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Amazon Prime For Women


The company that revolutionized retail is now selling products for women.
Help end the wage gap by contributing to the National Women’s Law Center:

According to the American Association of University Women, White women take home 78% of white men’s earnings, Black women earn 64%, and Hispanic women earn 54%. Though there are a number of factors at play, these drastic differences illustrate that, even with those factors taken into account, a real gap does exist. Learn more at

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Writer/Producer: Paul Gale
Producer: Joshua Louis Simon
Spokeswoman: Lauren Ireland
Graphics: Joe Vaccarino
Gaffer: Evan Dalcher
PA: Hanna Wellish
Colorist: Colin Travers
Sound Mixer: Hunter Berk
Additional Writing: Cirocco Dunlap, Ali Vingiano, and Emma Needleman

Special thanks to Amalia Bob Waksberg, Zack Bornstein, Jesse Gilbert, Andrea Sertz Jew, Jaime, Heather, George, Scott, and the rest of the team at YouTube Space NYC.

Super special thanks to my mother Rhonda Gale for being the powerful, loving woman who raised me, as well as my grandmothers Sylvia Gale and Sharney Edelman, whom I miss dearly.

This was not sponsored by the National Organization for Women, but I believe in their cause. Thank you for supporting them.

Filmed at YouTube Space NYC.

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Creating Custom Lottie Animations With SVGator — Smashing Magazine


SVGator has gone through a series of updates since our last article, which was published in 2021, when it was already considered to be the most advanced web-based tool for vector animation. The first step toward more versatile software came with the mobile export feature that made it possible to implement the animations in iOS and Android applications.

The animation tool continued its upgrade with a series of new export options: video formats including MP4, AVI, MKV, MOV, and WebM, as well as image formats such as GIF, Animated PNG, WebP, and image sequence. By covering a larger area of users’ needs, the app now enables anyone to create animated stickers, social media, and newsletter animations, video assets, and many more types of visual content on demand.

The goal of becoming a “one tool for all” still lacked the last piece of the puzzle, namely full support for Lottie files. Lottie, just like SVG, is a vector-based format, but it has even better comprehensive multi-platform support, a fact that makes it super popular among developers and design professionals. It is built for use across various platforms, enabling smooth integration into both web and mobile applications. Its file size is minimal, it is infinitely scalable, and developers find it straightforward to implement once they get familiar with the format. Lottie can incorporate raster graphics and also supports interactivity.

SVGator’s latest version has everything you need for your various applications without the need for any third-party apps or plug-ins.

Note: You can test all of SVGator’s functionalities free of charge before committing to the Pro plan. However, you can export up to three watermarked files, with videos and GIFs limited to basic quality.

In this article, we will follow a creation process made of these steps:

  • Importing an existent Lottie JSON and making some minor adjustments;
  • Importing new animated assets created with SVGator (using the library);
  • Creating and animating new elements from scratch;
  • Exporting the Lottie animation.

Getting Started With SVGator

The sign-up process is simple, fast, and straightforward, and no credit card is required. Sign up either with Google or Facebook or, alternatively, by providing your name, email address, and password. Start a project either with a Lottie animation or a static SVG. If you don’t have an existing file, you can design and animate everything starting from a blank canvas.

Now that you’ve created your account, let’s dive right into the fun part. Here’s a preview of how your animation is going to look by the time you’re done following this guide. Neat, right?

(Large preview)

Create A New Project

After logging in and clicking on the New Project option, you will be taken to the New Project Panel, where you can choose between starting from a blank project or uploading a file. Let’s start this project with an existing Lottie JSON.

A screenshot with the selected Upload button
(Large preview)
  1. Click on the Upload file button and navigate to the directory where you have saved your Lottie file.

    A screenshot with the selected Fast response.json file and Open button
    (Large preview)

  2. Select the “Fast response.json” file and click Open.

    Hit play in the editor, and the animation should look like this:

    An animation opened in SVGator
    (Large preview)

Note: Make sure to hit Save after each step to make sure you don’t lose any of your progress while working on this project alongside our guide.

Import An Animated Asset

In this step, you will learn how to use the Library to import new assets to your project. You can easily choose from a variety of ready-made SVGs stored in different categories, load new files from your computer (Lottie, static SVG, and images), or save animations from other SVGator projects and reuse them.

In this case, let’s use an animated message bubble previously created and saved to the Uploads section of the Library.

Learn how to create and save animated assets with this short video tutorial.

