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NASA — A Tour of Cosmic Temperatures


We launched our Spitzer Space Telescope into orbit around the Sunday on Aug. 25, 2003. Since then, the observatory has been lifting the veil on the wonders of the cosmos, from our own solar system to faraway galaxies, using infrared light.

Thanks to Spitzer, scientists were able to confirm the presence of seven rocky, Earth-size planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. The telescope has also provided weather maps of hot, gaseous exoplanets and revealed a hidden ring around Saturn. It has illuminated hidden collections of dust in a wide variety of locations, including cosmic nebulas (clouds of gas and dust in space), where young stars form, and swirling galaxies. Spitzer has additionally investigated some of the universe’s oldest galaxies and stared at the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. 

In honor of Spitzer’s Sweet 16 in space, here are 16 amazing images from the mission.

Giant Star Makes Waves

This Spitzer image shows the giant star Zeta Ophiuchi and the bow shock, or shock wave, in front of it. Visible only in infrared light, the bow shock is created by winds that flow from the star, making ripples in the surrounding dust.

The Seven Sisters Pose for Spitzer


The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, is a frequent target for night sky observers. This image from Spitzer zooms in on a few members of the sisterhood. The filaments surrounding the stars are dust, and the three colors represent different wavelengths of infrared light.

Young Stars in Their Baby Blanket of Dust


Newborn stars peek out from beneath their blanket of dust in this image of the Rho Ophiuchi nebula. Called “Rho Oph” by astronomers and located about 400 light-years from Earth, it’s one of the closest star-forming regions to our own solar system.

The youngest stars in this image are surrounded by dusty disks of material from which the stars — and their potential planetary systems — are forming. More evolved stars, which have shed their natal material, are blue.

The Infrared Helix


Located about 700 light-years from Earth, the eye-like Helix nebula is a planetary nebula, or the remains of a Sun-like star. When these stars run out of their internal fuel supply, their outer layers puff up to create the nebula. Our Sun will blossom into a planetary nebula when it dies in about 5 billion years.

The Tortured Clouds of Eta Carinae


The bright star at the center of this image is Eta Carinae, one of the most massive stars in the Milky Way galaxy. With around 100 times the mass of the Sun and at least 1 million times the brightness, Eta Carinae releases a tremendous outflow of energy that has eroded the surrounding nebula.

Spitzer Spies Spectacular Sombrero


Located 28 million light-years from Earth, Messier 104 — also called the Sombrero galaxy or M104 — is notable for its nearly edge-on orientation as seen from our planet. Spitzer observations were the first to reveal the smooth, bright ring of dust (seen in red) circling the galaxy.

Spiral Galaxy Messier 81


This infrared image of the galaxy Messier 81, or M81, reveals lanes of dust illuminated by active star formation throughout the galaxy’s spiral arms. Located in the northern constellation of Ursa Major (which includes the Big Dipper), M81 is also about 12 million light-years from Earth.

Spitzer Reveals Stellar Smoke


Messier 82 — also known as the Cigar galaxy or M82 — is a hotbed of young, massive stars. In visible light, it appears as a diffuse bar of blue light, but in this infrared image, scientists can see huge red clouds of dust blown out into space by winds and radiation from those stars.

A Pinwheel Galaxy Rainbow


This image of Messier 101, also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy or M101, combines data in the infrared, visible, ultraviolet and X-rays from Spitzer and three other NASA space telescopes: Hubble, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer’s Far Ultraviolet detector (GALEX) and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The galaxy is about 70% larger than our own Milky Way, with a diameter of about 170,000 light-years, and sits at a distance of 21 million light-years from Earth. Read more about its colors here.

Cartwheel Galaxy Makes Waves


Approximately 100 million years ago, a smaller galaxy plunged through the heart of the Cartwheel galaxy, creating ripples of brief star formation. As with the Pinwheel galaxy above, this composite image includes data from NASA’s Spitzer, Hubble, GALEX and Chandra observatories.

The first ripple appears as a bright blue outer ring around the larger object, radiating ultraviolet light visible to GALEX. The clumps of pink along the outer blue ring are X-ray (observed by Chandra) and ultraviolet radiation.

Spitzer and Hubble Create Colorful Masterpiece


Located 1,500 light-years from Earth, the Orion nebula is the brightest spot in the sword of the constellation Orion. Four massive stars, collectively called the Trapezium, appear as a yellow smudge near the image center. Visible and ultraviolet data from Hubble appear as swirls of green that indicate the presence of gas heated by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium’s stars. Less-embedded stars appear as specks of green, and foreground stars as blue spots. Meanwhile, Spitzer’s infrared view exposes carbon-rich molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, shown here as wisps of red and orange. Orange-yellow dots are infant stars deeply embedded in cocoons of dust and gas.

A Space Spider Watches Over Young Stars


Located about 10,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Auriga, the Spider nebula resides in the outer part of the Milky Way. Combining data from Spitzer and the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), the image shows green clouds of dust illuminated by star formation in the region.

