any aspect of your career or process, acting on camera is a skill. And skills can be learned, even if it’s while you’re on the job.


Acting in film and television can deliver some pretty significant life-changing opportunities—sometimes in the space of days or weeks. With one phone call from your agent, you might be quitting your day job, rushing your passport renewal and saying goodbye to family and friends for six months to film a fantasy film in the Arctic.

To some, this is literally the dream. To others, this sounds scary—and rightly so! What will people say when you disappear out of nowhere; what will you do for work when the six months is over and you no longer work at your local café? Even if we scale this hypothetical back: can you skip a family function or a day of work to film a commercial that might pay you three months’ wages?

Screen work promises Big. But it also demands you to be ready to make some pretty quick sacrifices to get there. With a career in theatre, there’s usually more control as to your schedule, your commitments, your calendar.

Why You Should Be Acting in Film and Television

So let’s jump in. As per our companion article, we are going to examine eight reasons you should be acting in film and television:

#1 Finessing your Acting

‘Stage is big, screen is small.’ While this might be a wild oversimplification … it’s more true than any of us care to admit. When acting in film and television, you have the chance to hone and finesse your performance so that it fits the frame of the shot. Don’t think about your voice reaching the back of the space: do what feels right, and trust that the camera (and the crew that surrounds it) is going to get the good stuff.

There’s an irony to the fact that screen acting feels more ‘real’ to some actors, given how fake and contrived it is to capture a performance on camera. If you’re coming from a stage background, you might be pleasantly surprised to discover how much control you have over the micro- of your process.

#2 Understanding the Filmmaking Process

Speaking of process: acting in film and television gives you a fairly comprehensive understanding of how screen projects get made. You’re going to do a lot of sitting around on a film set waiting for your thirty seconds a day of acting. Spend this time learning about the craft.

What does a film director actually do? What about the best boy, the grip or the 2nd assistant director? Can you see how the scene is being constructed, where it fits into the larger narrative? On the set of Fight Club, Meat Loaf shadowed director David Fincher to learn about the art of filmmaking. He was so ingrained in the process, that he began to help the director select takes in his trailer!

If acting for stage is like drama school, acting on screen is like film school. Spend enough time with your eyes and ears open, you may even be inspired to create your own project…

#3 Exploring Scale

Here’s the thing about acting with green and blue screens. They remove the limits of what you can do. Are they restrictive and fake and glow in a way that hurts your eyes after a few hours? Sure thing. But they allow you to tell stories in ways you could never do in theatre, or anywhere else.

Acting in film and television allows you to explore scale in the stories you tell. Take the opportunity to place yourself in the middle of an epic, a cast of thousands or a galactic-scale battle, and treat that as an acting challenge. Can you still find your objective in all that noise? Can you still craft a compelling, believable character?

#4 Developing Teamwork

We don’t care whether you’re an actor, a writer, or a filmmaker who does everything from cinematography to catering. Telling stories is always a team effort. And there’s no better place to learn that than on set.

Learn to trust your castmates, director and crew. Understand their jobs, and how doing those jobs helps improve the performance you give. This is something you encounter in theatre rehearsals as well, but it’s not as concentrated, not to the same degree or scale.

There’s no substitute for a ten hour day on location, when the weather rolls in and you’re losing light and everybody has food poisoning. That binds you together, and can render what you create its own brand of special.

#5 The Diversity of Jobs

Independent film. Quirky rom-com. Slasher. Part seven of a sixteen-film franchise. There are very few limits to the kinds of projects you might film as a screen actor. And in your career, you should look to exploring as many as you damn well can.

Theatre has inherent limits built into the medium—not least of all the financial constraints. You can still find diversity of characters and stories in stage work, but nothing like the possibilities that exist on camera. Much like our point above about working with scale: set yourself an acting challenge to try the multitude of styles and genres that screen work offers.

#6 Financial Stability

Screen work pays more. For many actors, this is the only point worth making. You are likely to earn more on a single day commercial shoot than you might for an entire season of a hit, independent theatre show. A solid arc on a tv procedural might pay your rent for six months. This isn’t necessarily why we get into the business, but it’s childish of us not to acknowledge that such financial windfalls can be life-altering.