A screenshot with the message bubble Lottie animation.
(Large preview)
  1. Navigate to the left sidebar of the app and switch to the Library tab, then click the “+” icon to upload the message bubble asset that you downloaded earlier.
  2. After it is loaded in the uploads section, simply click on it to add it to your project.

    All the animated properties of the asset are now present in the timeline, and you can edit them if you want.

    Note: Make sure the playhead is at the second “0” before adding the animated asset. When adding an animated asset, it will always start animating from the point where the playhead is placed.

  3. Freely adjust its position and size as you wish.
  4. With the playhead at the second 0, click on the Animate button, then choose Position.

At this point, you should have the first Position keyframe automatically added at the second 0, and you are ready to start animating.

Animate The Message Bubble

  1. Start by dragging the playhead on the timeline at 0.2 seconds:

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the message bubble
    (Large preview)

  2. Then, drag the message bubble up a few pixels. The second keyframe will appear in the timeline, marking the element’s new position, thus creating the 2 milliseconds animation.

    Note: You can hit Play at any moment to check how everything looks!

    Next, you can use the Scale animator to make the bubble disappear after the dots representing the typing are done animating by scaling it down to 0 for both the X and Y axes:

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the message bubble
    (Large preview)

  3. With the message bubble still selected, drag the playhead at 2.2 seconds, click on Animate, and select Scale (or just press Shift + S on the keyboard) to set the first Scale keyframe, then drag the playhead at 2.5 seconds.
  4. Set the scale properties to 0 for both the X and Y axes (in the right side panel). The bubble won’t be visible anymore at this point.

    Note: To maintain the ratio while changing the scale values, make sure you have the Maintain proportions on (the link icon next to the scale inputs).

    To add an extra touch of interest to this scaling motion, add an easing function preset:

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the message bubble
    (Large preview)

  5. First, jump back to the first Scale keyframe (you can also double-click the keyframe to jump the playhead right at it).
  6. Open the Easing Panel next to the time indicator and scroll down through the presets list, then select Ease in Back. Due to its bezier going out of the graph, this easing function will create a bounce-back effect for the scale animation.

    Note: You can adjust the bezier of a selected easing preset and create a new custom function, which will appear at the top of the list.

    Keep in mind that you need at least one keyframe selected if you intend to apply an easing. The easing function will apply from the selected keyframe toward the next keyframe at its right. Of course, you can apply a certain easing for multiple keyframes at once.

    To get a smoother transition when the message bubble disappears, add an Opacity animation of one millisecond at the end of the scaling:

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the message bubble
    (Large preview)

  7. Choose Opacity from the animators’ list and set the first keyframe at 2.4 seconds, then drag the playhead at 2.5 seconds to match the ending keyframe from the scale animation above.
  8. From the Appearance panel, drag the Opacity slider all the way to the left, at 0%.

Create An Email Icon

For the concept behind this animation to be complete, let’s create (and later animate) a “new email” notification as a response to the character sending that message.

Once again, SVGator’s asset library comes in handy for this step:

A screenshot showing steps how to create an email icon.
(Large preview)
  1. Go to the search bar from the Library and type in “mail,” then click on the mail asset from the results.
  2. Place it somewhere above the laptop. Edit the mail icon to better fit the style of the animation:

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  3. Open the email group and select the rectangle from the back.
  4. Change its fill color to a dark purple.
  5. Round up the corners using the Radius slider.

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  6. Make the element’s design minimal by deleting these two lines from the lower part of the envelope.

    A screenshot steps showing how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  7. Select the envelope seal flap, which is the Polyline element in the group, above the rectangle.
  8. Add a lighter purple for the fill, set the stroke to 2 px width, and also make it white.

    To make the animation even more interesting, create a notification alert in the top-right corner of the envelope:

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  9. Use the Ellipse tool (O) from the toolbar on top and draw a circle in the top-right corner of the envelope.
  10. Choose a nice red color for the fill, and set the stroke to white with a 2 px width.

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  11. Click on the “T” icon to select the Text tool.
  12. Click on the circle and type “1”.
  13. Set the color to white and click on the “B” icon to make it bold.

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  14. Select both the red circle and the number, and group them: right-click, and hit Group.

    You can also hit Command or Ctrl + G on your keyboard. Double-click on the newly created group to rename it to “Notification.”

