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CIA and MI6 Chiefs On ‘Bully’ Putin and ‘Audacious’ Ukraine Raid


Spymasters rarely say much in public, and when they do, it’s usually a tightly scripted affair. That made this weekend’s joint appearance by CIA Director William Burns and Richard Moore, head of the British intelligence agency MI6, both highly unusual and essential viewing – or reading – for global leaders and policymakers. The two intelligence chiefs gave a collective sweep of the world’s global flashpoints, a joint assessment of a moment on the world stage that Burns called “as complicated as I’ve ever seen.” 

The venue was a forum hosted by the Financial Times

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The Faith That Shows God to Be God


What about faith shows God to be glorious? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Romans 4:16–21 to highlight how Abraham’s unwavering faith magnified God’s faithfulness.

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An Overview of the Major Existential Predicament Created by Modern Civilization*


Hopes and solutions for ending the climate crises, preventing the massive loss of biodiversity, and continuing to supply resources to maintain the current human population are unrealistic. 

(The following article is by Alvin (Al) Urquhart: Alvin is an Emeritus Professor of Geography and the founder and director of the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Oregon. He holds three degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, and was trained in anthropology, soil science, ecology, and geomorphology, as well as geography, his home department. Al is also a member of the Job One for Humanity Advisory Board.)

Over the past 200 years, the collective will of humans has come to rely on ideas of growth and progress. The goals of the dominant world economies and politics, as well as the aspirations of educational and medical establishments have successfully striven to provide the “good life.” Humans now have longer and healthier lives, travel and communicate with greater ease, and consume goods and services unimaginable during the lifetime of everyone alive today. All this was made possible by tapping the energy from fossil fuels and the technology based on the expansion of scientific thought. 

Until recently, the availability of sources of energy and the disposal of waste products has been of little concern. Social, political, and economic systems have encouraged growth despite isolated warnings and evidence of the dangers of the increased use of energy and of its waste products. The use of resources exceeded the Earth’s ability to provide and absorb them in 1970. Nevertheless, consumption of goods and services continues unabatedly. And today, fifty-four years later, nothing has been done to slow the juggernaut of progress even with increasing awareness of the negative results of exponential growth in energy use, pollution, and population.

The United States’ production of fossil fuels is at its highest level ever. Worldwide, human-generated greenhouse gas emissions are larger than ever. As a result, environmental disruptions continue at record levels. One presidential candidate, Trump, says, “drill, baby, drill” about fossil fuel production. He wants to continue to enlarge economic growth by making more goods and services, while denying the cascading effects of doing so. The other candidate also wants to continue economic growth, primarily by addressing the substitution of renewable energy for fossil fuel energy and by making energy use more efficient. But, renewable energy is not replacing fossil fuels; it has only added to greater consumption of energy. Substituting renewable energy for fossil fuel energy may decrease polluting greenhouse gases; and greater energy efficiencies in energy use might allow continued expansion of goods and services. But neither addresses the basic questions of decreasing the demands that humans place on the Earth through population growth and continued extraction of the resources of the Earth.

Relationships between human culture and the Earth’s ecology are ignored. On one hand, human cultural demands increase. On the other hand, natural resources such as fossil fuels and unpolluted atmosphere and oceans decrease. Environmental crises have become increasingly apparent. Scientific models indicate that further climate disasters are inevitable without immediate cultural changes. Some natural scientists also report that the continued exploitation and pollution of the Earth might be reversed if non-scientists stop doing what the scientific models project and if non-polluting technologies are developed ‘in time’.  However, most recent hopes for generating and adopting technological solutions seem unlikely to overcome the cultural inertia that supports “growth and progress.” 