Yes, such jobs are hard to come by. And residuals—payments made to actors for exhibitions of past work such as television re-runs—have been steadily chipped away by streaming service algorithmic shenanigans. But the pay of acting in film and television is hard to ignore. Even if you’re a ride-or-die theatre lover, ask yourself this: how many shows could you support yourself through with a few days on the set of House of the Dragon?

#7 Starting Out Your Career

A lot of this list has been geared towards actors with an established career. If you’re relatively new to the acting journey, this point is specifically for you. Short films—student, art, independent, those made by friends—are the perfect place to grab some easy credits for your CV, and to build confidence and experience. Actors are always in short supply to young filmmakers; they will be grateful for any experience or expertise you can bring. And you better believe they’ll be pouring everything they have into making their project (and, by extension, you) look good.

Let’s say the film is a stinker: in all honesty, a lot of short films are. You still get a day on set, a day to develop experience and hone your craft, and a credit for your casting networks page! If the film is good: festivals, awards, some recognition and most importantly the thanks of a director whose star is on the rise. Win win.

#8 Enriching Your Acting Career

The final reason you should be acting in film and television is, funnily enough, the same final reason we gave for you acting in theatre.

Acting in film and television opens you up to so many possibilities in terms of your career. Some of these are quite literally life-changing. If you are serious about your career, you owe it to yourself to explore all possibilities of what is on offer.

Say yes to everything. Give it all a go.


So that about wraps it up: our argument for acting in film and television. What we’ve included here is by no means an exhaustive list; when you find yourself exploring this world, you’re bound to discover a myriad of other things that sway you to screen work.

Just remember that there is no one, single, right path forward. A good career in the arts is a long one: a marathon, never a sprint. You’ll do yourself so many more favours by keeping that marathon diverse, challenging and exciting. Most important of all? You’ll have more fun.

Good luck!

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Using Flower Essences for Physical Problems?


Can flower essences be used for physical problems? IF the root of the problem is related to emotional or mental patterns AND you have the ability to pick the appropriate flower essences, you might be able to shift things enough to experience relief. But I certainly wouldn’t do that for any serious concern without consulting with a medical professional. 

Does that mean you can use flower essences to treat yourself for some medical problems? I do not recommend using them as a substitute for appropriate medical care or consultation. Even if there is an emotional connection involved, that does not mean that flower essences can treat or cure your illness or condition.

Do people use flower essences for physical problems and swear by them for that purpose on the internet? Yes, they do. Because the person who invented this modality was a well-respected medical doctor and immunologist who used them extensively with his patients, people think they might be a substitute for standard medical care. In fact, I know a group of people experimenting with that today. The leader of that group, unfortunately, is now dead and I suspect his refusal to accept normal medical treatment contributed to that. He had Covid and problems with high blood pressure—did he go to the hospital for Paxlovid or other treatments? We’ll never know, but he certainly spent much of his time on the internet saying he didn’t need to do that!

I recently had to go to the emergency room with frighteningly high blood pressure myself. After hours of checking out potential causes, I was given intravenous drug treatment to bring it down. If flower essences could have worked for that, I wouldn’t have had to go to the hospital. I have a store of them to choose from! I’m so thankful great medical care was readily available to me.

That said, have I ever used flower essences successfully for a physical problem? Yes, I have. For example, now that you’ve read my more than standard disclaimer above, let me tell you that currently I am also deeply thankful I have my Releasing Worry and Fear flower essence aromatherapy formula readily available as well! In the last year I have developed an occasional problem with esophageal spasms which are terrifying to me because they keep me from being able to fully swallow after I already have swallowed a bite of food. There are potential medical treatments my doctor hasn’t suggested to me (I’ll be speaking to him again). But in the meantime, I desperately have needed to know what to do to make them stop. Sometimes standing up and walking around helps. Sometimes breathing deep into my lower belly has worked. Sometimes peppermint lozenges under my tongue might have helped (I’m not sure about that.) But more recently nothing seemed to help so I grabbed my bottle of Releasing Worry and Fear and rubbed it on my back and chest where it hurt. Instant relief! Complete relief. I have used this three times in the last couple of months with identical results.

