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Adventures in Gameland’ – TouchArcade


Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics ($49.99)

As a fan of Marvel, Capcom, and fighting games back in the 1990s, Capcom’s line of fighters based on Marvel’s characters were like a dream come true. Starting off with the excellent X-Men: Children of the Atom, these games just kept getting bigger and better. Moving on to the wider Marvel Universe with Marvel Super Heroes, then the at-the-time unbelievable crossovers between Marvel and Street Fighter, on to the over the top Marvel vs. Capcom, and then the wildly over-the-top in all the right ways Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom kept raising the stakes. That wasn’t the end of the series, but it takes us up to the end of what is covered in Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics. Oh, and you get Capcom’s excellent Punisher belt scrolling beat ’em up as some extra mustard. A fantastic set of great games.

This collection appears to have been handled by whoever did the Capcom Fighting Collection, and in most respects it has similar features and extras. That unfortunately extends to only having a single save state across the entire collection, shared by all seven games. That was annoying enough in a collection full of fighting games, but it’s even worse with a beat ’em up in here where you might want to, you know, save your progress independently of whatever you’re up to in the fighters. Oh well. Everything else here is as you would want it. Lots of options like visual filters and gameplay options, great extras including an extensive array of art and a music player, and rollback online multiplayer. New to this set is NAOMI hardware emulation, and whoever Capcom had on the job did it well. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 looks and plays great.

I’m not going to knock it for this, but I do want to say that I wish some of the home versions were included. The PlayStation EX versions of the tag-team based games are different enough that it would be neat to have them in here, and the Dreamcast version of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 has a lot of fun extras that make it a superior choice for home play for the solo player. I also wouldn’t have minded if Capcom had tucked its two Super NES Marvel games in here, even if they aren’t the greatest of games. Well, the collection’s name says Arcade Classics, and unlike with Blizzard it seems the word is being properly applied here.

Marvel fans and fighting fans alike have a reason to rejoice with this fine collection. The games are superb, they’ve been treated with care, and you get a good suite of extras and options. Only having a single save state shared between the games is a serious bummer, but otherwise I can’t find much to pick on here. Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is another must-have compilation from the folks at Capcom, and it plays great on the Switch.

SwitchArcade Score: 4.5/5

Yars Rising ($29.99)

I’ll admit that I was pretty skeptical of this game from its announcement. I like Yars’ Revenge a lot. One of my favorite 2600 games. So when I read that WayForward had been tapped to make a Metroidvania-style Yars game starring a young hacker with a bare midriff code-named Yar, I felt like I had accidentally surfed over to a parody site. Just the perfect storm of “why”, you know? So do I have to eat those words? Yes and no. First and foremost, this is a good game. WayForward does a solid job with this kind of thing, and so it did here. Looks and sounds good, plays well, and the map layouts are fine enough. In true WayForward fashion, the bosses tend to drag on too long, but it’s not a deal-breaker.

Commendations must also be given to WayForward for doing its best to handle a bit of a tough ask in trying to connect this game to an ancient single-screen shooter. You get to play Yars’ Revenge-style sequences fairly often, the abilities you earn are evocative of the original game, and it connects to the relatively fleshed-out lore as well as it can. It still feels like a massive stretch, but I suppose Atari has little choice but to try to make long passes like this one. Its classic library can only be Recharged so much, after all. It just feels like a game that is torn between two audiences with very little overlap, and I’m not sure if that was the right call versus doing something wholly original.

Still, while the argument can rage on about whether or not this made sense conceptually, there’s no doubt the game itself is enjoyable. I don’t think the finest in the genre have much to worry about, but if you’re looking for a Metroidvania game to sink your teeth into over the course of a weekend or so, you won’t have a bad time with Yars Rising. And who knows? Maybe they follow up on this once or twice and it all feels natural.