As a result, an unimaginable future for billions of people lies before us. The easiest and most likely path ahead is to continue with the ways of modernity guided by ideas of growth and progress, which goals will fall apart as natural systems are pressed beyond their normal limits. For billions of people, life will become more stressful. Most will die at a younger age. Energy supported educational and medical systems will breakdown. The scale and rapidity of environmental changes in the remaining years of the 21st Century will far exceed those of any human time of the past. Probably, the ways in which societies unravel may be best imagined only by writers of futuristic novels. We live in an unprecedented time!


So, What to Do in an Unraveling World!

With many grim possibilities in mind, a person might ask, “How can I now live a valuable life?” Above all, each of us must know that we are part of natural systems that are larger than ourselves. Religions have been the principal way cultures have consciously related to larger systems. Many people relate to a system in which God explains their place in existence. Other societies have used more personalized gods that guide their existence. All cultural systems—religious, social, political, and economic—create and develop imaginative stories focused on supporting their beliefs. Most of these stories involve relationships among people and events that affect other humans. Because they ignore the subordinate position of humans to wider natural systems, many of these cultural stories are irrelevant today. That humans are complex organisms–evolutionarily advanced animals–that are deeply and physically embedded in the natural world has not been essential to the stories we tell ourselves. As a result, our early modern cultural beliefs have produced over eight billion people, consumed or polluted more of Earth resources than the Earth produces, and has altered the evolutionary path of thousands of organisms.

With the development of scientific ideas, starting in the 19th Century, humans could be seen as an naturally evolved life form. Their role as part of complex natural ecological systems also emerged with scientific theories that show that humans are intimately connected with other organisms, natural matter, and energy. Humans should no longer rely strictly on pre-modern, imaginative stories that their unique form of consciousness allows. Today, human’ stories should also be based on scientific evidence of ecology and evolution. Ignoring scientific discoveries by older religious, social, political and economic stories is a leading cause of current environmental disasters. Especially concerning is the lack of understanding in modern civilization of the depth that evolution and ecology play in human existence. Even the best stories told by advocates of environmental technology–how to manipulate small parts of the natural world to correct other problems—do not address a deep understanding of ecology. Most often they are presented in terms of mainstream economic or political stories. As a result, ecological and evolutionary disasters will continue.

I have tried to examine ways in which humans can live successfully on Earth as they ignore or radically disrupt evolutionary and ecological systems. Often, I find that many inherited cultural ideas and actions conflict with the processes of the natural world. To become more aware of the dissonance created by this new examination, I use an approach that I call Environmentalists Anonymous.” (It is modelled after Alcoholics Anonymous’ twelve steps.) *

The first step to becoming environmentally aware is to admit that we are powerless over our continued exploitation of the Earth–that our lives have become unmanageable. 

“If we are to remain sane and healthy, we must find a way to recognize both (a) the life and culture in which we have lived and (b) that we are part of a system in which humans and environment, are not opposed. The realization that we are merely part of a naturally evolving and ecological world is truly a humbling experience for those of us raised in the traditions of The Enlightenment and Modern beliefs which stress the power, rationality, and individuality of humans and humanity.”

“To surrender to this new way of thinking is, for most modern Americans, a great threat to our current ways of life. But viewed in the context in which every technological triumph disrupts some ecological or evolutionary relationship, often in startling and precipitous ways, one catches glimpses of disasters far more threatening than alterations of our current lifestyles. Continued human survival in ecological and evolutionary terms rests outside our own control; our technological addictions only precipitate the disturbance of the many interrelated natural systems of which we are but a small part. However, if we act within this new way of thinking–this new epistemology–that emphasizes the conviction that we are merely “part of” something much greater than ourselves, we may extend the positive aspects of being human– love, kindness, learning, and community, further into the future.

“If we accept this new fundamental perspective, we can actively and honestly become part of it by physically acknowledging, and wherever possible rectifying, the wrongs we have done in the past, not perpetuating them today, and avoiding them in the future.”