    A screenshot showing steps how to edit the mail icon.
    (Large preview)

  15. Select both the notification group and email group below and create a new group, which you can name “new email.”

Animate The New Email Group

Let’s animate the new email popping out of the laptop right after the character has finished texting his message:

A screenshot showing steps how to animate the new email group.
(Large preview)
  1. With the “New email” group selected, click twice on the Move down icon from the header to place the group last.
    You can also press Command or Ctrl + arrow down on your keyboard.
  2. Drag the group behind the laptop (on the canvas) to hide it entirely, and also scale it down a little.
  3. With the playhead at 3 seconds, add the animators Scale and Position.
    You can also do that by pressing Shift + S and Shift + P on your keyboard.

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the new email group.
    (Large preview)

  4. Drag the playhead at the second 3.3 on the timeline.
  5. Move the New Email group above the laptop and scale it up a bit.
  6. You can also bend the motion path line to create a curved trajectory for the position animation.

    A screenshot showing steps how to animate the new email group.
    (Large preview)

  7. Select the first keyframes at the second 3.
  8. Open the easing panel.
  9. And click on the Ease Out Cubic preset to add it to both keyframes.

Animate The Notification

Let’s animate the notification dot separately. We’ll make it pop in while the email group shows up.

A screenshot showing steps of how to animate the notification.
(Large preview)
  1. Select the Notification group.
  2. Create a scale-up animation for it with 0 for both the X and Y axes at 3.2 and 1 at 3.5 seconds.
  3. Select the first keyframe and, from the easing panel, choose Ease Out Back. This easing function will ensure the popping effect.

Add Expressiveness To The Character

Make the character smile while looking at the email that just popped out. For this, you need to animate the stroke offset of the mouth:

A screenshot showing the steps of how to add expressiveness to the character.
(Large preview)
  1. Select the mouth path. You can use the Node tool to select it directly with one click.
  2. Drag the playhead at 3.5 seconds, which is the moment from where the smile will start.
  3. Select the last keyframe of the Stroke offset animator from the timeline and duplicate it at second 3.5, or you can also use Ctrl or Cmd + D for duplication.

    A screenshot showing the steps of how to add expressiveness to the character.
    (Large preview)

  4. Drag the playhead at second 3.9.
  5. Go to the properties panel and set the Offset to 0. The stroke will now fill the path all the way, creating a stroke offset animation of 4 milliseconds.

Final Edits

You can still make all kinds of adjustments to your animation before exporting it. In this case, let’s change the color of the initial Lottie animation we used to start this project:

A screenshot showing how to change the color of the initial Lottie animation
(Large preview)
  1. Use the Node tool to select all the green paths that form the character’s arms and torso.
  2. Change the color as you desire.

Export Lottie

Once you’re done editing, you can export the animation by clicking on the top right Export button and selecting the Lottie format. Alternatively, you can press Command or Ctrl + E on your keyboard to jump directly to the export panel, from where you can still select the animation you want to export.

A screenshot showing how to export the animation.
(Large preview)
  1. Make sure the Lottie format is selected from the dropdown. In the export panel, you can set a name for the file you are about to export, choose the frame rate and animation speed, or set a background color.
  2. You can preview the Lottie animation with a Lottie player.
    Note: This step is recommended to make sure all animations are supported in the Lottie format by previewing it on a webpage using the Lottie player. The preview in the export panel isn’t an actual Lottie animation.
  3. Get back to the export panel and simply click Export to download the Lottie JSON.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’re done with your animation don’t forget that you have plenty of export options available besides Lottie. You can post the same project on social media in video format, export it as an SVG animation for the web, or turn it into a GIF sticker or any other type of visual you can think of. GIF animations can also be used in Figma presentations and prototypes as a high-fidelity preview of the production-ready Lottie file.

We hope you enjoyed this article and that it will inspire you to create amazing Lottie animations in your next project.

Below, you can find a few useful resources to continue your journey with SVG and SVGator:

  • SVGator tutorials
    Check out a series of short video tutorials to help you get started with SVGator.
  • SVGator Help Center
    It answers the most common questions about SVGator, its features, and membership plans.
Smashing Editorial
(yk, il)

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Cold Weather and It’s Impact on a Dog’s Mobility


Frigid temperatures and wet weather can make cause our joints to ache or cause them to stiffen; the same thing happens to dogs. Cold weather can have a significant impact on a dog’s movements. The impact can be even more drastic on an arthritic dog. A dog with arthritis already experiences joint inflammation, and the cold temperatures can exacerbate the symptoms even further.  