North America Nebula in Different Lights


This view of the North America nebula combines visible light collected by the Digitized Sky Survey with infrared light from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. Blue hues represent visible light, while infrared is displayed as red and green. Clusters of young stars (about 1 million years old) can be found throughout the image.

Spitzer Captures Our Galaxy’s Bustling Center


This infrared mosaic offers a stunning view of the Milky Way galaxy’s busy center. The pictured region, located in the Sagittarius constellation, is 900 light-years agross and shows hundreds of thousands of mostly old stars amid clouds of glowing dust lit up by younger, more massive stars. Our Sun is located 26,000 light-years away in a more peaceful, spacious neighborhood, out in the galactic suburbs.

The Eternal Life of Stardust


The Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy located about 160,000 light-years from Earth, looks like a choppy sea of dust in this infrared portrait. The blue color, seen most prominently in the central bar, represents starlight from older stars. The chaotic, bright regions outside this bar are filled with hot, massive stars buried in thick blankets of dust.

A Stellar Family Portrait


In this large celestial mosaic from Spitzer, there’s a lot to see, including multiple clusters of stars born from the same dense clumps of gas and dust. The grand green-and-orange delta filling most of the image is a faraway nebula. The bright white region at its tip is illuminated by massive stars, and dust that has been heated by the stars’ radiation creates the surrounding red glow.

Managed by our Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, Spitzer’s primary mission lasted five-and-a-half years and ended when it ran out of the liquid helium coolant necessary to operate two of its three instruments. But, its passive-cooling design has allowed part of its third instrument to continue operating for more than 10 additional years. The mission is scheduled to end on Jan. 30, 2020.

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Abbreviation for Million and Thousand: K & MM Meaning


abbreviation for million and thousand

This post is part of a series sponsored by Old Republic Surety.

If you’re confused about the letter designations that stand for thousands and millions, you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. In fact, it’s one of our most frequently asked questions. Here’s why you’re confused and what to do about it.

Where Does the mm Abbreviation Come From?

Western civilization has had two powerful influences — the traditions of the Greeks and the Romans, and there is often conflict. The Greeks would refer to the god of the sea as Poseidon, whereas the Romans would call him Neptune. For the Romans, the god of wine would be Bacchus, and for the Greeks, it would be Dionysus. These differences carry themselves into many parts of our culture, including financial analysis.

As a young banker in the mid-80s, I learned what had been taught for many decades before, that we abbreviate thousands in our analysis with the letter M. If we wanted to denote millions, we would show that as MM. For this, we should credit the Romans. M is the Roman numeral for thousand and MM is meant to convey one thousand-thousand — or million. To take it further; one billion would be shown as $1MMM or one-thousand million.

However, truth be known, if there were an ancient Roman here and we asked him to interpret our use of Roman numerals, we would find that technically MM means two thousand and MMM means three thousand, so there are flaws in this tradition. This reminds me of the old joke about an ancient Roman that goes into a bar, holds up two fingers in a peace sign to the bartender, and says, “Five beers, please.”

K Is Meant To Stand For Thousand Isn’t It?

Wait a minute, you say. I know I have seen jobs posted that pay $50K, and K is meant to stand in for a thousand. And you would be correct, thanks to the Greeks. K comes from the Greek word kilo which means a thousand. The Greeks would likewise show million as M, short for Mega. So if we stay consistent with the Greek abbreviations, then billion would be shown as a letter G (Giga). Think of your computer expressing bytes of memory as kilobyte, megabyte, or gigabyte. However, when it comes to billion, we don’t really see G or MMM as the abbreviation for billion. We are more likely to see a headline that reads the government spent $60B on a new project. They are using B for billion. What can I say? B for billion isn’t Greek or Roman; it is just the first letter of the word billion. So much for consistency.

I saw a headline recently in The Daily Journal of Commerce that read the new downtown post office was to be built for $89M. In the world of accounting and financial analysis, that reads $89 thousand dollars, but we know from context that the headline writer meant $89 million dollars. We sometimes have to code-switch and use context to determine what the author is telling us. I referenced the 2021 Associated Press Stylebook used by the majority of journalists to see if the guide would weigh in on how to abbreviate thousand or million. When writing, the guide advises, to use figures only for anything less than a million, but spell out “million,” “billion,” and ‘trillion” for numbers of 1 million or greater, such as 2.4 billion. Furthermore, the Associated Press recommends abbreviating millions as “M” and billions as “B” in headlines.

Agents will also commonly see us communicate M as thousands when we quote surety bond rates or agent commissions. For example, the standard Class B rate starts at $25/M for the first $100M; then $15/M for the next $400M; then $10/M for the next $2MM. Those rates are expressed per thousand and the MM denotes millions. Likewise, we may quote you a single and aggregate contractor line of authority. That line may be expressed, for instance, as $5MM single and $15MM aggregate. If you are an agent or a contractor, you may have seen an email from your surety underwriter that says something like, “The customer should increase their bank line to $1MM.” You now know that years of tradition have trained us to show one million dollars this way.