SwitchArcade Score: 4/5

Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland ($24.99)

I’m a few years too old to have much nostalgia for Rugrats, though not so old that I didn’t watch it with my younger siblings from time to time. Like, I know the names of the main characters and the theme song. Don’t ask me about the movies or the grown-up versions, and certainly don’t ask me to recall any specific episodes. I know the Rugrats, but I have no special warm and fuzzies for the brand. With that in mind, I didn’t really know what to expect from Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland. I heard someone say it was like Bonk, and that does fit Tommy’s physical build if nothing else. Well, only one way to know for sure. I started up the game, picked Tommy, and went into the tutorial stage.

First thing to hit me was the crisp visuals. Crisper than the show, if my memory serves. The next thing to hit me was the awkward placement of the controls. Luckily, there’s an option for that. The music was the Rugrats theme, so that all checks out. There were some Reptar coins to collect, and some simple puzzles and enemies to deal with. Alright, no problem. Platformer with some exploration in the levels, a tried and tested formula. Not very Bonk-ish, but that was never promised.

At a certain point Tommy had taken a few hits, so I decided to swap over to Chuckie to enjoy his full life meter. I then noticed that he had a very familiar jump. A very high but somewhat hard to control jump. Surely they didn’t? I swapped over to Phil, who had a low jump, then to Lil who could… float. They did. They really did! Folks, this is a Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)-inspired game! Sure enough, the enemies I had just been stomping on could also be picked up and thrown. There were also blocks I sometimes had to pick up and pile up to reach higher places. Slightly non-linear stages with lots of verticality! Stages where you have to dig in sand, and you know Phil is the expert digger of the bunch. Awesome.

I mean, there are some homages to other platformers in here, but the main gameplay evokes what is probably one of the higher-selling classic games that never gets riffed on. Not bad, not bad at all. The boss battles are even interesting and enjoyable. After playing for a while, I even noticed I could swap the visuals and soundtrack between the spiffy modern versions and NES-level 8-bit renditions. It plays well either way, and both styles have their merits. Oh, and you can use a filter. There if you want it. But yes, creative and fun. Inspired by a game I love quite a lot. Uses its license well. You can play multiplayer! Aside from the control issue, the only gripe I have is that it’s a bit too short and simple.

Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland is a better game than I expected it to be. It’s a quality platformer in the style of the Western Super Mario Bros. 2, with some extra elements and features to keep it from being too close to its source. The Rugrats license has been implemented well, though I did find myself wishing it had voice acting for the cut scenes. A little on the short and breezy side to be sure, but worth a play for fans of platformers and the Rugrats alike.

SwitchArcade Score: 4/5

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Photos show how climate change is shaping the Louisiana coast » Yale Climate Connections


After a big hurricane hits the Louisiana coast, photos of the devastation make front-page news – houses with roofs torn off, people wading through flooded streets, broken furniture piled on lawns.

Hanusik: “There’s almost like a stock imagery that we use to describe climate change.”

But photographer Virginia Hanusik tells the story of the region in a different way.

Her images capture how the distinctive landscape of the Louisiana coast has been shaped by nature and by human hands. A home on stilts overlooks a grassy bayou. Ripples of water lap against a tall levee. Cows graze beneath a warning sign marking an oil pipeline.

In her new book, “Into the Quiet and the Light,” Hanusik’s photos are paired with essays and reflections by local scholars, activists, and community members.

Hanusik: “I … wanted to be able to bring in folks who can speak to their lifelong relationships with this landscape.”

For example, in the book, a local Vietnamese chef shares a recipe for shrimp rolls and reflects on how the BP oil spill harmed the Vietnamese shrimping community.

Hanusik hopes the approach will help people better understand the region and appreciate what’s at stake as seas rise and storms worsen.

Reporting credit: Sarah Kennedy / ChavoBart Digital Media

We help millions of people understand climate change and what to do about it. Help us reach even more people like you.

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Microsoft, BlackRock form GAIIP to invest in AI data centers, energy


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks during the company’s Build developer conference in Seattle on May 21, 2024.

Jason Redmond | AFP | Getty Images

Microsoft and BlackRock are part of a group of companies collaborating to pull together up to $100 billion to develop data centers for artificial intelligence and the energy infrastructure to power them.

The companies are part of the Global Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Investment Partnership, or GAIIP, which was announced in a press release on Tuesday. The other participants are Global Infrastructure Partners, or GIP, an infrastructure investor that is being acquired by BlackRock, and MGX, a tech investor in the United Arab Emirates.