Doing so requires us to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. We can do so by 

1.  Admitting to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs to the Earth.

2.  Listing the environmental and ecological systems we have harmed.

3.  Making direct amends to such systems wherever possible, except when doing so would further injure them.

4.  Continuing to take personal inventory and when we are wrong, promptly admit it.

When acknowledging the environmental damage we have done, we must, then, wherever possible, try to rectify the damage. This is a very difficult task that will never be completed because we have grown up in a modern civilization where growth and progress, capitalism, social, political, and national concerns have paid little heed to the emerging perspectives of ecology and evolution as the overriding context of life. However, if we are to live with a worldview in which greater harmony of humanity with nature is our goal, our thoughts and behaviors must change.

How can a person act when the insistent pull of recent history conflicts with current scientific knowledge of Earth systems?  In essays on life practices, Jem Bendell* suggests that we may help resolve some human/environmental discord by asking important questions jointly with others. He writes of “The Four ‘Rs’ of Deep Adaptation”: questions that arise in situations where the expectation of simple answers given to us by somebody else are not going to help as much as exploring the following ideas with others.

Resilience. “What do we most value that we want to keep and how?” 

     This questions our deepest values but in the context of existing natural and social systems.

Relinquishment.  “What could we let go of so as not to make matters worse?” 

      How can we let go of actions, behaviors, and things that disrupt ecological systems?

Restoration.What could we bring back to help us in these difficult times?”  

      How can we renew and repair natural landscapes and ecological systems?

Reconciliation. “With what and with whom shall we make peace as we awaken to our common mortality?”

      These four questions should be at the forefront of how we humans strive to cooperate with both others and nature.

At present, humans want to make over the Earth to create more goods and services. We have little concern for how best to live within the natural systems of the Earth.  Even as the world around us may seem to fall apart, the ‘Four Rs of Deep Adaptation’ may guide us in positive ways of being part of the natural systems of the Earth. Bendell’s ideas are a major part of caring for the Earth with the knowledge that humans cannot cure the Earth of the disruptions to its ecological systems that they have caused. Caring for Earth brings the satisfaction of living a valuable life even if it cannot solve today’s environmental disasters.


At present, humans have a worldview based on the ideas of growth and progress. Since the discovery that energy from fossil fuels could be harnessed by technology, humans have exponentially satisfied many of their innate desires to grow and reproduce. However, the results—the enormous benefits of modern civilization–now cause major environmental disruptions. Scientific ideas of evolution and ecology show that human current economic activities can no longer support modern civilization without also damaging the ecological and evolutionary bases for life itself.  

In very recent times, humans have wanted to control their environment by technology. They continue to believe that with technology, they can control natural ecosystems and solve cultural problems. But Earthly systems are larger than the cultural systems modern people want to control. To maintain their lives in the longer run, humans must humbly care for the Earth as their home, not use it as an endless treasure house. 

*You can find references to and sources of these ideas in my Environmental Blog: 

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Mariah Carey Has Racked Up $18.6M In Mortgage Debt


After buying a Tribeca penthouse for $9 million cash in 1999, the pop star has borrowed millions in loans on the pad’s equity in order to fund her lavish lifestyle.

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Mariah Carey may gradually be learning that, for some, the best gift of all comes as a result of debt-free living.

The “All I Want For Christmas Is You” singer has accrued a total of $18.6 million in mortgages on her Tribeca apartment, most of which was cashed out in loans, according to a report from the Daily Mail.

Carey first purchased the penthouse for $9 million cash in 1999, but has had to take out loans to fund her expensive taste. The musician reportedly spends about $1 million per month on designer clothes, gifts and other lavish items, like $45,000 spa treatments for her dogs.

Carey’s spending habits have also impacted her relationships, according to the Daily Mail’s sources, who say that her separation from billionaire James Packer in 2016 had a lot to do with her love of “money, money, money.”