While the fields of accounting, banking, and finance have adopted the Roman tradition, other fields such as computer programming and the high-tech industry have adopted Greek-influenced abbreviations. As we mix our traditions, it sometimes becomes difficult to know what someone intends to convey expressing thousands or millions in an abbreviation. It is an imperfect world.

Still Have Questions? We’re Here To Help?

At Old Republic Surety we seek to deliver transparency and clarity in our communications. If you see an abbreviation that is confusing or unclear, please reach out to your local underwriter or branch for clarification, even if you are just asking for a friend. If you would like to learn more about Old Republic Surety and some of our services like Commercial Surety Bonds, and Contract Bonds, or just want more information, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

This blog was originally published on the Old Republic Surety website. It is reproduced here with permission.

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Southampton 0-3 Man Utd: Inflicting a Devilish Day on the Saints


It could have been all so different. A mistimed lunge from Dalot on the debutant Dibling meant Southampton could take the lead but Onana saved. From then on, it was all Man Utd. A good cross from Bruno was converted by De Ligt, who had a difficult international break. It was quickly doubled by Rashford on the second phase of a corner. The game was pretty lowkey after that until Stephens himself had a mistimed lunge on Garnacho. This one was outside the box and much higher so it saw the Southampton captain given his marching orders. It pretty much sealed the deal and Garnacho put the cherry on the top with a typically emphatic finish. The pressure has been eased after it mounting.

A wave, not a phase

Momentum is a funny thing because often what people don’t realise is that the best teams don’t luck themselves into it. They play football in a way that often means that momentum is at the behest of them. Whenever you are regularly cursing the Gods being against you, like teams who have momentum go against them often do, it is generally just because those teams aren’t actually that good.

For a lot of last season, Man Utd were that team that were cursing Gods. Not only on the pitch but off the pitch. The only time that they seemed to work for us was in that FA Cup run that led us to glory. That cup luck transferred over today because prior to the missed penalty from the Saints, you could chalk that up to being the worst performance of the season considering the level of the opposition. On and off the ball, it was incredibly lax. The inclusion of Eriksen over Casemiro was obviously not done to sure us up in the middle of the park but given the latter is giving us absolutely nothing off the ball like he is supposed to, then might as well have a player who might give us more on the ball. In those 30 mins though, he didn’t though but that was simply because United as a team were not.

Southampton have been the team with most possession of anyone in the division in the first three games, something which is quite unheard of for a bottom half, let alone on that has just been promoted. So them having some control in that sense isn’t surprising but it was another black mark against the manager for building a proficient football team. It culminated in Dalot, who had a difficult time in those opening proceedings, diving in against the Dibley, the spritely winger giving him a tough time, in the box. If not for Archer missing was timid effort and Onana being able to keep the ball out, I may have been writing the obituary of Erik Ten Hag here. Post that though, the game was all of the Red Devils control. In the end, the game became a stroll in the South Coast park but when you swept up in waves rather than ride them, you have no control of where you end up. There are little phases of play that we fall back upon that gives us that safety. If we keep relying on momentum then funny things and games are going to keep happening to this Man Utd team.

Other Thoughts

It has been a while since I was able to rise a smile when thinking about a Man Utd right hand side combination. This season, Mazraoui has come in and has been a quiet revelation. He has been the solidity in all areas that we have been crying out for in a long time. Then in front we have Amad, who even in those minutes of difficulty, was the only one who looked to have the composure to make things happen. He finished the first half with the most chances created, 4, and the little presence of mind to not always attack and risk losing possession is a much needed in the attack that we have.

The goal for Rashford hopefully does him the world of good. He had his first shot prior to his first goal, which Ramsdale done very well to save. It was good and trademark finish that we used to see more regularly from Rashford and it should kick him into some good form.

The RoM Manchester United 2024-25 season preview is now available. It includes articles from the country’s best football writers about our expectations for the season ahead and our brightest talents, as well as proposed transfer business and which youth players to keep an eye out for. All profit goes to The Christie so please support this fantastic cause.

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CXXII Bracket Challenge 2024 – CXXII Apparel


Welcome to the 2024 CXXII Bracket Challenge presented by CXXII Apparel, We love sports and love giving away FREE stuff 

BRACKETS CLOSE and must be submitted by THURSDAY MARCH 21th at 11 PM CST. (Before tip off of the first game…)


  • Round of 64: CXXII Hat & Keychain
  • Round of 32: CXXII Tee, CXXI Trucker Hat & Keychain
  • Sweet 16:  CXXII Shorts & CXXII Tee & Custom Sticker Bombed Water Bottle
  • Elite 8 : CXXII Tee or Crewneck / Hat / KeyChain
  • Final 4 : CXXII Hoodie of your Choice / CXXII Tee / Custom 1of1 Sticker Bombed Water Bottle.
  • Overall Winner : 

Here are the steps to Find and Enter the 2024 Bracket Challege.

( **Download the ESPN TC App or CLICK HERE for web version** )


**Winners will be Announced Round by Round and posted on our Instagram Page / Stories and down below so please make sure your following @CXXIIApparel on instagram! 