“We are committed to ensuring AI helps advance innovation and drives growth across every sector of the economy,” said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, in a statement. He said the initiative brings “together financial and industry leaders to build the infrastructure of the future and power it in a sustainable way.”

The group aims to assemble $30 billion of initial capital, with a future goal of bringing in up to $100 billion, including from debt financing.

Tech companies have been racing to build data centers full of Nvidia graphics processing units, or GPUs, that can run generative AI models such as those enabling OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot. Those GPUs consume serious power, and soaring demand has created a bottleneck for standing up new facilities.

Microsoft’s investment comes on top of the capital expenditures needed to support infrastructure expansion for its Azure public cloud, which supplies OpenAI and other AI customers. Microsoft said in July that fiscal fourth-quarter capital spending, including assets acquired under finance leases, totaled $19 billion.

In January, BlackRock announced its intent to acquire GIP for $3 billion in cash and around 12 million shares of BlackRock common stock. BlackRock said last week that it expects the deal to close Oct. 1.

MGX was launched in March, with Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala and AI firm G42 as founding partners.

Don’t miss these insights from CNBC PRO

AI drives big tech power demand

We Tried The Best Taoist Breathing Techniques


Today on The Daily Meditation we delve into Taoist breathing techniques, one of the main forms of Taoist meditation. Similar to other types of meditative breathing, these exercises can help to promote calmness and wellness and also connect us to control chi.

Taoist Breathing Technique Video


Welcome to this guided Taoist meditation session. Take a moment to get nice and comfortable, and gently close your eyes. Let’s begin with a soothing breath in through the nose to a count of four, and pause for four. Breathe out through the mouth for four, pause for four, and repeat. All we are doing is embracing the simplicity of the present moment, doing nothing but observing that subtle energy of the breath flowing through the body.

Now, as you continue to mindfully breathe, I recommend you place your hands in Cosmic Mudra. Very simply, place one hand cupped above the other on your lap, with your palms facing upwards. There is a picture of Cosmic Mudra on the screen if you’re doing the video version of this meditation.

With our hands in Cosmic Mudra—one palm cupped above the other, palms upwards—all we are doing is observing that gentle flow of breath through the body. Now, let’s take a moment to relax the face. Gently guide your awareness to your face and invite the crown of your head to relax. Move down to your eyes, observing the energy there, and invite your eyes to relax. Then, move down to the nose, observing the energy, and invite your nose to relax. Move to the mouth and jaw, observing the energy, and invite the mouth and jaw to let go and relax.

Now, for a moment, let us guide our awareness back to the breath as it gently flows like a stream through the valley of the body, down into the abdomen, and gradually back out. Just observe that stream of breath smoothly flowing into the valley of the body and gradually back out.

Bring your awareness to your spine. Begin by noticing the energy there and aim to make your spine nice and straight. With your spine straight, notice that energy flowing through your spine, and begin to visualize Chi flowing from the base of your spine, up through your back, through your neck, and out of your head. You may visualize this Chi as white light. Visualize that white light starting at the base of your spine, journeying upwards through your neck, and out of the crown of your head, toward the ceiling. That white light radiates and flows through you.

All we are doing is sitting with good posture, our hands in Cosmic Mudra, with one hand cupped above the other and palms facing upwards. The spine is straight. We are breathing deeply but freely, and visualizing white Chi that begins at the base of the spine and travels upwards, flowing out of the crown of the head toward the ceiling.

As you continue with this deep but relaxed breathing, allowing your Chi to flow freely, you’ll notice that your breath gently massages your organs. You can feel a subtle vibration within you, massaging your inner body and inviting you to relax deeper and deeper.

Now, place the tip of your tongue on the space between the soft and hard parts of the roof of your mouth. If you’re doing the video version of this meditation, there is an image on your screen showing where to place your tongue. By placing the tongue between the hard and soft palate, we complete an important energy pathway in Taoist philosophy. In Taoism, there are pathways within the body similar to chakras. Two of the most important pathways are the Dumai and Renmai. The Dumai is a pathway up the back of the body, and the Renmai is a pathway down the front. These two pathways converge at the soft and hard palate, so by placing the tongue at that spot, we complete the energy circuit.