Ten years after buying the Tribeca apartment, the pop star borrowed $8 million from JPMorgan Chase Bank and another $2.6 million from City National Bank in 2015. Then in 2016, before Carey’s divorce from Nick Cannon was finalized, the singer refinanced the JPMorgan mortgage to $17.6 million, the Daily Mail reported. Two years later, Carey finagled the loan amount up to $18.6 million.

Carey also recently sold one of her properties — a nine-bedroom mansion in Atlanta that went for $3.92 million, down from the $5.65 million she bought it for at the end of 2021.

Although her reported net worth is $350 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, Carey is clearly seeking out more cash on a regular basis to finance her way of life.

“Mariah don’t step out of the house, it cost her $150,000, $200,000 just to walk out of the house,” Cannon said of the singer’s habits in 2022.

Since the singer released “All I Want For Christmas Is You” in 1994, she has largely become synonymous with the song and likely makes most of her income around the holiday season, according to financial advisor Doug Perry. The last time she released a new album was in 2018.

“She generates more of her music royalties, endorsements and appearance fees during the holidays,” Perry told the Daily Mail. “If I was underwriting her as a borrower, I would average her income over a multi-year period.”

According to Perry, Carey’s Tribeca pad is now likely worth around $30 to $35 million, which means she still has room to borrow against the home’s equity.

With the holiday season just around the corner, Carey is prepping for her big Christmas tour, which kicks off Nov. 6 in California and wraps on Dec. 17 in Brooklyn. The singer also has a residency in Vegas starting in January, with tickets selling for up to $2,700 each.

The singer has also faced some personal tragedy recently, with both her mother and estranged sister passing away on the same day in August. “It’s been a couple of rough weeks, but I appreciate everyone’s love and support so much,” Carey said recently on her Instagram.

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Asking for Feedback as a Data Scientist Individual Contributor | by Jose Parreño | Sep, 2024


Receive clear and useful feedback. Ditch generic questions. More than 60 example questions for you to use.

Towards Data Science
Photo by Marsha Reid on Unsplash

Asking for feedback can be difficult, or even intimidating. There are so many factors that could influence how you ask for feedback: company culture, personal fears, an uninvolved manager, past feedback being useless, etc…

While these might be true, they shouldn’t deter you from asking feedback. As a person who leads teams, I have to provide tons of feedback, both on a regular basis but also in every performance review. In a previous post, I describe how I provide feedback using the SBIN framework. I want to lean on this framework to also provide you with a set of template/guidance questions which will help you target your feedback, and in return, get a higher quality response.

PS 1: Whilst the title of the blog post is targeting individual contributors, Data Science managers may find the content valuable to pass on to their teams.

PS 2: The inspiration for this post came from working together with Stefano Franco. Very thoughtful team lead in helping others through developing standard team tooling.

I can’t travel because my cat is sick — and my boss and coworkers are unhappy — Ask a Manager


A reader writes:

I joined my employer earlier this year as the only fully remote worker. At my first on-site, the only other coworkers in my department resigned. Instead of being the junior member of a small remote team as I expected, I was suddenly THE team. The CEO told me that day that he’d want me to travel to the home office once a month, and I was still so shocked I gave a non-committal answer like, “Well, if it’s for something important.” During the interviews, we had only discussed “some” travel.

I took possession of my childhood cat (age 16) at the beginning of June from my aging parents. He was healthy, but by mid-June, he showed symptoms that last week we found out is severe and chronic pancreatitis. His treatment plan includes once a week injections, 2-3 times a week fluids, twice daily pills and ointments, and a lot of hand feeding all day, every day. Almost all of these are a two-person job (bless my fiancé!). He has a chance of full recovery, but could also pass anytime.

The adjustment to remote work with my boss has been rough already, with limited communication from either side (my bad!). I ducked out of a July event for the first emergency appointment and an event tomorrow due to his new treatment plan (the org lost no money on plane tickets or hotel). I made one conference in August, but things went poorly while I was away. This time, my boss expressed displeasure and told me to find a way to attend “if at all possible” and to “heck, take the cat with you.” I don’t feel I can stick all of this care on my fiancé, even if either of us could do it independently.