Round By Round Winners:

Round of 64: KennethIsGoingToWin!!!

Round of 32: Storcks ( SlothQueen Passed the Prizes) 

Sweet 16: Storcks

Elite 8: Storcks

Final 4: 116HGA

Overall Winner Based on total points: 116HGA

* In the event of a round by round tie, we will the top winners and put them into the Google Wheel Randomize to pick the winner. 
** Free shirt will be selected by CXXII Apparel and sent to winner in the size they request.

*** Brackets must be filled out and submitted to group before the start of the first game.
**** Cheating & Unfair play will not be tolerated, CXXII reserves the right to disqualify anyone who we suspect that is taking advantage of the bracket challenge.

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Cole Palmer now a marked man and sees next development challenge – Talk Chelsea


I guess as a football player when you step out on to the pitch and you instantly have a shadow following you around from kick off until the end of the game, then that is one of the biggest compliments you can receive.

Cole Palmer has not got to that point.

Eden Hazard and Palmer are/were completely different players in terms of style, but in terms of impact and being difference makers and talismen, they draw many comparisons.

Hazard was a marked man. He would be man marked most games come the end, and they would consistently be kicking him and flooring him. With Hazard though, he would often brush himself off, pick himself up, run past his man marker not once but come back and do it again, and then set up or score a goal to have the last laugh. He also had the physicality to keep hold of the ball and bounce players off him.

Palmer is now getting this same treatment, and it’s a huge testament to where he is as a player right now.

Lewis Cook was man marking him on Saturday night and if Anthony Taylor didn’t exist, might have even got sent off for consistent fouling of Palmer.

On this situation, Enzo Maresca said:

“This kind of player, they are going to always get this. Cook was marking him 95 minutes man-to-man – or 95 minutes maybe not because after we put him wide – but he had man-to-man all the game and it’s not easy for Cole.

“It’s not easy for any player, but you have to find different solutions.”

Palmer looked frustrated at times, you could see it and feel it. And he did have a pretty quiet game by his standards. But this is now just a new thing that he is going to have to deal with. When you are the biggest threat on the pitch, you often become a marked man. This is another development stage for Palmer and he will now need to learn, alongside the coaches, how to deal with this, just like Hazard did.

Palmer doesn’t have the same dribbling ability and low centre of gravity that Hazard had, he also lacks some of Hazard’s physicality despite being tall. There hasn’t been many better dribblers of the ball off the mark from a standing still position than Hazard. Palmer doesn’t do that really.

But he will need to find ways to lose his marker, ways to frustrate his marker. He can do that by playing a clever pass or perhaps drawing his marker out of position, taking him wide or to the opposite end of the pitch.

Palmer can beat a man too, we have seen that. But he doesn’t quite have the build or the pace to be a devastating dribbler.

However he learns to deal with man markers and constant fouling is going to be down to him and the coaches, but I have no doubt he will develop and find a way to get on top of this next challenge in his career, because he backs himself so much and knows how good he is.

It’s also a HUGE compliment and a sign of how far he has come in just one season.

If you would like to feature on Talk Chelsea click here.

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Designer Spotlight: Andrea Jelić | Codrops


Meet Andrea Jelić, an award-winning independent web designer and art director from Croatia, whose style is recognizable for her exceptional use of typography, seamlessly blending functionality and aesthetics in her web and branding projects.

In addition to successfully working with clients across various industries, Andrea offers a design course on Domestika focused on creating portfolios and promoting work online. She also strives to educate and support creatives entering the freelance world by writing and speaking to designers at the start of their careers.

Featured Work

Askonas Holt

With a history spanning over a century, Askonas Holt is one of the world’s leading arts management companies, specializing in classical music. I collaborated with Likely Story to revitalize their brand identity, overhaul their social media presence, and create a new website that elegantly showcases their impressive roster of artists and musicians while highlighting their rich history.

Our Revolution

Art direction/web design project I did together with Likely Story. Our Revolution is an independent creative agency based in Sydney, Australia. Their focus is on providing high-end consumer branding and packaging design to a diverse range of clients. We created a cool and modern web experience where we highlighted the great work that they do. As always, the focus was on typography and a balanced layout, emphasizing their brand visuals. The website received multiple awards from Awwwards and CSSDA.

Bertch Capital

Bertch Capital is a boutique investment firm based in the western United States. Seeking to reinvigorate their brand and restructure their digital presence, they approached us with a brief to encapsulate their history, values, and commitment to conservation and sustainability. The website was created together with Likely Story and has received SOTD and DEV awards from Awwwards.

Light Factory

Project and collaboration I did with Joseph Berry. Light Factory is a full-service video production house bringing ideas of all shapes and sizes to life. We teamed up to create the brand identity, logo, and website; I handled the design while Joseph did the development. With a strong emphasis on neon colors, bold typography, and impactful animations, the project achieved great results, receiving multiple awards. The website received multiple awards from Awwwards and CSSDA.