We are sitting with good posture and a straight spine, allowing the breath to be drawn deeply into the body, which in turn promotes the flow of Chi. We have positioned the tip of the tongue between the hard and soft palate, bridging the Dumai and Renmai. Let’s continue to mindfully breathe as we maintain this position.

Gradually, you may notice saliva building in your mouth. Taoists believe saliva is a precious substance, which they refer to as “golden dew.” It contains hormones, proteins, and other vital substances. When you notice a buildup of saliva, swallow forcefully, allowing these beneficial substances to return deep into your body.

We have one more step in this meditation. As you breathe in, visualize Chi entering your body as pure white light. This white light fills your mind and body, like water filling a jug, purifying all parts of you. As you breathe out, visualize impurities leaving your body as black mist. We are breathing in pure white light, purifying the body, and exhaling any impurities as black mist.

We are sitting comfortably, breathing in pure white Chi that fills the vessel of the body and mind, and exhaling impurities such as worry and stress as black mist.

You may continue this meditation for as long as you like. When you are ready to finish, follow me as we slowly return to normal. First, rub your hands together until they become warm, and then gently brush your palms down your face, helping your face to relax further. Repeat this a couple of times.

When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, bringing with you the pure white Chi from this Taoist breathing meditation. I hope you enjoyed this session. If you like traditional meditation techniques like this, please subscribe, as I will be releasing many similar meditations soon. Also, remember to comment and like this video. Thank you very much, and I’ll see you next time.

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10 Ways to Reach the Lost


Over the last several decades, our nation and the world have evolved into shocking levels of chaos.  There is so much hatred, division, persecution, injustice, starvation, devastation, hopelessness and lack of love for each other.  Never has there been a time when the Body of Christ is needed more than in these days.  The hope we offer through Christ is the answer the world is looking for. But that means our churches have to be more strategic about how we reach those who are not yet believers.  

  1. Lose the judgmental attitude.  Somewhere along the way, we seem to have forgotten where we came from.  We were not born into the Kingdom of God not nor did we just wake up one day as Christians without doing anything. We had to make a choice to recognize our sins and need for a Savior, then ask Jesus into our hearts.  That day of acceptance is always a beautiful time of joy as we begin to fully recognize what Jesus has done for us. Sadly, some of us forget how wretched we truly are and become comfortable looking down at others that we deem less important, significant, or worthy.  

  2. Open a ministry.  A ministry can be the exact place someone needs to be for healing and help.  A minstry can provide a safehaven and comfort for those who are lost. It may be hard for a lost person to turn to a church, but when unique ministries exist, such as single mom’s groups, widow’s ministries, special needs ministries, food banks, grief ministry, and similar, this can be a conduit to lead families inside our church walls.

  3. Create a welcoming environment with love, grace, and compassion.  People appreciate authenticity.  Your journey may look different than someone new to your church. Perhaps you have no earthly idea what it feels like to be a recovering addict, orphaned, or battle through a terrible divorce. Maybe you have never experienced the immense financial, physical, and emotional challenges associated with cancer treatment. However, you can still exhibit compassion and love towards others who are not quite like you.  Treat others the way you want them to treat you, with love and kindness. 

  4. Remember, we are not holier-than-thouOur righteousness is as filthy rags unto the Lord.  Isaiah 64:6. In other words, we could never do enough to earn salvation, it is a gift God gives to us.  We are sinners saved by God’s grace. It is only through Jesus that we are saved we are not better than others. We are not more holy because we attend church more often than others. We are not more holy because we prayers sound more eloquent than others. We are not holy through anything we do.  When we understand how much we are in need of God’s daily grace, it allows us to treat others with kindness. 

  5. Evaluate your ministry opportunities.  Survey the location of your church. What is the community demographic? Are there a lot of young people in the area? What does your youth ministry look like?  Is there a college campus nearby? If so, does your church have a college ministry? Is there a large elderly population? How do you care for seniors and widows in the community?  