Read on to learn more about why the winter weather can make it more difficult for an older dog to walk and move: 

How Cold Weather Impacts a Dog’s Movement 

Joint inflammation and stiffness: 

In wintertime, the cold can cause a dog’s joints to become stiffer, making it more difficult and painful for them to move. Your dog may even move differently. The discomfort may cause them to walk more slowly and carefully, and their gait may change as well. Dogs with arthritis may experience a more noticeable impact on their mobility, as arthritic joints are particularly sensitive to temperature changes. This stiffness can be particularly pronounced in the morning or after a period of inactivity.  

Changes in movement: 

Your dog’s posture and how they walk can change with extreme temperature drops. Older dogs may alter how they stand or move to make themselves more comfortable. This could mean shifting their weight away from a joint that hurts to bear more weight on a “healthy joint.” This can place additional strain on a healthy leg.  

When a dog’s muscles and joints are cold and stiff, they may have a reduced range of motion. As a response to the cold, dogs may tense their muscles causing the muscles to be less flexible and may lead to a stiff, rigid gait. This muscle tension is often a protective response to cold, as it helps prevent heat loss, but it can negatively affect a dog’s mobility. This can lead to a shuffling or stilted gait, with shorter steps and less fluid movement. Other physical signs of joint pain may include stiffer, slower movements or an overall decrease in activity levels.  

Wheelchair dogs can also feel the impact of the cold. Since they may be less inclined to go for walks or engage in outdoor activities, prolonged periods of downtime may cause muscle atrophy and further limit their mobility. 

Reduced blood flow: 

Cold temperatures can decrease blood flow to the extremities, including the joints. This reduced blood flow can make arthritis-related inflammation and discomfort worse. In cold weather, the blood vessels (capillaries) in a dog’s extremities, including their legs and paws, tend to constrict or narrow. This natural response is called vasoconstriction and is the body’s way of conserving heat. However, it also means less blood flows to these areas, which can lead to reduced warmth and flexibility in the muscles and joints.  

How to Improve Your Dog’s Mobility in Cold Weather 

Special needs and senior pet parents need to pay close attention to any signs of mobility change. Keeping your dog’s joints healthy year-round is an important part of their overall health and quality of life. Here are a few ways to help keep your dog active all winter long: 

Consult with your veterinarian:

If the cold weather is impacting your dog’s ability to move freely, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian. Only your vet can offer personalized advice and tailored treatment plans for your dog, especially for a dog with mobility issues.  

Every dog’s needs are different, and solutions may include medication, dietary modification, structured exercise through rehabilitation therapy, and even joint support. Always speak with your veterinarian before starting your dog on any course of treatment.  

Daily joint supplements: 

For dogs facing mobility challenges, joint health is of the utmost importance, especially in cold weather. Joint stiffness can be aggravated by the dropping temperatures, making it essential to provide the right support. A high-quality joint supplement is designed to support your dog’s joint health, ease stiff joints, support joint structure, and help support a dog’s mobility to help your canine companion stay active and comfortable during the winter months.   

Year-round mobility support:

Wheelchair dog plays in the snow

Dogs that show any signs of mobility change when the temperature drops most likely benefit from mobility support year-round. Your dog doesn’t have to struggle. Mobility aids like dog wheelchairs and lifting harnesses can help dogs with mobility issues, making it easier for them to stay active without straining themselves. Here are a few ways they can help: 

  • Difficulty standing – a rear support leash can be used to support your dog’s hind end and help them to get up off the ground to stand.  
  • Climbing stairs – a lifting harness is a great way to stabilize and support your dog as they climb up or down stairs.  
  • Slipping on tile or hardwood floors – wearing dog boots or traction socks with a rubber sole can help a senior dog to better grip the floor, helping them to keep their paws in place as they stand.  
  • Dog favors one leg and can’t bear weight evenly – a dog wheelchair provides pets

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How to Set Up a VPN on PS5


Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) serve multiple valuable purposes, but setting one up on your PS5 isn’t necessarily that obvious. Read on to find out how to install a VPN on your Sony console.

The benefits of a PS5 VPN

  • You have increased privacy, which can be downright vital (you’ve all heard of swatting).
  • VPNs can be a safety measure as they’ll stop any DDoS attacks.
  • They can also help you get around geo-restrictions by tricking places into thinking you’re in another country, which means you can access content you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to.

In short, VPNs can be pretty good if you’re able to put in the work to get one up and running.

Thankfully, we’re here to provide you with all the required steps.