Does this mean I think this formula is a cure for esophageal spasms? I can’t say that—I don’t know. But I do know that the terror I feel when they are happening definitely has subsided when I use this formula and so do the physical symptoms. I can’t say this will work for you. And, personally, I will be talking to my doctor to make sure I have more than one solution at my disposal in case I need it. 

Still, knowing that a person’s emotional state plays a big role in illness and physical distress of many sorts is EXACTLY why Dr. Edward Bach invented flower essences. I don’t know that he ever actually said they were a cure for any specific physical thing that could ail a person. But could they be a helpful adjunct? Yes, absolutely, for sure!


Flower essences are used to assist with mind-body-spirit interactions and individual results may vary. They are extremely dilute which makes them quite safe. But because so little physical substance can be detected in a flower essence solution, these products are presumed to work on an energetic or vibrational level—something that cannot be adequately tested by western scientific methods. Claims made by me, therefore, are based on personal experiences and the evidence of the combined multiple decades of case notes by Dr. Edward Bach as well as Healing Herbs and Flower Essence Services (the companies who make the ingredients I use in my products). This is not, however, accepted medical evidence or substantiated scientific evidence from a modern allopathic point of view. I am not a medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner. 

Statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on my blog, websites or by this company are not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical or mental health advice. Consulting with a health care provider is a must for anyone taking medications or working with a medical or mental health condition, and highly recommended before using any herbal product. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications. I trust you to seek the medical guidance you need to use any of my herbal products healthily at your own risk.


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Develop a fire safety plan for your family — and include your pets in it – Berkshire Eagle


Develop a fire safety plan for your family — and include your pets in it  Berkshire Eagle

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Greens Blame President Trump for COP29 Lack of Progress – Watts Up With That?


Essay by Eric Worrall

First published JoNova – Nobody wants to move until they see whether the USA will pay for their green charade?

Trump stalks global climate talks as COP29 draws near

Sep 16, 2024


The prospect of Donald Trump returning as president is hanging over crucial U.N.-sponsored climate negotiations, with countries “holding back” their positions until they know who sits in the White House.

Veteran observers of climate diplomacy say uncertainty over the election outcome is stalking this November’s COP29 summit, which starts just six days after voters decide between Trump and Kamala Harris.

The election lands awkwardly as governments try to build global consensus in coming months not just around climate but stronger protections for the environment and a treaty to address plastic pollution.

Ali Mohamed, chair of the African Group of Negotiators, accused developed countries of navel gazing and displaying “a lack of seriousness” at the bargaining table.

“The climate change situation really doesn’t care about who is at the helm of the U.S., whether it is a Republican or a Democrat,” he told reporters.

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This is funny on so many levels.

For starters, could fake claims that renewables are cheap possibly be any deader? Renewables are hideously expensive – otherwise why would nations which have already gone big on renewables be holding back?

And then there is the funny they are still blaming Trump – even though he hasn’t been in office since the start of this decade.

Only true believers still think COP conferences have anything to do with the environment. COP28 was held in a petro-state, where the COP28 conference president allegedly spent much of his time trying to ink natural gas sales.

COP29 will be held in Azerbaijan, even more of a petro-state than the UAE. Azerbaijan is a nation which for over a century has been renowned as a major provider of oil and gas. I wonder what their environmental focus will be?

The environmental movement is dead, except in a few places which persist in clinging to the faith, their power is broken. The world will never genuinely switch to green energy. World leaders barely even bother to hide their contempt for the global environmental movement anymore – why else mock greens by holding big environmental conferences in petro-states?

The only question is, how will the petro-state organisers of the COP climate conferences top this supreme mockery of environmental causes? Will the next climate conference be held in the middle of a Texas oil field? On an ocean oil rig? It’s going to be a challenge to pick a location even more hilarious than Azerbaijan.

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Crete – A Guide to a week well spent in Georgioupoli


Come on an adventure to northern Crete, where sunshine, sea, turtles and endless raki will fill your heart with wonder!

© Kerry McCarthy

Where to stay in Georgioupoli

To save money, and a lot of organising, we chose an easyjet holiday that included flights, transfers and accommodation at Athena Apartments Hotel, which was an absolute delight. Sitting just on the edge of the town we had the benefit of not being in the hustle and bustle of the centre but we were also a very short walk away from everything as well!