  6. Become service-minded. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples as a beautiful, awe-inspiring example of pure servanthood. When we reach out to serve others who are not yet part of any congregation, we are showing them that they matter, seen and loved by God.  There are many great servant-minded churches across the nation that are working to see that the needs of their communities are met. What can your church do to reach others? 

  7. Be open to change.  The gospel never changes. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  Those things don’t ever change. The Good News is always good news! But we cannot get stuck in doing things the same way, just because we have “always done it this way.”  Just because women’s ministry has always met on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm does not mean it needs to continue. Be willing to evaluate programs and ministries and accept the creativity of others who may have God-led ideas. 

  8. Lose the competitive spirit.  There is no competition in the Kingdom. Celebrate the successes of the church across town. Celebrate the wins for the Kingdom. It is a huge turn-off for potential believers when they see churches downgrading each other or becoming critical.  They see enough of that in the world. 

  9. Recognize that relationship comes before ministry. Sometimes, we are much more concerned with “fixing” everyone, beating them over the head with the Bible and highlighting all the things they are doing wrong than we are with showing them how much God loves them. It is not our job as Christians to fix anyone. It is our job to point them to the One who can.  We should be focusing on establishing relationships in the community, guide them to the fixer and let God do the rest. 

  10. Do not expect anything in return. Whether it is a service project you are doing in the community or a financial gift issued from a benevolence fund to assist a needy community member, release the need without expecting something in return.  While it is a beautiful thing when someone we have served gives us a genuine, heartfelt, thank you, it is not necessary.  Our service to others and our commitment to do for others is about what Christ has already done for us. Nothing more.

Jennifer Maggio is a mom to three, wife to Jeff, and founder of the national nonprofit, The Life of a Single Mom Ministries. She is author to four books, including The Church and the Single Mom. She was named one of the Top 10 Most Influential People in America by Dr. John Maxwell in 2017 and 2015 and has appeared in hundreds of media venues, including The New York Times, Family Talk Radio with Dr. James Dobson, Joni and Friends, and many others. 

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Keto Pumpkin Brownies (4g Net Carbs)


These Keto Pumpkin Brownies are vegan, paleo brownies with a thick, fudgy, gooey texture. A healthy pumpkin brownie recipe that you won’t believe is good for you! These pumpkin brownies are flourless, vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free, and bring just 4 grams of net carbs per slice.

Why You’ll Love These Brownies

What I love the most about this recipe? There is no flour and no eggs. Pumpkin puree is magic. It binds all the others ingredients together perfectly well to create the most delicious fudgy healthy pumpkin brownies.

No refined sugar, no flour, and only natural ingredients full of protein and fiber.

Ingredients and Substitutions

If you are craving pumpkin spice flavor, these Keto Pumpkin Brownies are here for you! Gooey, fudgy paleo pumpkin brownies made with only 6 ingredients, a food processor, and a single bowl!

  • Almond Butter – I recommend you choose creamy, smooth almond butter for a fudgier texture. You can also make the recipe with peanut butter or cashew butter. Make sure those have no sugar added and no added oil!
  • Pumpkin Puree – I am using 100% natural canned pumpkin puree. There is nothing else in the can, no added stuff. I don’t recommend homemade pumpkin puree for this recipe, as homemade puree can sometimes be more liquid, especially if the pumpkin has been boiled. Pumpkin is a good keto-friendly vegetable with a good amount of gut-friendly fibers. Learn how to make your own pumpkin puree.
  • Sugar-Free Maple Flavored Syrup – I am using Monk fruit syrup in this recipe. It is sugar-free, low-carb, keto-friendly, and 100% natural! If you don’t watch the carbs, any regular liquid sweetener can be used like maple syrup, agave, or brown rice syrup. To learn more about sweeteners or to convert them, try my sweetener converter.
  • Unsweetened Cocoa Powder – I use high-quality cocoa powder to make the brownies richer.
  • Vanilla Essence – for flavor.
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice – This is not optional. This is delicious and brings all the extra flavor to your keto pumpkin brownies.