How to install a VPN on PS5

This is a little complicated, in that you cannot set up a VPN via the PS itself as the geo-restrictions would open up a whole host of legal issues for Sony if they were to make it easy. I mean, who doesn’t like a challenge, though?

The three routes you’ll be going down are either: via your router, via your computer or via your phone. I probably should have just said via the internet.

1. Set up your PS5 VPN via your router

This is the best route, as the whole house will be protected. Unfortunately, it does mean that each VPN provider will have their own set of instructions.

ExpressVPN (because I just wanted to watch a 10-minute video on gaming), has pretty clear instructions, but it’ll depend on the type of router you have. They also offer their router with a VPN built in if you want to skip the hassle in favour of parting with some hard-earned cash.

Still, even to someone who just wants to sigh loudly and hit the on button on the remote like I’m in a ’90s sitcom, none of these options were difficult.

2. Install via your PC

Anyway, the next option is just as simple; you’ll just be a bit more tethered. By installing a VPN on your computer, and then running an ethernet cable from your PS5 to the computer, you can then allow other people to connect to the internet via the ethernet on the PC. You then change the settings on your PS5 to specify that connection.

3. Use your phone and hotspot

When it comes to your mobile phone, you effectively download the VPN to your phone and then set up a hotspot and connect to it via your PS5. It’s simple, but then you would be chancing running your gaming on a phone hotspot. That said, in my past journalistic lives I’ve been dependent on them and they’ve never let me down, albeit in far less intensive situations.

Which is the best option to install a VPN on your PS5?

For my money, you’re worth putting in time and effort into connecting via a router. It’ll be less time to set up on a day-to-day basis and if you’re already in the market for a VPN then I doubt you’d want to have any potential connection without it.

In one swoop, you get the whole house covered. You don’t have to worry about setting up the hotspot or ethernet connection every time; just sit down, game and chill out.

Shop around, find a good deal and a company that grabs your trust and enjoy yourself.

The post How to Set Up a VPN on PS5 appeared first on PS5 Home – The Home of PS5.

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Apple halts iPadOS 18 update for M4 iPad Pro after bricking reports


Apple has temporarily paused the rollout of iPadOS 18 for M4 iPad Pro models, some of the most expensive iPads that the company sells, after some users complained that the update bricked their devices. Apple acknowledged the issue in a statement to Engadget, saying, “We have temporarily removed the iPadOS 18 update for M4 iPad Pro models as we work to resolve an issue that is impacting a small number of devices.”

The issue first came to light through Reddit, where a growing number of M4 iPad Pro users described how their iPads became unusable after they tried installing the latest version of iPadOS. “At some point during the update my iPad turned off, and would no longer turn on,” a user named tcorey23 posted on Reddit. “I just took it to the Apple Store who confirmed it’s completely bricked, but they said they had to send it out to their engineers before they can give me a replacement even though I have Apple care.”

Another Reddit user called Lisegot wrote that the Apple Store they took their bricked M4 iPad Pro to did not have a replacement in stock, which meant they they would need to wait five to seven days for a working iPad. “No one was particularly apologetic and they even insinuated that there was no way for them to know whether the update caused this,” they wrote.

Having a software bug brick an iPad is rare. ArsTechnica, which first reported this story, pointed out that iPads can typically be put into recovery mode if a software update goes bad.

If you own an M4 iPad Pro, Apple will no longer offer you iPadOS 18 until it fixes the issue. It’s not clear when it will be fixed.

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God’s Not Dead – A Fight For The Soul Of Our Nation


A Fight For The Soul Of Our Nation

In the new movie GOD’S NOT DEAD: IN GOD WE TRUST, Reverend David Hill steps up, amid political and spiritual turmoil, to run for Congress after an incumbent’s sudden death. Battling against Peter Kane, who aims to erase religion from policy, David’s fight becomes a beacon of hope and optimism for people seeking moral leadership in a divided world.

Don’t miss your chance to witness the inspirational and powerful story of GOD’S NOT DEAD: IN GOD WE TRUST! Experience the faith, hope, and triumph of this must-see film. Join audiences nationwide who are moved by its message to stand firm in your faith and let your voice be heard.

This movie is more important than ever, especially during this critical election year. Be part of the conversation that’s igniting hearts everywhere. Share the trailer online with your friends and help spread the word. This is more than a movie; it’s a movement!