Tattoo Rroom

Web design project I did for a tattoo studio based in Zagreb, Croatia. We collaborated on art direction for the photo shoot, video, and photo materials, which I used as the foundation for the design direction. The main purpose of the website is to showcase their incredible tattooing expertise, display their past work through photography, and serve as an informational platform for future client bookings. The second phase of the website was to also create a shop experience for collaborations and their own limited collections of various items (t-shirts, mugs, bags, etc.). The website received multiple awards from CSSDA.


I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with Lana Puljić, a talented fashion designer from Croatia, on a project for her brand, Lokomotiva. The result is a sleek and modern e-commerce platform that offers a seamless shopping experience, allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the brand. By combining clean, minimalist design principles with bold accents of pink, I was able to craft an engaging and memorable brand journey throughout the website. The result is a visually striking and user-friendly platform that truly reflects the essence of Lokomotiva.

Brand Society

Brand Society is a strategic design studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Following a rebrand in 2023, together with Likely Story, we created a new website that focuses on showcasing their work and highlighting their unique design approach. The design emphasizes bold typography and a clean layout, providing a smooth and easy way to present their work.


I have been working in design for the past 5 years. Since the beginning, I have always been independent, working mostly in web and brand areas. For the past year, I have also been working as a part-time design director at Brandbeet, which was a great experience. Now, I am back to independent work, focusing mostly on web projects, which I would say is my passion. Besides design, I do photography and like to blend these two professions when I can. In general, I believe that knowing and working in different creative areas makes it easier to understand whole projects and their execution.

Design Philosophy

I like to think of design as a process of merging knowledge, research, creativity, and experience. With each project, we learn so much, and every part of the experience—both good and bad—contributes to better success in the next project. For designers, especially freelancers, it’s crucial to not only be good designers but also good managers. As a baseline for any good work, I like to keep it simple: understand the clients, maintain great communication with them, and provide the value they are seeking.

Tools and Techniques

For tools, I always use Figma for design and Adobe Photoshop for mockups. I also use MidJourney for AI-generated images and ChatGPT when I need placeholder content for projects. For smaller animations, I use Jitter or Principle, or sometimes just Figma Prototype for websites.


My work is inspired by fashion, architecture, and music, but also by everything I encounter daily. Surrounding myself with inspiring people, beautiful interiors, and good visual content on digital platforms makes finding inspiration easy and essential. I also read design books for inspiration or listen to podcasts related to design, business, or personal development.

Future Goals

I usually don’t set big goals, as I tend to be quite spontaneous when it comes to decisions and accepting new opportunities. Currently, I’m happy to be back to freelancing and feel motivated to deliver great projects and collaborations. I enjoy working with different people and clients. I see myself focusing on web work—specifically creative websites and e-commerce. In addition, I want to continue inspiring young creatives and helping them achieve great results, so I’ll keep writing about my process and experiences.

Final Thoughts

I would always say to stick to what inspires you and work with people who have a positive attitude, making it easier to enjoy the work and the process. Use experiences that weren’t pleasant as examples of how things shouldn’t be, and learn from them for the next opportunity. Every experience, both good and bad, brings new lessons. There is space for everyone in this industry, so don’t view it as competition—see it as your personal journey. Don’t be obsessed with the goal; enjoy the process, and the goals and achievements will naturally follow.

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Pet Friendly National Park: The Grand Canyon


German Shepherd Dog and Shar-pei on the pet friendly trail at Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona


Stretching 277 river miles from Lees Ferry to the Grand Wash Cliffs, Grand Canyon National Park ranks as the 11th largest national park in the United States. And, no matter how many times you visit, the views will never be the same. Sunlight and clouds, the bright green of spring, or a dusting of snow combine to make every trip unique.

For us, this is one of those places we never get enough of. And it’s all the better for the fact that the Grand Canyon is a wonderful place to visit with your dog.

In fact, on a recent month-long road trip with our pup, we took Myles to the Grand Canyon for his first time. Walking the same paths that we explored with Ty and Buster years ago brought back a lot of sweet memories. And it’s wonderful to now have memories of Myles in one of our favorite national parks, too!

Brindle dog looking at a photo of two dogs at the south rim of the Grand Canyon

Visiting Grand Canyon National Park With A Dog

Two years ago we took Myles on a trip to Kanab, Utah, and visited the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. So, this wasn’t actually Myles’ first visit. But the pet policies on the North Rim and South Rim are very different.

At the North Rim dogs are allowed at the picnic areas and in the parking areas of the overlooks. So, views of the canyon come as you drive the 30 miles of scenic roads at the North Rim. The only trails that allow pets, Bridal Path and the portion of the Arizona Trail that runs between North Kaibab Trailhead and the north entrance of the park, are both pretty. But either have views of the canyon.

Brindle dog on the patio at the Grand Canyon Lodge - North Rim


Pet Policy At The South Rim Of The Grand Canyon

On the other hand, the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is a fantastic place to visit with a dog! You’ll find plenty to explore, pet friendly lodging, and a kennel where your pet can spend the day if you want to see parts of the park where pets aren’t allowed.