  • Beach & beach club – 5 minutes
  • Nearest taverna – under 1 minute
  • The main square – 10 minutes
  • The harbour area – 15 minutes

The apartments were very clean, well presented and spacious, and there was a pool surrounded by gardens, so we didn’t feel like we were backing onto another hotel. We just about had sea views, and wonderful views of the mountains too. The owners were incredibly friendly and very helpful indeed, we would definitely go back!

Image of coast Georgioupolis Crete

© Kerry McCarthy

Things to do in Georgioupoli

Eat, drink, shop, sail, swim, snorkel, sunbathe… There is plenty to do here, and lots of excursions from the nearby hotels and beach bars. The beach is very very long, so plenty of places to bag a parasol and get served drinks and snacks whichever direction you go! Here’s what we got up to:

Kalivaki Taverna Beach Day. Here you’ll find the best bit of beach, super soft sand and very safe swimming. The water is shallow for quite a way, and crystal clear, free from seaweed and stones. The Taverna serves up amazing food (small cheese pies are a must, along with stuffed vine leaves and zucchini flowers), and is attached to accommodation if you want to make this place your base.

Kalivaki beach is on the far end of the town, near the harbour and has a river running into it which if you look carefully is filled with fish and turtles! Don’t miss the amazing models of forts, amphitheatres and other amazing Greek architecture just around the back of the taverna.

© Kerry McCarthy

Lake Kournas. We took the “fun train”, a cheap (€7 per adult return) short journey on a road train from Club Tropicana Beach Bar up to the only freshwater lake in Crete. I cannot recommend visiting this place enough, especially if you are with kids. The lake is huge, surrounded by mountains, is crystal clear and you can hire pedalos to go explore and see the turtles!

Definitely take your swim stuff and a snorkel set too as the water is ideal for exploring, and you might even be able to bag yourself a pedalo with a slide. The place really is huge, so you it doesn’t feel like you are in amongst everyone out on the lake. There are also tavernas where you can refuel, and sunbeds amongst the greenery if you want to spend a day there.

Eat delicious local food! We had fresh fish at Poseidon Seafood Restaurant – I can personally vouch for the seabass, traditional Cretan food at Nostos – my son wanted us to go back for the grilled cheese, I wanted to go again for the grilled squid; and more of the same at Taverna Babis, where I had the best prawn saganaki I’ve ever eaten. All of these places are within a five minute walk of each other, and also served amazing souvlaki (grilled meat on a skewer).

Be warned – portion sizes here are huge! I doubt there are many people who would be able to fit an appetiser along with a main meal in one sitting!

© Kerry McCarthy

What I loved (and did not love) about Georgioupoli, Crete

I loved how friendly everyone is, and the custom of serving Raki as a complementary drink after eating, along with dessert. I also quite enjoyed the fact that the Raki just keeps on coming. It is most certainly an acquired taste, but after the first shot, you get used to it! Kalivaki Taverna served theirs ice cold and with cherries. Amazing!

There wasn’t much not to like at all, I guess if I was to pick anything, it’s getting used to the Greek sewerage system and remembering not to flush paper down the toilets!

© Kerry McCarthy

Would I go to Georgioupoli again?

Yes, I would. It is a lovely laid back place to be based and there are plenty of excursions and day trips to other areas of the island. Next time we go, we want to explore some of the beaches on the southern side – Elafonissi beach is high on the list for its pale pink sands!

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Travel Writer Bio

Kerry McCarthy is a travel writer, author, artist, and breathwork instructor. You can see more of her adventures on Instagram @kerrymccarthystars.

© Kerry McCarthy

Billie Eilish And Finneas Endorse Kamala Harris On National Voter Registration Day


Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas released a video endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on National Voter Registration Day.

Finneas started video by saying, “Today is National Voter Registration Day, and we are asking you to please join us in going to to check your status and vote early like we do.”

Eilish said that the siblings are voting for Harris and Walz, “We are voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they are fighting to protect our reproductive freedom, our planet, and our democracy.”

Finneas mentioned extremism and Project 2025, “We can’t let extremists control our lives, our freedoms, and our future. The only way to stop them and the dangerous Project 2025 agenda is to vote and elect Kamala Harris .

Eilish added, “Vote like your life depends on it because it does.”

They closed by urging their fans to go to and make a plan to vote early.