I had a meeting today to finalize a large project. A coworker was early and started by saying he was disappointed that I wouldn’t be at the event tomorrow, that he didn’t see a pet as a valid excuse and didn’t believe me, he wasn’t a pet person, and in the army this would be called a “personal problem.” I was ruder than I should have been, but I was taken aback and said I could always ask the vet to send him a note and that if my boss felt the same way as him, the boss is free to talk to me about it.

My coworker said it in a semi-joking tone and seemed to get more serious when I expressed my regret about missing the event and explained the treatments — but he should not have known about the cat unless he’s been talking to my boss, he has no standing to reprimand me, and I felt disrespected and gossiped about. My boss came in and said that he was disappointed I wasn’t calling in on my way to the airport, then jumped in. I also made clear later in the call that I wouldn’t be committing to travel until this cat resolves his illness or passes.

How do I address this with my boss while giving my pet the best shot I can? Did I just take a joke too harshly? Is a pet’s illness a legitimate family issue to miss travel for? What do I do from here? They can’t see me working every day and want to bridge the gap through regular travel, and I can see why they thought I was on board. But I felt pressured into that existing agreement, I feel disrespected and distrusted, and I think my travel schedule is being gossiped about and potentially damaging my relationship with other coworkers. If it’s a performance conversation, I’m happy to have one — but with my boss, not my coworkers.

This is tricky. You signed up for a job that was supposed to involve “some” travel, and then the needs of the job changed soon after you started. You’re entitled to say, “Hey, this isn’t what we agreed to when I was hired and it’s not something I can do.”

At the same time, they’re allowed to decide that the needs of the job have changed and that they do need someone in your role who can travel more than what was originally discussed. That wouldn’t necessarily be fair, but it does happen sometimes. They’d also be on solid ground in pointing out that you did agree to “some” travel when you were hired, and they’re not being unreasonable in expecting you to adhere to that.

It’s also true that declining to do work travel in order to care for a pet isn’t seen the way that declining because of child care would be. If you were saying, “I’m the single parent of a toddler and can’t travel more than once or twice a year,” it would likely be going over differently. We can debate whether or not that should be the case, but it’s the reality in many offices.

To me, this hinges on what “some” travel meant when you agreed to that originally. It sounds like the monthly trips to the home office are a new expectation, but what about the events and conferences that you’ve been missing? If those were always understood to be part of the role, even before your coworkers quit, this gets a lot harder to resolve.

But also, what does it mean that you’re now THE team, with no other team members? Are they hiring to fill those roles so this is temporary? Or is the plan to keep you a department of one, and the only person responsible for all the travel that needs to be done?

The other complicating factor: When you’re the only remote worker on a team, it’s really important that you go out of your way to be visible, accessible, and available. You said you weren’t communicating enough in the beginning, and that’s probably making this harder. When you’re a known quantity who’s in frequent communication, people are often more willing to accommodate you when you need it (whereas when they don’t feel connected to you, the opposite can be true).

So, where does all this leave you? I think you need to have a straightforward conversation with your boss to clarify the travel expectations and what you can and can’t commit to, and figure out if the role can still work for both of you (and also ideally resolve the question of whether the situation will change when/if they replace the coworkers who left). You should do this soon, because your boss is telling you pretty forthrightly that he’s unhappy with how things stand now.

I don’t think you can take for granted they’ll accept “I can’t travel at all (or much) because of my cat” for a job that they told you from the start would involve some travel. Some managers might! But a lot of managers wouldn’t, especially for a new employee (as opposed to if you’d been working for them for years before your situation changed). I also don’t think you can expect people not to talk about it. Someone on the team being unable to travel for what people may not see as a “good enough” reason is something that’s likely to get discussed, and there’s no point in spending capital or energy being upset about that.