Leashed pets are welcome on the Rim and Greenway trails at the South Rim. Leashes must not be longer than 6-feet.

Pets cannot go below the rim, inside the buildings, or on the shuttle buses.

Yavapai Lodge has pet friendly rooms available for an additional fee of $32 per pet, per night and allows up to two pets per room.

The Mather Campground, Desert View Campground, Trailer Village, and other developed areas of the park are pet friendly.

Most of the pet policies in our national parks make visiting with dogs a challenge. In fact, many times pets can’t go beyond paved parking lots or campgrounds. Fortunately, that is not the case at the Grand Canyon. This is one of the most pet friendly national parks in the country!

READ MORE ⇒  America’s Most Pet Friendly National Parks

Brindle dog on a rock outcropping at Grand Canyon National Park
German Shepherd Dog and Shar-pei on the pet friendly trail at Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona


Hiking At The Grand Canyon With A Dog

When you’re ready to hit the pet friendly trails, the best scenery is along the South Rim Trail. The 14-mile trail is paved, so it’s easy walking. Foot traffic is more concentrated near the shuttle stops, but most of the time it feels like you and your dog have the whole Grand Canyon to yourselves!

Brindle dog on a rock outcropping at Grand Canyon National Park

Keep in mind that the trail’s average elevation is about 6,800 feet, which makes it easy to get dehydrated. Be sure to carry plenty of water for you and your pet, because bottle filling stations aren’t always operational, and bottled water isn’t for sale.

Also be aware that altitude sickness (nausea, shortness of breath, exhaustion, headache) can affect both humans and pets, so take it easy until you’ve acclimated to the elevation.

Despite the elevation, heat is often an issue in the summer. Our most recent visit was in July, so we expected high temperatures. Getting to the trail at 7am allowed us to comfortably walk for a few hours. But by the time we got back to the car around 10am, it was already over 80 degrees!

Before your trip, it’s also a good idea to refresh your memory on the signs of dehydration and heat stroke in dogs. And consider packing protective boots for your pup.

READ MORE ⇒  Recognizing Dehydration and Heat Stroke in Dogs

Man walking a German Shepherd Dog and Shar-pei on the pet friendly trail at Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Brindle dog on a rock outcropping at Grand Canyon National Park


Grand Canyon With A Dog In One Day

There really is no bad place to jump on the Rim Trail and go for a walk. You can park at the visitor center and start down the trail in either direction for fantastic views.

If you happen to be visiting during the off-season (November 1 – February 28), we have another suggestion. Head for Hermit Road and catch the Rim Trail there. From Hopi Point you’ll be able to see the Colorado River. And from Pima Point you can actually hear the roar as the river crashes through Granite Rapid!

Hermit Road is closed to personal vehicles from March 1st to October 31st, and pets can’t ride the shuttles. So accessing these spots requires a trip during the off-season, or a lot of walking!

Dogs posing for picture on the South Rim Trail at Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Arizona's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: The Grand Canyon |
Brindle dog on a rock outcropping at Grand Canyon National Park


Watch The Weather

At the Grand Canyon, storms can blow in quickly, so be sure to keep an eye on the sky as you walk. And move toward the nearest shelter if the clouds turn ominous!

READ MORE ⇒  The Ultimate Pet Friendly American Road Trip

Arizona's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: The Grand Canyon |
Arizona's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: The Grand Canyon |
Arizona's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: The Grand Canyon |


Pet Friendly Hotel At The Grand Canyon

If you and your dog need more than a day at the Grand Canyon, the Yavapai Lodge has pet friendly rooms for an additional $32 fee per pet, per night. They allow two pets per room with no restrictions on size. There are also two campgrounds without hookups, and one RV park with hookups inside the park. You can find additional pet friendly accommodations just south of the Grand Canyon in Tusayan, Arizona.

Finding pet friendly restaurants here is a bit more challenging. There are a few restaurants with outdoor seating in Tusayan. But if you want to make the most of your time with your dog at the Grand Canyon, we suggest packing picnics. If that’s your plan, stock up before you arrive. Grocery options are limited once you’re in the park.

Brindle dog on a rock outcropping at Grand Canyon National Park
Man and two dogs enjoying the view at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon Kennel

If you want to hike below the rim at the Grand Canyon you’ll need to make arrangements for your pet. The kennel at the Grand Canyon is located on the South Rim near Maswik Lodge, and is open every day from 7:30am to 5pm. Accepting dogs and cats for day or overnight boarding, the kennel recommends making your reservations early, especially during the summer months and holidays. And be sure to pack your pet’s vaccination records.

We hope we’ve inspired you to visit the Grand Canyon with your dog! It’s a place like no other. And the experience and memories are truly unforgettable when you do more together.

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Flooring Trends 2025: What’s New Underfoot

Ready to refresh your home’s foundation? Flooring trends in 2025 promise to bring innovation, comfort, and unmatched style to every corner of your space. Let’s explore the must-have materials and designs that will ground your interior in sophistication.