The candidate endorsement isn’t actually the most important part of these videos. As the nation has witnessed with Taylor Swift, the importance is in influential people using their platforms to get young people engaged and voting.

It is a fact that once people get engaged in the democratic process and start voting, they continue to vote. Voting is a habit, and it is the most direct way for any citizen to have a say and impact on the country’s future.

Republicans are doing everything imaginable to make it more difficult to vote, which is why getting as many people involved and engaged as possible is vital.

In our currently polarized nation, the vast majority of elections are close, meaning there is no such thing as an irrelevant vote.

Every vote matters and can determine the future of the nation.

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John Cena Vrooms Into Starring in a Matchbox Movie


The live-action movie you never wanted about Matchbox toy cars is moving forward, with John Cena set to star.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cena (Peacemaker, pictured above) has joined the production and will presumably be playing a human character in a world where Matchbox cars rule supreme. (Or not, I made up that plot point since details on the story aren’t public yet.)

The movie is is financially driven by Apple Original Films and Skydance and is revving up its way to production. Sam Hargrave is also on board as director. Hargrave—whose career started as a stunt performer in movies like Atomic Blonde and numerous Marvel films—also directed Netflix’s Extraction movies, which saw Chris Hemsworth as a mercenary who must rescue people from nefarious situations. David Coggeshall (The Family Plan) and Jonathan Tropper (The Adam Project, Shawn Levy’s upcoming Star Wars film) have penned the script.

After the success of Barbie, it’s not surprising to see movies based on popular toy brands get a bit of a boost. Mattel, as this Matchbox movie confirms, is looking to create a Mattel movie universe, and we have a Masters of the Universe film heading to production as well as a slew of other toy-related projects, including one about the Magic 8 Ball, because why not.

The Matchbox brand came about in 1953 and was bought by Mattel in 1997. The brand encompasses a slew of tiny toy cars that, at least at the beginning, were small enough to fit in a matchbox.

No news yet on what size the cars will be in the live-action film or when you’ll see it at a theater near you. icon-paragraph-end

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6-Bedroom Two-Story New American Home with Balcony and Bonus Room (Floor Plan)

The New American house plan offers 4,966 square feet of living space spread across two stories. It features 6 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, and a 3-car garage, providing ample room for family living.

Take a stroll around this 6-bedroom New American home, complete with a balcony and bonus room

Architectural Designs

The modern farmhouse architecture style of the New American home is unmistakable. Key features of the house’s exterior include board and batten siding, prominent gable roofs, and a mix of stone and white exterior finishes. The design incorporates multiple roof lines, large windows, and metal roof accents, creating a visually dynamic facade.

Main level floor plan

Main level floor plan of a 6-bedroom two-story New American home with great room, kitchen, dining area, two bedrooms, den, laundry leading to the garage, and plenty of outdoor space.
Architectural Designs

Take a look at this spacious single-story layout with a 3-car garage. The design includes a central great room open to above, a master suite, a secondary bedroom, and a den, along with an open-concept kitchen and dining area. The plan also incorporates multiple outdoor spaces, including a front porch and two covered patios.

Upper level floor plan

Second level floor plan with four bedrooms, a second laundry room, and a bonus room that extends onto a spacious deck.
Architectural Designs

On the upper floor of the New American home, you’ll find four bedrooms, a bonus room, and a large deck. The level features two open areas to the floor below, a laundry room, and a bathroom with three vanities.

The front elevation perspective shows the grand gable, expansive windows, and stone accents

Rear exterior view showing the board and batten siding, covered porch, upper deck, and plenty of large windows highlighted with ambient lighting.
Architectural Designs

From the front elevation, you can see the house’s central gable with exposed timber beams, expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, and a mix of board-and-batten and stone cladding. The symmetrical layout is characterized by multiple roof lines and a balanced use of materials.

Source: Architectural Designs – Plan 95105RW

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Features: Loft | Basements | Bonus Room | Wrap-Around Porch | Elevator | In-Law Suite | Courtyard | Garage | Home Bar | Balcony | Walkout Basement | Covered Patio | Front Porch | Jack and Jill Bathroom

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Resources: Architectural Styles | Types Houses | Interior Design Styles | 101 Interior Design Ideas

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