This situation sucks and it isn’t your fault. You’re trying to save your cat! But I think you’ve got to have an air-clearing conversation with your boss and figure out what will and won’t work.

I hope your cat is okay.

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Dana White says Tom Aspinall is backup fighter for UFC 309, responds to Jon Jones retirement talk


Tom Aspinall will be at UFC 309, so says UFC CEO Dana White.

Over the weekend, the UFC officially announced UFC 309 will be headlined by a heavyweight title fight between Jon Jones and former champion Stipe Miocic. It’s a bout well over a year in the making and after hearing the news, interim heavyweight champion Tom Aspinall made his case for serving as the backup fighter for the matchup. And apparently White agrees.

On Tuesday, the latest episode of Contender Series took place in Las Vegas and afterward, White spoke to reporters where he confirmed that Aspinall will get his wish for UFC 309.

“Yes,” White said when asked about Aspinall serving as backup. “Tom Aspinall is next in line for anything that happens after this fight.”

Of course, being the backup fighter does not necessarily guarantee Aspinall will get a shot at the undisputed belt if something happens to either Jones or Miocic before the event. After all, Jones and Miocic were first scheduled to face each other at UFC 295, with Sergei Pavlovich serving as backup fighter, but when Jones sustained an injury, the promotion postponed the bout entirely and called Aspinall to step in on short notice against Pavlovich for the interim title.

Hopefully nothing similar will happen this time, however, even if they fight does go through, Aspinall may not get his “dream fight” against Jones afterward as the heavyweight champion recently declared UFC 309 will “more than likely” be the final fight of his career. That flies in direct opposition to White’s previous contention that he believes Jones will fight Aspinall should he beat Miocic, but for now, White says he can’t worry about that.

“Why speak to him after this event?” White said when asked about Jones’s comments. “You’ve got to figure out what’s going to happen in this fight. See how this fight plays out and then we’ll go from there.”

UFC 309 takes place on Nov. 16 at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

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Light earthquake 4.2 mag, Kermadec Islands, New Zealand


A light earthquake magnitude 4.2 (ml/mb) has struck on Thursday, Kermadec Islands, New Zealand (0 miles). Exact location of earthquake, -178.2186° West, -30.3451° South, depth 9.944 km. All ids that are associated to the event: us7000ndk9. Unique identifier: us7000ndk9. The epicenter was at a depth of 9.944 km (6 miles). Date and time of earthquake in UTC/GMT: 22/08/24 / 2024-08-22 06:16:40 / August 22, 2024 @ 6:16 am. A tsunami warning has not been issued (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist). The 4.2-magnitude earthquake was detected at 06:16:40 / 6:16 am (local time epicenter).

In the past 24 hours, there have been two, in the last 10 days five, in the past 30 days twenty-six and in the last 365 days fifty-four earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater that has occurred nearby. Earthquakes 4.0 to 5.0 are often felt, but only causes minor damage. There are an estimated 13,000 light quakes in the world each year.

Did you feel the quake?

Did objects rattle, topple over, or fall off shelves? Leave a comment or report about activity, shaking and damage at your home, country and city. Read more about the earthquake, Distances, Seismometer information, Date-Time, Parameters, Location and details about this quake, that has struck: Kermadec Islands, New Zealand. This data comes from the USGS Earthquake Notification Service.

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Baseball club brings a bit of home to Venezuelan refugee and migrant kids in Peru


A baseball training club in Lima gives young Venezuelans a second chance at their dreams of one day going professional.

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Microsoft, G42 Open 2 AI Centers in Abu Dhabi


Microsoft, G42 Open 2 AI Centers in Abu DhabiMicrosoft and G42, a United Arab Emirates-based AI firm, have established two new AI centers in Abu Dhabi. These centers aim to promote responsible AI in the Middle East and the Global South. They will identify best practices, support AI projects for societal goals, and strengthen the relationship between Microsoft and the UAE. G42’s partnership […]