1. Sensorial Minimalism: Textured Finishes

A sleek urban loft featuring textured hardwood flooring as part of the 2025 flooring trends by Decorilla
Sleek urban loft featuring textured hardwood flooring, by Decorilla

Minimalism in 2025 takes a tactile turn in flooring design ideas. Smooth, flat surfaces are giving way to those that engage the senses with tactility and a subtle play of light and shadow. Think of brushed stone, subtly textured wood, or gently ridged tiles. These finishes alone can greatly increase visual interest in minimalist spaces, providing a refined experience that’s anything but stark. It’s about stripping back to essentials while ensuring that what remains invites touch and interaction.

Concrete floors in an organic modern living room by Decorilla
Organic modern living room with concrete floors, by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Pair highly texturized types of flooring with streamlined furnishings to maintain a minimalist aesthetic. Incorporate soft fabrics and understated decor to balance the tactile quality of the flooring.

Pro Tip: Choose the latest flooring trends that match your style. Unsure what that is? Take an interior design style quiz to find out today! 

2. Bold Parquet: Classic Meets Edgy

Dark, bold parquet patterns embraces 2025 flooring trends in a dining room by Decorilla
Dark, bold parquet pattern in a dining room by Decorilla

Parquet flooring is making another strong comeback, this time with a contemporary twist. No longer confined to traditional herringbone patterns, 2025’s parquet floors feature bold, oversized designs and unexpected layouts. Whether in deep walnut or light oak, parquet brings texture and visual interest, making it a favorite in trendy interiors. Just keep the rest of your decor simple to let the floor be the star.

White entryway warmed up with bold parquet patterns leads flooring trends 2025 by Decorilla
White entryway warmed up with bold parquet patterns, by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Choose a parquet design that complements your room size. Larger spaces can handle intricate patterns, while simpler designs work better in smaller rooms. 

3. Delineation: Blurring Indoor-Outdoor Boundaries

2025 flooring trends blurring the line between indoors and outdoors, design by Decorilla
2025 flooring trends in an indoor and outdoor dining room by Decorilla

The 2025 flooring trends love extending the same flooring materials beyond the walls, creating a seamless flow from inside to outside. This approach goes beyond aesthetic appeal; it’s about a lifestyle shift towards integrating nature with daily living. You can choose between subtly pulling the outdoor material inside or stretching the same flooring from your living room onto your terrace. The latter works particularly well for smaller spaces, making them feel larger and more connected to the environment.

An open-plan space shows seamless indoor-outdoor floor trends 2025 by Decorilla
Open-plan space shows a seamless indoor-outdoor floor connection, by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Select durable materials that can withstand both indoor and outdoor environments. Ensure consistency in color and texture to create a smooth transition. Also, consider using large sliding glass doors or floor-to-ceiling windows to enhance the connection further.

4. Mixed Media: The Art of Blending

Modern living room design featuring mixed materials in current floor trends by Decorilla
Modern living room design featuring mixed flooring materials, by Decorilla

Why choose one material when you can have two—or three? The mixed media flooring trend is taking off in 2025, employing diversity to create striking, bespoke designs. If you need a visual, imagine a sleek concrete floor interspersed with warm wood planks or checkerboard ceramic tiles bordered by red or green marble. This trend allows for creativity and personalization, ensuring no two floors are alike.

A bright living space blending trending floor colors and materials, design by Decorilla
Bright, modern living space by Decorilla

How to pull this off: When mixing materials, ensure they complement each other in color and texture. Use transitions to create a seamless flow between areas, avoiding harsh lines that can disrupt the room’s harmony.

5. Carpet Revival: Plush Comfort with a Modern Edge

Cozy bedroom with plush carpet showcasing the latest floor trends for 2025 by Decorilla
Cozy bedroom with plush carpet, by Decorilla

Carpet is back, but not as you remember it. Flooring trends in 2025 bring carpets with bold patterns, rich colors, and luxurious textures. Think deep, jewel-toned carpets with intricate geometric designs or plush, high-pile options that invite you to sink your toes in. Alongside these classic choices, colorful geometric patterns are gaining popularity, adding a vibrant, artistic touch to any room where coziness is key.

Plush carpets in whimsical living rooms embody popular flooring 2025 by Decorilla
Statement carpets in whimsical living rooms by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Use carpets in areas where you want to add warmth and emphasize comfort. Choose a color or pattern that complements your existing decor but adds a new layer of interest.

6. Floor Accents: Vintage and Modern Patterns

Bold floor accents define a bathroom by Decorilla

Floor accents are making a significant impact in 2025 flooring trends, with a revival of vintage decorative patterns alongside their modern counterparts. Think intricate tiles with modern geometric motifs or floral imprints placed at the center of an entryway. The goal is to create a bold focal point that draws the eye. Creative floor accents can also be used to demarcate different zones within an open floor plan, adding both style and function.

A floral floor centerpiece in an entryway, 2025 wood floor trends by Decorilla
Floral floor centerpiece in an entryway by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Integrate such statement designs sparingly to avoid overwhelming the space. Position them where they’ll have the most impact, such as in hallways or around central living areas, to guide the room’s flow.