A Strong Cast

GOD’S NOT DEAD: IN GOD WE TRUST, stars David A.R. White (God’s Not Dead), Dean Cain (Adventures of Lois & Clark), Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy), and Ray Wise (RoboCop). See who else is making an appearance in this compelling new film. Learn more about the cast here.

In a time of profound political, civil, and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill grapples with the crucial question: Does God still have a place in politics?

Compelled to enter a congressional race after the sudden death of a favored incumbent, David faces off against state senator Peter Kane, a formidable opponent determined to push religion out of the public square and cause greater divide.

With relentless scrutiny and immense challenges, David’s campaign becomes a beacon of hope and optimism for many people yearning for spiritual and moral leadership. As he navigates the treacherous waters of modern politics, David’s faith and principles are put to the ultimate test.

“God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust” explores the enduring relevance of faith in public life and the critical fight to keep religious values at the heart of governance. Featuring a star-studded cast and powerful message, this film calls on believers to stand firm in faith and make their voices heard.


Making a movie isn’t easy. But when you passionately believe a movie can become a movement to encourage and embolden people of faith to action in a time of desperate need, that is exactly what you must do. Listen as the filmmakers and actors of GOD’S NOT DEAD: IN GOD WE TRUST share the heart behind this remarkable film and the courage they hope it will inspire.


God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is coming to theaters Sept 12th, 2024!



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Adapt Skin Care To Your Cycle


Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for H&M

Women’s hormones are no longer off the table as a topic of discussion. More and more individuals, companies and brands are being open and responsive to the impact of hormonal shifts on women, from the menstrual cycle through to menopause and beyond. But how do hormones impact on your skincare needs? Cyclical living is a skincare trend in the spotlight at the moment, with a particular focus on people who have a monthly period, and how this impacts their skincare needs. But what exactly is it? And can it help you solve your skincare issues?

Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for H&M

What Is Cyclical Living Skincare?

Cyclical living is the practice of aligning elements of your lifestyle with natural cycles, such as the seasons, the lunar cycle, and your menstrual cycle. The approach recognises that our bodies and energy levels are not consistent, so understanding and working with these fluctuations can lead to better mental and physical health and happiness. With this in mind, cyclical living skincare involves adapting your skincare routine to the different stages of your menstrual cycle to address the changing needs of your skin.

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle & Your Skin Needs

Let’s break down the menstrual cycle, and how each may impact your skincare needs. Before we go through these it’s important to note that this process is all about tailoring your regime to your individual needs, so the best way to get to grips with this is via cycle tracking and making a note of how your skin is in the phases of your cycle. The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation and luteal. Here’s what they are, and what your skin might need.

Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for H&M

Phase one: Menstruation

This is when you experience your period, and it typically lasts for 3-7 days. During this phase, your hormone levels are low, so your skin may be more sensitive and prone to breakouts. You could think about focusing on gentle cleansing and hydrating products to soothe your skin in this phase.

Phase two: Follicular phase

This phase begins after your period ends and lasts until ovulation. It is when there is growth of a new egg in the ovary. In this phase, your oestrogen levels start to rise, which may lead to a brighter complexion and increased collagen production. You may want to use this time to focus on exfoliating and incorporating products to promote radiance and hydration.

Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for H&M

Phase three: Ovulation

This is when the egg is released from the ovary and is available for fertilisation. It usually occurs around half way through a 28-day cycle, on day 14. This is when your skin is likely to be at its best, thanks to the high levels of oestrogen. You may want to focus on maintaining your skincare routine and focus on sun protection and hydration to encourage radiance. Remember that this won’t be the case for everyone, some people experience breakouts around the time of ovulation!

Phase four: Luteal phase

This phase begins after ovulation and lasts until the start of your next period. The hormonal shift is marked by the production of progesterone, which can lead to oilier skin and potential breakouts. Being prepared for this and avoiding skincare containing oils in this period may work well for you.

Does Cyclical Living Skincare Work?

Paying closer attention to your body and your individual skin needs is always beneficial. Even if you’ve gone through the menopause, or hormonal contraception impacts your cycle, it’s still worth being in tune with how lifestyle and environmental factors are impacting you. As well as the menstrual cycle, other cycles to be aware of when it comes to your skin include the seasons, because the weather and environmental factors including sun, pollution, central heating and air con can all impact your skin. If you notice certain foods also trigger skin problems you can cut these out too.

When it comes to your menstrual cycle, by addressing your skin’s specific needs at each stage of your cycle, you can promote a healthier complexion and reduce the likelihood of breakouts and other skin issues that could be avoided with a tailored regime.