For the pumpkin glazing, you need:

  • Pumpkin Puree
  • Nut Butter – Use creamy almond butter or peanut butter (not paleo but low carb!) or cashew butter.
  • Melted Coconut Oil – refined coconut oil has no coconut flavor.
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice – This makes the glazing absolutely delicious.
  • Stevia Drops – optional, to boost the sweetness.

How To Make Keto Pumpkin Brownies

Base Keto Pumpkin Brownie ingredients in a food processor.
  1. Combine the batter ingredients in a food processor: pumpkin puree, almond butter, sugar-free maple syrup, pumpkin spices, and vanilla.
Adding cocoa powder a food processor with Keto Pumpkin Brownie batter.
  1. Blend the pumpkin brownie batter for 30 seconds until it’s smooth and consistent.
  2. Add the unsweetened cocoa powder and blend again for 30 seconds until it’s sticky and shiny.
Keto Pumpkin Brownies batter in a food processor with chocolate chips.
  1. Incorporate the chocolate chips using a silicone spatula or a wooden spoon to avoid breaking the chips.
Keto Pumpkin Brownies batter in a baking pan.
  1. Transfer the brownie batter to a square baking pan lined with lightly oiled parchment paper.
  2. Bake the pumpkin brownies at 350°F (180°C) for 20 to 25 minutes until the edges start to crisp.
Ingredients for pumpkin glazing in a bowl.
  1. Combine the glazing ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. Remove the brownies from the oven and let them cool down for 15 minutes in the pan to finish cooking the bottom of the batter.
Drizzling chocolate on Keto Pumpkin Brownies
  1. Then take them out of the pan and let them cool down for another 15 minutes on a cooling rack.
  2. Drizzle the pumpkin glazing on the brownie to add an extra boost of pumpkin flavor.

Allergy Swaps

You can substitute the following ingredients if you have any allergies.

  • Almond-free: replace the almond butter with sunflower seed butter or tahini.
  • Coconut-free: replace the coconut oil with melted butter.

Storage Instructions

You can store the pumpkin brownies for up to 4 days in the fridge using a cake box to prevent the brownies from drying. You can also store them at room temperature for up to 2 days – keep them in the pantry. These Keto Pumpkin Brownies can be frozen in zip-lock bags. Reheat them in the oven for 10 minutes or in the air fryer.

Keto Pumpkin Brownies

More Keto Pumpkin Desserts

If you like keto desserts made with pumpkin, you’ll love these!

keto pumpkin pancakes with almond flour
Keto Pumpkin Muffins
Keto Pumpkin cookies
Keto Pumpkin Muffins

Prevent your screen from going dark

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).

  • Line a square brownie pan with parchment paper. Set it aside.

  • In a food processor, using the S-blade attachment, add the pumpkin puree, almond butter, sugar-free maple-flavored syrup, pumpkin spices, and vanilla.

  • Blend on high speed for 30 seconds or until it forms a consistent batter with a lovely orange color. 

  • Add unsweetened cocoa powder, almond flour, and blend again for 30 seconds until it forms a thick, sticky, and shiny brownie batter.

  • Stir in the chocolate chips using a spatula or the pulse mode of your food processor.

  • Transfer the brownie batter into the prepared brownie pan and spread evenly using a silicone spatula. The batter is sticky, and that is what you want. 

  • Sprinkle extra sugar-free chocolate chips on top. Lightly press them into the batter using the spatula. 

  • Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350°F (180°C) until the top and edges are set. 

  • Remove the brownies from the oven and let them cool down for 15 minutes in the brownie pan. 

  • Transfer onto a cooling rack. Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin glaze.

Pumpkin Glaze

  • In a medium mixing bowl, add nut butter, melted coconut oil, pumpkin spices, pumpkin puree, and pumpkin stevia drops. 

  • Combine with a spoon until it forms creamy glazing.

  • Drizzle on top of the cool brownie until no more is left. The glazing won’t harden it will stay moist and soft.

Chocolate Drizzle – optional

  • In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the sugar-free chocolate chips with melted coconut oil. Microwave in 30-second bursts, stir and repeat until fully melted. Drizzle on top of the pumpkin glazing. 