7. Wood-Mimicking Tiles: The Best of Both Worlds

A contemporary kitchen with seamless wood floor tiles, by Decorilla
Contemporary kitchen with seamless wood floor tiles, by Decorilla

Wood-mimicking tiles are a practical yet stylish alternative to traditional hardwood floors. They bring the best of both worlds, combining the warm, natural look of wood with ceramic tiles’ durability and ease of maintenance. Technological advances have made these tiles nearly indistinguishable from genuine timber, with textures and grain patterns that mimic oak, walnut, and even more exotic species.

Sustainable flooring tiles in a bathroom exude 2025 flooring trends by Decorilla
Sustainable flooring tiles in a bathroom by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Consider using them in areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms or kitchens, where natural wood would be less practical.

8. High-Tech Flooring: Smart and Functional

A luxurious living room with current floor trends for a sophisticated look by Decorilla
Luxurious living room by Decorilla

Technology is revolutionizing flooring in 2025, with smart floors that offer more than just a surface to walk on. From temperature-regulating materials to floors with built-in sensors that track movement and energy use, the future of flooring is as functional as it is stylish. This trend is perfect for those looking to integrate their floors into a broader smart home ecosystem.

2025 flooring trends in a kitchen by Decorilla
Concrete smart flooring in a kitchen by Decorilla

How to pull this off: Consider innovative flooring options for high-traffic areas where functionality is key, such as the kitchen or hallway. 

Flooring Trends 2025 FAQs

An open-plan living room unified by subtle, trendy floors by Decorilla designer, Candis G.
Open-plan living room by Decorilla designer, Candis G.

Q: What are the top 2025 flooring trends? 

A: The top flooring trends 2025 include textured finishes, bold accents, and smart designs. Other trends also revive vintage and modern designs while sustainable and eco-friendly solutions remain at the forefront. 

Q: How do I choose the right flooring for my home?

A: Consider the room’s function, your lifestyle, and your design preferences. For high-traffic areas, durable materials are ideal. Similarly, carpets or floors with textured finishes work well for bedrooms and living rooms.

Q: Can I mix different flooring materials in one space? 

A: Yes, mixing materials is a major 2025 flooring trend. Combining wood and tile, for instance, can add visual interest and help delineate different zones within an open floor plan. Just ensure your choices complement each other in color and texture.

Ready to transform your space with the latest floor trends of 2025? 

Our professional interior designers can help you choose the perfect flooring as well as create your dream interior. Book your Free Online Interior Design Consultation and step into the future of home design today!

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Perioperative Regional Anesthesia: Less Pain, Fewer Pills



The use of regional anesthesia reduces acute postoperative pain associated with noncardiac surgery. It also decreases the incidence of prolonged opioid use and chronic postoperative pain at 3 and 6 months after surgery.


  • Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 randomized controlled trials involving 4948 adults (age, ≥ 18 years) undergoing elective noncardiac surgeries.
  • Data were extracted from the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and CINAHL databases from inception to April 2022.
  • Patients included in the analysis received regional anesthesia or control (eg, a placebo or sham procedure) during the perioperative period.
  • The primary outcomes were prolonged use of opioids (continued use of opioids at least 2 months after surgery) and chronic postsurgical pain (pain lasting at least 3 months after surgery).
  • The secondary outcomes were postoperative analgesic consumption at 24, 48, and 72 hours; need for additional analgesia in the postanesthesia care unit; pain scores at rest at 0-4, 4-12, 24, 48, and 72 hours postoperatively; and all reported adverse events.


  • Perioperative regional anesthesia significantly reduced persistent opioid use (relative risk [RR], 0.48; P = .04) in a meta-analysis of five trials.
  • Regional anesthesia led to a significant reduction in the rates of chronic postsurgical pain at 3 months (RR, 0.74; P = .01) and 6 months (RR, 0.72; P < .001).
  • Regional anesthesia also reduced the consumption of opioids at 24 hours (P < .001) and 48 hours (P = .01) after surgery.
  • Regional anesthesia also improved acute postoperative pain scores at 0-4 hours (P < .001) and 4-12 hours (P < .001). Three studies showed an increase in hypotension with neuraxial regional anesthesia (= .01).


“Our investigation into prolonged opioid use emphasizes the potential role of regional anesthesia to mitigate this important societal outcome and underlines the need for large randomized controlled trials as this remains a clinically significant issue,” the authors of the study wrote.


This study was led by Connor G. Pepper, MD, of the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. It was published online on September 4, 2024, in Anesthesia & Analgesia.


The study included a limited number of trials that evaluated prolonged use of opioids, which reduced the certainty of the estimates. Significant heterogeneity was noted in outcomes such as postoperative pain scores and the consumption of analgesics. The authors acknowledged that the definition of “prolonged opioid use” was different from the 2019 Joint Consensus Statement on Persistent Postoperative Opioid Use. 


The study did not receive any specific funding. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.