READ NEXT: How To Not Let Stress Affect Your Skin | Menopause Skincare Guide

© Wendy Rowe. All Rights Reserved.

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Mass Pager Attacks Against Hezbollah: ‘Unprecedented Blow,’ Unclear Road Ahead


EXPERT INTERVIEW — Even by the standards of Mideast intrigue and covert operations, what happened Tuesday afternoon in Lebanon was startling: for roughly an hour, beginning at 3:45 pm local time, hundreds of paging devices exploded, killing at least 9 people and wounding more than 2700 others. 

The coordinated attack targeted members of the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah, and bore the hallmarks of an Israeli operation. Hezbollah said Israel was “fully responsible” and would receive “its fair punishment” for the blasts. And as has been the case with recent attacks in Iran and Lebanon, Israel neither claimed nor denied responsibility. 

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Before & After: Adorable Forest-Themed Nursery

What transforms a simple room into a woodland retreat for a newborn? The enchantment is in the details—every leaf, animal, and shade creating a peaceful forest-themed nursery. Read on to see how an ordinary space became a soothing haven for the baby and parents alike.

The Challenge: Forest-Themed Nursery

Seeking a distinct nursery design for their second boy, a returning client approached Decorilla for professional design help once again. With a moderately flexible budget of $5,000, they wanted a unique space different from their first son’s room, created by the same service. Specifically, they wanted a professional designer to help:

  • Create a forest animal nursery theme
  • Stay within the original budget, if possible
  • Source safe, durable, baby-friendly materials

Create your little one’s nursery in your favorite design style. Not sure what that is? Then take our Free Interior Design Style Quiz to find your true decorating style today!

Design Inspiration: Forest Animal Nursery Decor & Theme

Forest animal nursery theme designed by Decorilla
Forest animal nursery theme designed by Decorilla

The client envisioned their forest-themed nursery as a blend of natural tranquility and imaginative design. Their nursery design ideas were fueled by the desire that the calming influence of nature would keep their new baby feeling both secure and inspired. And indeed, the images of serene ambiances filled with woodland creatures and earthy tones felt comforting, at the same time very distinct from their first son’s nursery.

Nature-inspired nursery by Decorilla
Nature-inspired nursery by Decorilla

Transitioning from ideas to reality, the client wanted the designer to focus on specific forest animal nursery decor pieces to create a cohesive theme. Plush animals, tree motifs, and gentle greens would complement the functional improvements in the design—ample storage, cozy seating, and a safe, soft play area—adding to the nursery’s theme and appeal. Besides providing a soothing backdrop for sleep and play, the setup was also intended to spark curiosity and a love for the environment.

Initial Concepts: Finding the Right Designer

Preliminary proposal by Decorilla designer, Sahar M.
Preliminary proposal by Decorilla designer, Sahar M.

After completing Decorilla’s design questionnaire, the client had the opportunity to choose between two talented professionals for their project. The team identified Christina N. and Sahar M., both known for their exceptional track records and creative vision.

Sahar’s moodboard leaned towards subtler forest animal nursery decor with tropical vibes. The focal point was the palm three accent wallpaper that whimsically stood out against the earthy color scheme.

Preliminary proposal by Decorilla designer, Christina N.
Preliminary proposal by Decorilla designer, Christina N.

Christina N.‘s proposal initially took a more maximalist approach, visualizing a lively forest-themed nursery with vibrant wallpapers, saturated colors, and lush green accents.  

Ultimately, Christina’s concept won the client’s heart. Her forest animal nursery theme seamlessly combined playfulness with practicality; the only thing left was fine-tuning it to the client’s desires. Their first feedback confirmed the impressions: “Overall, this is great.”

Results Revealed: Forest-Themed Nursery

Forest animal nursery design by Decorilla
Forest animal nursery design by Decorilla

Coming to life, the revised forest-themed nursery ideas showcase a harmonious blend of natural elements and kids’ decor. Key features, such as the canopy over the crib and the wicker baskets shaped like mushrooms, highlight the room’s purpose while also tying the forest animal nursery decor together. Beyond contributing to the overall aesthetic, many elements simultaneously serve practical purposes, like providing storage and creating cozy nooks for the growing baby to explore. 

Forest animal nursery before and after design by Decorilla
Forest animal nursery before and after by Decorilla

The original room was a white bedroom with plain walls and minimalist furnishings. The forest animal nursery theme now breathes life into the space, making it imaginative and full of life. Playful elements like the tent and rocking animal add layer after layer of charm that was previously missing. The built-in window seat with cushions offers a perfect spot for reading and relaxation, enhancing the room’s functionality.