  • You can freeze the brownies for 10 minutes to set the chocolate drizzle and add an extra fudgy texture.

Almond Butter: It is very important to use fresh, smooth nut butter to prevent the brownie batter from drying. This recipe works with any nut butter with no added oil and no added sugar. Use pure nut butter for success.
Nut allergy: you can use sunflower butter or tahini in this recipe.
Storage: You can store the brownie for up to 4 days in the fridge using a cake box to prevent the brownie from drying. You can also store it at room temperature for up to 2 days. Keto Pumpkin Brownies can be frozen in Ziploc bags.
Nutrition1 slice
Yield: 16 brownie squares

Serving: 1 sliceCalories: 154.5 kcal (8%)Carbohydrates: 8.4 g (3%)Fiber: 4.4 g (18%)Net Carbs: 4 gProtein: 5.6 g (11%)Fat: 13.3 g (20%)Saturated Fat: 2.2 g (14%)Sodium: 3.4 mgPotassium: 269.3 mg (8%)Sugar: 1.6 g (2%)Vitamin A: 2529 IU (51%)Vitamin C: 0.6 mg (1%)Calcium: 83.2 mg (8%)Iron: 1.7 mg (9%)

Carine Claudepierre

About The Author

Carine Claudepierre

Hi, I’m Carine, the food blogger, author, recipe developer, published author of a cookbook, and founder of Sweet As Honey.

I have an Accredited Certificate in Nutrition and Wellness obtained in 2014 from Well College Global (formerly Cadence Health). I’m passionate about sharing all my easy and tasty recipes that are both delicious and healthy. My expertise in the field comes from my background in chemistry and years of following a keto low-carb diet. But I’m also well versed in vegetarian and vegan cooking since my husband is vegan.

I now eat a more balanced diet where I alternate between keto and a Mediterranean Diet

Cooking and Baking is my true passion. In fact, I only share a small portion of my recipes on Sweet As Honey. Most of them are eaten by my husband and my two kids before I have time to take any pictures!

All my recipes are at least triple tested to make sure they work and I take pride in keeping them as accurate as possible.

Browse all my recipes with my Recipe Index.

I hope that you too find the recipes you love on Sweet As Honey!

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Samsung Galaxy A16 5G promo materials reveal shocking update promise


Samsung’s Galaxy A16 5G is allegedly going to become official in December, but that hasn’t stopped it from leaking a lot lately – most recently we’ve seen an official-looking image showing it from all angles.

Today some promotional materials for the A16 have been outed, and as you can see below, these reveal the device’s most important specs.

The Galaxy A16 will have a 6.7-inch 1080×2340 LCD screen with 90 Hz refresh rate and 800-nit peak brightness, either the Exynos 1330 SoC or the Dimensity 6300 chipset at the helm (depending on region most likely), 4/6/8GB of RAM, 128/256GB of storage, an IP54 dust and splash resistance rating, and an intriguing software update promise.

Samsung Galaxy A16 5G promo materials reveal shocking update promise

According to these materials, Samsung will promise six major Android updates and six years of security patches for the Galaxy A16, which, if true, would be unprecedented for its price range and could act as one of its key selling points against the (probably lower-priced) competition.

Samsung Galaxy A16 5G promo materials reveal shocking update promise

The A16 measures 164.4 x 77.9 x 7.9 mm and weighs 192g or 200g depending on version. It will be offered in Light Green, Blue Black, and Gold. A previous certification revealed it would sport a 5,000 mAh battery.


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Fabrizio Corona show in Tribunale: "40mila euro per fare sesso con me" –


Fabrizio Corona show in Tribunale: “40mila euro per fare sesso con me”

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The Top 5 Fast-Growing Industries for Hybrid Jobs


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Hybrid work is among the most common — and most desired — flexible work arrangements. In fact, a recent FlexJobs survey revealed that the majority of workers want some form of remote work, with 37% reporting that hybrid jobs are their preferred work arrangement. Good news for job seekers: Hybrid careers are on the rise in key areas. To help job seekers pinpoint which career fields offer the most…