Enhancing Comfort and Livability

Natural light floods the room, highlighting the textures and colors of the forest-themed decor. This interplay between inside and outside, the light and the design elements, creates a dynamic environment well-suited for a child. In addition, the careful selection of materials ensures that the space is not only beautiful but safe, above all.

Forest-themed nursery corner by Decorilla
Forest-themed nursery corner by Decorilla

Central to the design theme is the calming mural of a woodland scene, enveloping the room with the gentle presence of trees and animals. The green and white striped walls juxtapose it to enhance the ambiance, creating a visually engaging space that feels stimulating. Each piece of furniture, from the crib to the cozy armchair, is thoughtfully placed to ensure a balanced and functional layout with a lot of room for movement.

Forest animal nursery theme elaborated by Decorilla
The forest animal nursery theme elaborated by Decorilla

Incorporating a variety of textures and finishes, the forest animal nursery design maintains a cohesive look without becoming monotonous. The rug with its soft, organic shapes, the wooden shelves, and the plush toys, all contribute to a rich, layered feel. The carefully chosen mix ensures that the environment will remain engaging for the baby as it grows, fostering a love for nature and an appreciation for beauty.

Design Details: Sourcing the Perfect Pieces

Shopping list by Decorilla
Shopping list by Decorilla

The designer ensured that every detail, from furniture placement to decor choices, aligned with the client’s vision. Leveraging Decorilla’s access to exclusive trade discounts, Christina expertly balanced the budget, making it possible to include a few extra forest animal nursery decor items she found in the process. Seeing some of the variations, the client was determined: “Those crib sheets are adorable, please add them all!”

This project was characterized by a seamless experience for the client. Realistic room visualizations helped them see and feel the final design before committing, while the expert advice made the implementation straightforward and stress-free.

They expressed gratitude and excitement for the final result, sharing: “Great! Thank you so much!” highlighting their satisfaction and anticipation for the completed nursery.

Get the Look: Forest Animal Nursery Decor 

Creating a cohesive forest animal nursery decor requires equal portions of whimsy and practicality. Choose elements that suit the theme, from soft, woodland-themed textiles to playful animal accents. Consider our curated selection of pieces to get started.

Top picks for forest-themed nursery decor by Decorilla
  1. Area Rug
  2. Side Table
  3. Armchair Set
  4. Wallpaper Mural
  5. Felt Mobile
  6. Baby Crib
  7. Play Tent

Looking for the best ways to apply a forest animal nursery theme?

Our experienced nursery designers are ready to help create the perfect space for your little one! Book your Free Online Interior Design Consultation to get started today!

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Fashion over 50: Early Fall from Chico’s & Talbots


Hey there friends! I’m back with a few fall sale ideas for you today, from Chico’s and Talbot’s. I’ve had good luck with both brands and enjoy their stylish and quality clothes. You’ll see some bright colors, as well as neutrals. Who doesn’t love basic black pants/joggers or a little black dress? And leopard. How I love leopard, so I’ve included several pieces of leopard print today. I’m really loving that belt and may have to grab it. Those neutral strappy shoes are from Talbot’s and I bought them last year. They go from season to season. Enjoy!

This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see our disclosure policy.

Shop all these items in the shopping widget below, just click through the pics.

If you’re in the market for a new phone case, I have a good source for you from Amazon. I just got a new iphone 15 Pro Max and gave Mark my 11 Pro Max since his phone was not great, so I had to get a new phone case for it. I found this Burga phone case on Amazon for a decent price and they have great reviews and the price is right too. In case you’re in the market. This one covers iphone 12, 13, 14 and 15. I almost got the spotted one, but decided on marble.

There’s a great sale going on for my favorite crossbody bag. To get an extra 30% off use my code: 30SAYYMM

This brings it down to $18 and change. These make great gift ideas too! Lots of colors, mine is the Camel Brown. I’ll be taking this on our upcoming Viking river cruise to France in just 2 weeks. We are so excited for this trip and had such a great time 5 years ago on our first Viking river cruise. I have several trips coming up the next couple of months. This weekend, I’ll be heading to Savannah for the next Influencers of Midlife conference, an intimate conference, where I’ll be speaking again on my blogging journey. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to share when I get back, it’s a fun group of ladies.

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